20 Worst HOA Rules You’ve Ever Heard Of

Homeowners’ Associations (HOAs) are meant to maintain order and aesthetics in neighborhoods, but sometimes their rules can be downright absurd. From bizarre restrictions to over-the-top fines, these regulations can make you question the sanity of those who enforce them. Here are 20 of the worst HOA rules that will make you think twice before moving into an HOA-governed community.

No Blue Trampolines

Photo Credit: Irina Wilhauk/Shutterstock

In some neighborhoods, even the color of your trampoline cover is regulated. One HOA insists that trampoline covers must be green or black, supposedly to prevent wildlife from mistaking them for water. While the intention might be to protect animals, the rule seems overly specific and a bit ridiculous.

Trash Cans Out Only After Midnight

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Imagine having to set an alarm just to take out the trash. There are HOAs that mandate that trash cans can only be placed on the curb after midnight on trash day. Putting them out even a minute earlier can result in a fine. This rule is not only inconvenient but also seems designed to catch residents off guard.

No Towel Sharing at the Pool

Photo Credit: OlegRi/Shutterstock

In a bid to maintain hygiene, an HOA has banned towel sharing at the community pool. Anyone caught without their own towel faces a $25 fine, according to KRJ Cares. While hygiene is important, this rule seems to take things a bit too far, especially for families with young children who might forget their towels.

Pet Weight Restrictions

Photo Credit: Irina Bg/Shutterstock

Some HOAs have strict rules about the size of pets allowed. Some communities only permit dogs that weigh under 35 pounds. This rule can be heartbreaking for pet owners, who might have to give up their beloved pets or be denied housing altogether.

No Early Holiday Decorations

Photo Credit: Kvitka Fabian/Shutterstock

Getting into the holiday spirit early can cost you. One HOA fined a family for putting up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. The rule states that holiday decorations can only go up on Thanksgiving Day, making it difficult for those who like to plan ahead.

Matching Mailboxes Only

Photo Credit: Pamela Au/Shutterstock

Uniformity is key for some HOAs, which require all mailboxes to match. One community demanded that residents upgrade to $500 mailboxes to maintain a consistent look. This rule can be a financial burden, especially when cheaper, equally attractive options are available.

No Sidewalk Chalk

Photo Credit: Guillermo del Olmo/Shutterstock

In a neighborhood full of families, banning sidewalk chalk seems particularly harsh. One HOA fined residents for allowing their children to draw on the sidewalks, claiming it was unsightly. This rule stifles children’s creativity and seems unnecessarily strict.

No “For Sale” Signs

Photo Credit: Andy Dean Photography/Shutterstock

Trying to sell your home? Better not put up a “For Sale” sign. Some HOAs prohibit any signage on lawns, forcing residents to find creative ways to advertise their homes. This rule can make it difficult to attract potential buyers and seems counterproductive.

No Parking in Your Own Driveway

Photo Credit: Mbah Purwo/Shutterstock

One HOA has a rule that prohibits residents from parking in their own driveways. Instead, cars must be parked in the garage. This rule can be incredibly inconvenient, especially for families with multiple vehicles or those who use their garage for storage.

No Plants Without Approval

Photo Credit: NOPPHARAT88/Shutterstock

Even your gardening choices can be subject to HOA scrutiny. Wood Group Mortgage wrote that a  “homeowner stated that their HOA wanted them to get ‘architectural approval’ for two small potted plants they had placed at the front door.” This rule seems overly controlling and can deter residents from personalizing their homes.

No Flags Except the American Flag

Photo Credit: OksAks/Shutterstock

In an effort to avoid controversy, some HOAs only allow the American flag to be flown. This rule can be frustrating for residents who want to display other flags, such as those representing their heritage or supporting social causes.

No Smoking in Your Own Home

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Some HOAs have taken smoking bans to the extreme by prohibiting smoking inside residents’ own homes. While the intention might be to maintain property values and air quality, this rule infringes on personal freedoms and can be difficult to enforce.

No More Than Two Garage Sales Per Year

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If you love hosting garage sales, this rule will be a disappointment. “An HOA in Texas has two garage sales a year, and they’ve passed a dress code for certain neighborhood activities. So at garage sales, community gatherings, swim parties, etc., residents and guests have to be attired appropriately,” writes New England Condo. This rule seems overly restrictive and can be a hassle for those looking to declutter.

No Dirty Roofs

Photo Credit: RPW de Jong/Shutterstock

In a bizarre bid to maintain aesthetics, one HOA fined nearly every resident for having “dirty roofs.” The HOA president, who owned a power washing business, likely implemented this rule to drum up business. This rule is a clear conflict of interest and seems like an abuse of power.

No Overnight Guests Without a Fee

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Some HOAs charge residents a fee for having overnight guests. One community demands a $10 fee for each overnight guest, with an additional $5 if the guest uses a parking spot. This rule can make hosting friends and family an expensive affair.

No Inconsistent Shingles

Photo Credit: Bilanol/Shutterstock

After a tragic accident, one resident was fined for using roof shingles that didn’t match the rest of the neighborhood. The HOA demanded that he restart his repairs to ensure uniformity, showing a complete lack of compassion and understanding.

No Grandchildren in Retirement Communities

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

One HOA forced grandparents to remove their granddaughter from their home because the community was designated for residents 55 and older. This rule can be heart-wrenching for families who need to care for their grandchildren.

No Visible Trash Cans

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

In some neighborhoods, even the sight of a trash can can result in a fine. One HOA requires that trash cans be completely hidden from view, making it difficult for residents to comply without extensive landscaping or storage solutions. Matthew Nicholson even told the story of an HOA trash can fine, stating, “I checked the date of the infraction. Sure enough, it was trash day. They were upset at me about putting my trash out on trash day.”

No Early Morning Garage Door Openings

Photo Credit: Domagoj Kovacic/Shutterstock

One HOA limits how long residents can keep their garage doors open. In one community, garage doors must be closed within five minutes of opening. This rule can be particularly inconvenient for those who use their garage for activities or need to access it frequently.

No Unauthorized Landscaping

Photo Credit: Andrey tiyk/Shutterstock

Even your choice of landscaping can be regulated. One HOA fined a resident for having hedges they deemed “unauthorized landscaping.” This rule can stifle residents’ ability to personalize their outdoor spaces and seems overly controlling.

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