17 Traits Exceptionally Intelligent People Have in Common

Intelligence is a complicated concept encompassing several skills and abilities that go far beyond simply having a high IQ or being academic and ‘book smart.’ True intelligence involves a level of understanding that many of us can only dream of and often comes with certain telltale personality traits. Here are 17 attributes commonly shared by exceptionally smart people.

Neverending Curiosity

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Like children, intelligent individuals constantly ask questions and want to know more about everything. They’re driven by an innate desire to understand the world around them, continually seeking answers to questions and considering new ideas. This curiosity makes them excellent lifelong learners, and they’re great at soaking up and understanding new information.


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Even the most intelligent people sometimes struggle or fail to grasp certain concepts, yet they are often so goal-driven and determined that they keep trying until they succeed. StrengthScope says intelligent people are more likely to understand their own failures, make sense of the issue, and be motivated to try again, thus making them less discouraged by setbacks.

Adept Critical Thinkers

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Those with inferior intellects tend to believe what they’re told and be more susceptible to myths and manipulation because they lack the ability to think for themselves. Smart people, on the other hand, are excellent at analyzing new information and coming to their own independent conclusions. This makes them excellent critical thinkers who are challenging people to fool.


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We don’t always think of intelligent people as creative, yet their ability to think about things from a unique perspective and generate ideas can make them fantastic writers, painters, sculptors, and crafters. They’re often quick to challenge pre-set ideas and come up with new and unique ways of expressing themselves, and they tend to be excellent at creating unconventional inventions or works of art.

Always Learning

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If you have a brilliant friend, you may often find them reading a book on an advanced subject, trying a new skill, or learning to use the latest technology. This is because they’re always curious, even into old age, and require constant mental stimulation to feel content and sufficiently challenged. At least you always know what to buy them—a book, a gadget, or a learning course!

Effective Communicators

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Some super-smart people operate on such a high cognitive level that they struggle to ‘dumb things down’ for the average layperson, but most intelligent people with social skills are adept at explaining ideas and expressing themselves verbally. They often think before they speak and make excellent debaters, relaying their thoughts clearly, concisely, and compellingly.


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Brilliant people have minds that are always open to new ideas and perspectives, even those that go against their own understanding. They tend to be curious about people with different lifestyles and beliefs and are willing to consider various viewpoints. This makes them adaptable and able to learn from others without getting bogged down by personal differences.

Unfazed by Complexity

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The world is complicated, especially if you want to truly understand it, so curious people must be able to grasp complex mechanisms and convoluted ideas. Inc.com states that this is particularly important for high emotional intelligence, which requires accepting various forms of yourself and others and the rejection of more ‘black and white’ perspectives.

Strong Problem-Solving Skills

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Exceptional intelligence is often characterized by a robust ability to solve problems. These individuals can analyze situations, identify core issues, and develop practical solutions. They are adept at thinking strategically, considering multiple approaches, and adapting their plans as needed. Their problem-solving skills allow them to overcome challenges, navigate complex situations, and achieve their goals.


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The dumb, boastful ‘jock’ stereotype is unfair, but there is some truth in the connection between bragging and low intelligence. Those on the opposite end of the IQ scale tend to be very aware of their own inadequacies and honest about the gaps in their knowledge, giving them a sense of humility and a tendency to avoid the pitfall of arrogance (although not always!)

Emotional Intelligence

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Intelligence extends beyond academic or learning prowess and includes the ability to effectively understand, regulate, and respond to emotions in both oneself and others. Smart individuals are often good at this, allowing them to control their own negative feelings, recognize the emotions of others, react appropriately, and offer support when necessary.

Strong Work Ethic

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With perseverance and a strong desire to succeed comes an exceptionally potent work ethic. Those with big, capable brains tend to be more than willing to go the extra mile in pursuit of knowledge, professional success, or personal accomplishment. They often have a lot of self-discipline and may become so dedicated to a project that they could be called obsessive!


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Cambridge University boldly claims that problem-solving is the essence of intelligence, making smart people exceptionally good at finding alternative solutions or navigating problems that other people cannot answer. They can often adapt to new situations, learn novel skills, modify their approach, and come up with their own working solutions, as required.

Strong Sense of Humor

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Intelligence is not all seriousness. Many exceptionally intelligent people possess a strong sense of humor. They can appreciate wit, find humor in everyday situations, and even use humor to communicate complex ideas in an engaging way. Their humor can lighten the mood, foster creativity, and build rapport with others.

Keen Observation Skills

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Smart people are observant and pay close attention to their surroundings, so they frequently notice details that others miss. They can use these observations to gain insights and make informed decisions, giving them an advantage in many situations. They may be good at reading body language, social cues, and tonal changes, or even have superior detective skills!


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Geekiness is sometimes seen as a negative trait, but being enthusiastic about a topic or learning in general is a clear sign of intelligence. This passion gives bright individuals the motivation and focus to pursue their interests and make impressive achievements, helping to turn them into the world’s greatest scientists, inventors, and motivators for social change.


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Not all aspects of high intelligence are positive. According to Medical News Today, “Having a higher IQ could predispose a person to upregulated central nervous system functioning that favors inflammation, stress, and consequently, depression.” They are more likely to be cynical, lose faith in humanity or politics, and frequently struggle to see life’s ‘brighter side.’

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