17 Useless Kitchen Items You Should Get Rid Of

Decluttering your kitchen can be practical and cathartic, making space and freeing your mind from useless clutter. While some kitchen gadgets and appliances enjoy regular use, other ‘one-hit wonders’ tend to linger in the back of drawers or cabinets, rarely (if ever) used. Here are 17 kitchen items you can throw out without worrying that you’ll regret it later on.

Single-Use Coffee Pod Machine

Photo Credit: Nataliia Zhekova/Shutterstock

These machines may be ultra-convenient but also ‘hog’ counter space and require costly, environmentally unfriendly single-use pods. Even if you can afford the financial cost, consider the environmental cost. Ditch the machine for a reusable coffee filter or a French press, which will also allow you to experiment with different coffee grounds and brewing methods.

Pasta Maker

Photo Credit: Arthur Bargan/Shutterstock

Fresh pasta sounds delicious, but how often do you realistically make it from scratch? Unless you’re a dedicated pasta enthusiast who makes pasta several times a week, this gadget isn’t worth the space it takes up. The Fresh Loaf also states that pasta makers are notoriously time-consuming and tricky to clean, with several removable parts that easily get clogged with dough.


Photo Credit: Olga Miltsova/Shutterstock

This novelty gadget turns vegetables into long, noodle-like spirals, perfect for creating low-carb dishes with vegetables instead of pasta. Unfortunately, this culinary fad has faded, and many people find spiralized veggies challenging to cook evenly, especially if they’re thick. It’s also very tricky to cook them for the correct amount of time; they either end up too hard or too mushy.

Avocado Slicer

Photo Credit: Charlotte Lake/Shutterstock

How many avocados do you need to eat to necessitate a specific gadget for cutting them? There’s no denying that these green fruits are incredibly nutritious and delicious, but they’re also super soft and easy to cut. A simple knife can do the job in seconds, making a dedicated slicer seem kind of silly and obsolete. Chuck it out and make space for something more useful!

Rice Cooker

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Unless you cook rice almost every day, a dedicated rice cooker might not be worth the counter space it takes up. Rice can quickly and easily be cooked on the stovetop using the absorption method. Simply measure out the rice and water according to a ratio (typically 1 cup rice to 1 1/2 cups water), bring it to a boil, reduce heat, cover, and simmer until the rice is cooked through.

Garlic Press

Photo Credit: Olesya sh/Shutterstock

According to Epicurious, the fastest way to mince garlic is using a mini grater, and the second fastest way is to finely dice it with a good chef’s knife. Garlic presses are messy and hard to clean and often result in garlic pieces that are unevenly sized, meaning that some small slithers burn quickly and create an unpleasant taste when cooked in hot oil.

Apple Corer

Photo Credit: Claudio Caridi/Shutterstock

Few recipes call for perfectly cored apples, and, anyway, the most time-consuming aspect of preparing an apple for baking or juicing is removing the skin. A well-sharpened paring knife has a multitude of uses and can core an apple in no time, with very little skill required! A dedicated corer is a ‘one-trick pony’ that mostly just spends its time taking up valuable drawer space.

Mandoline Slicer

Photo Credit: Pressmaster/Shutterstock

Unless you’re a professional chef or have an obsession with uniformity, a mandoline slicer isn’t necessary for cooking. Although it finely and evenly slices fruits and vegetables like apples and cucumbers, it requires some skill to use safely. The sharp blade can easily nick your fingers, especially when down to the final pieces. Practice julienning vegetables with a sharp knife instead.

Bread Maker

Photo Credit: Africa Studio/Shutterstock

Who doesn’t love freshly baked bread!? Although it is delicious and smells divine, the reality is that the majority of people stop using these bulky appliances once the novelty of baking bread has worn off. They take up a lot of counter space and can be tricky to clean, too. Unless you use it regularly, consider no-knead recipes or try making simple breads like focaccia.

Pancake Molds

Photo Credit: Anna Zefirova/Shutterstock

In theory, these molds seem like a wonderful idea, but the reality rarely lives up to the hype. The batter tends to spread unevenly, resulting in uneven cooking, while the raising agents in pancake mix can cause bloated, distorted shapes that don’t match the advertising images! Consumer Reports also warns that silicone molds can contain dangerous carcinogens.

Melon Baller

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Like other single-use gadgets (avocado slicer, we’re looking at you), a melon baller is only helpful for a specific task. Not only are melons seasonal, but they’re also easy and delicious to eat in any shape or even directly from the slice! If you really need balls of fruit, a spoon or ice cream scoop can easily do the job, making the melon baller redundant.

Burger Press

Photo Credit: stockcreations/Shutterstock

Burger presses are touted as essential for creating perfect, uniformly shaped hamburger patties, but they aren’t as essential as they sound. Many chefs recommend using your hands to mold patties and warn that presses can overcompress the meat, making the resultant burgers too dense. They’re also tough to clean, and some aren’t even dishwasher safe.

Spice Rack

Photo Credit: Hazal Ak/Shutterstock

Ground spices lose their flavor and strength when stored for long periods, especially if they’re kept at high temperatures or in direct sunlight. Spice racks take up valuable counter space and often contain spices you don’t need. Instead, purchase the exact spices and dried herbs you use regularly—opt for high-quality brands and keep them in a cool, dark space in their original container.

Dip Platter

Photo Credit: jesmo5/Shutterstock

If you throw a lot of parties or regularly make crudites for the family, this platter might be worth keeping, but most people don’t need a heavy, oversized plate with only a single purpose. It can also encourage unhealthy snacking if you end up using it for chips and dip, as the portion sizes will be far too large for one person! Use regular small bowls and side plates instead.

Built-In Pasta Strainer

Photo Credit: nerudol/Shutterstock

These specially designed pasta pots have a lid that slides open to reveal a sieve for draining the water from pasta or other boiled foods after cooking. This might seem smart, but it often doesn’t function well. The small holes easily become clogged with rice, pasta fragments, and quinoa, and the hot water often warps the plastic over time.


Photo Credit: Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock

Many people buy juicers with good intentions—they envision waking up every morning and making themselves a healthy, vitamin-rich juice of fresh fruit and veggies. Unfortunately, the reality is quite different. United Healthcare lists the drawbacks; juice isn’t as nutritious as whole fruit and contains a lot of calories as ‘sneaky’ sugars. Plus, juicers are bulky and tough to clean.

High-Powered Blenders

Photo Credit: Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock

High-powered blenders, like Vitamixes, are popular for making smoothies, nut butter, and even hot soup. However, their high price tag and bulky size make them impractical for anyone with a small kitchen or on a tight budget. Unless you use it religiously, stick to your regular blender—it can handle almost any task and is far smaller and more versatile.

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