17 Unsolved Questions in the Bible That Scholars Still Talk About Today

The Bible’s stories leave room for multiple interpretations—and sometimes, no interpretation at all. Due to this, there are many questions people have about its spiritual teachings and Christian theology in general. We have compiled 17 of these questions for you.

Who Wrote the Book of Hebrews?

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The author of the Book of Hebrews remains anonymous despite multiple expert studies and textual analysis. Some attribute it to Paul, but the style of writing in it significantly differs from Paul’s letters. And progressing from this, many suggest it be Barnabas, and to others, it’s Apollos.

Where Is the Garden of Eden Located?

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With Genesis’s mention of “four rivers,” experts, like the ICR, say the most plausible location of the Garden of Eden remains Tigris-Euphrates, in southern Mesopotamia. However, geological changes have made pinpointing the location virtually impossible. Many people have now been left to only believe it to be a symbolic, lost paradise.

What Is the Meaning of the “Nephilim” in Genesis 6?

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The Nephilims are introduced in Genesis 6:4 through an event where “sons of God went to the daughters of humans,” and it isn’t clear what their identities truly are. Many are confused about whether they’re giants, fallen angels, or holy humans corrupted by power.

What Is the “Thorn in the Flesh” Mentioned by Paul?

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Like Crossway shares, Paul laments about a “thorn in the flesh” in 2 Corinthians 12 that afflicted him after a heavenly experience. And scholars, in differing judgments, claim that this thorn is either a physical ailment, a person, or a spiritual challenge. The ambiguity of defining this thorn has led to theological discussions about human suffering and grace.

What does “Selah” mean in the Psalms?

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Used multiple times by David in the Book of Psalms, the meaning of the word “Selah” isn’t particularly clear. Some say that it’s a musical mark. And one theory from Christianity.com is that it’s used as a transition to show a change of speaker and tone or to call on readers to reflect on the meaning of a passage.

How Did Judas Die?

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While Matthew 27:3–10 records that Judas hanged himself, Acts 1:18 tells us that he fell headlong and burst his guts open. Scholars have problems reconciling these two accounts, and Judas’s death remains one of the most notable sources of contradictions in the New Testament.

What Happened to the Ark of the Covenant?

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The last biblical mention of the Ark of the Covenant says it was placed in Solomon’s Temple. But with subsequent histories of invasions and ravages, its status is now unclear to scholars. None of the legends about where it is have been verified, and there’s more plausible reason to believe that it has already been destroyed.

Why Are There Two Creation Accounts in Genesis?

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According to Northern Arizona University, Genesis contains two distinct accounts of creation. These accounts use different names for God, emphasize different physical and moral issues, and even have different orders of creation—interchanging the predecessors of plants and humans. It’s not clear whether these accounts are complementary or contradictory.

Was Paul Married?

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Paul’s writings widely suggest that he was single. However, being a Pharisee, he may also have been required to marry early on in life. This has caused many to question if he was ever married. People’s beliefs about his married life affect their interpretation of his teachings on marriage and celibacy.

What Are the “Waters Above the Heavens” Mentioned in Genesis?

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The phrase “waters above the heavens” has many confused about how to interpret it. Some people suggest, in cosmology, that there’s a literal celestial ocean above the skies, and others say it’s only a poetic description of the clouds. What everyone agrees with, however, is that it’s an ancient view of the universe that differs from modern scientific understanding.

Who Are the 144,000 in Revelation?

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The “144,000” are described in the Bible as being sealed from the 12 tribes of Israel, and the passages related to them play a crucial role in discussions about salvation. The problem, however, is that no one knows their identity. It’s so ambiguous that some have now considered the number to be a symbolic representation of perfection.

Why Is Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit an “Unpardonable Sin”?

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The synoptic gospels of Mark 3:28–29, Matthew 12:31–32, and Luke 12:10 say that Jesus makes mention of the eternal, unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which has led to many theological debates. It’s a concept that questions the understanding of forgiveness and divine justice in Christian beliefs.

Is There a Historical Basis for the Exodus?

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There’s only a limited amount of archeological and historical evidence about the mass migration of Israelis out of Egypt described in Exodus. Difficulties exist about how to reconcile known history with stories in the Bible, and arguments that arise from this have had a negative impact on the reliability of biblical historical narratives.

Who was Melchizedek?

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Melchizedek appears briefly in Genesis 14:18–20 as the King of Salem and a priest who blessed the union of Abram and El Elyon. However, he’s also referenced in Psalms and Hebrews, making his role and significance a major subject of speculation in Christian theology.

Who Is the “Queen of Heaven” in Jeremiah?

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The Book of Jeremiah condemns the worship of the “queen of heaven”—an action that caused God to declare that He’d remove His people from the land. But who is she in the first place? While some link her to an ancient Near Eastern goddess, her identity remains largely unknown and debated.

What Was Paul’s “Mystery of Christ” in Ephesians?

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Paul mentions a mystery made known to him by Jesus, the nature of which revolves around God’s plan to include the Gentiles as heirs to His kingdom. Sadly, even though it’s key to further understanding early Christian theology, there’s still confusion for many as to why it’s called a “mystery” in the first place.

Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?

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In Matthew 21:18–19, Jesus curses a fig tree not to ever bear fruit again, and immediately, the tree withers down. The reason for this uncharacteristic action by the Messiah puzzles many people today. Some see it as a symbolic reflection of Israel’s future spiritual unfruitfulness, while others say it’s a miracle that shows us the moral importance of readiness.

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Photo Credit: Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock

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