18 Things Women Over 40 Never Worry About Anymore 

Turning 40 is a huge milestone, and there’s lots to celebrate when you reach it. One thing you can be thankful for is that you’ll soon stop worrying about things that were bothersome in your younger years. Here are 18 things women over 40 never worry about anymore.

Fitting into a Certain Size

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Turning 40 means you start to learn that your clothing size isn’t important. What is important is feeling comfortable with your size and who you are as a person. Body positivity is more important than ever, especially with sizes being completely different depending on what store you’re in.

Negative Opinions

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When someone says something bad about you, it can make you doubt yourself, so blocking out criticism can be the best thing for you to do. By the time you reach 40, you’re old enough to know who you are as a person, and you don’t care what anyone else thinks.


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Striving for perfection is unrealistic and one of the least beneficial things you can do. No one is perfect in this world and embracing your own imperfections is part of life’s journey. Aiming for perfection isn’t what’s important; you know that personal growth is what you should aim for.

Trying to Change People

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PsychCentral writes, “Not everyone wants to change (or not in the way you think they should) and that’s their prerogative. Despite your desire to help, you can’t make people change and you can’t fix their problems.” Instead, it’s best to focus on yourself and your own personal growth.

Always Being Right

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You soon realize that you don’t always need to be right. It can be tiring to always try to prove yourself, and instead, it’s more beneficial to be accountable or take on any constructive feedback to help you grow. It’s okay to be wrong sometimes, as long as you know it’s an opportunity to learn.

People’s Expectations

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People’s expectations aren’t what’s important in life. When you turn 40, you soon realize that you need to focus on your own dreams and stop being such a people pleaser. You may not feel ready to settle down or want to go traveling and that’s okay. It’s all about what you want from your life.

Chasing After People

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Social Self writes, “Relationships provide people with a sense of belonging, but when affection is one-sided, the person who cares is left feeling rejected.” There is so much more value in a relationship where feelings are equal. You now prefer the feeling of joy that comes with healthy relationships and won’t settle for anything less.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

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When we were younger, we always felt like we had to go to every social event; otherwise, we’d be missing out. This feeling became even stronger when we saw everyone having fun on social media. Turning 40 means we become less bothered about this; you’d rather save your energy for the events that matter and then recharge at home.

Excessive Dieting

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There are many fad diets out there, and the chances are many were tried out during your younger years. Becoming older opens your eyes to those fad diets and you realize that what’s most important is having a balanced diet. If you want a chocolate bar, then you won’t feel guilty about eating it.

Impressing Everyone

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Becoming older means you can stop trying to impress everyone. You realize how much of a burden it was, and sometimes it even stops you from being yourself. You want to be your most authentic self and you can’t do this while always trying to make a good impression.

Social Media Trends

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Social media was an important part of your younger years. It would have just started growing while you were in your 20s and that meant there were many trends you tried to keep up with, whether they were hashtags or selfies. Nowadays, while you may still be present on social media, it seems less of a commitment.

Having a Spotless House 24/7

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This is an impossibly high standard to live up to. With busy lives, kids, and jobs, it can be hard to always have a clean house, and as you turn 40, you learn to accept this. Now you’ll ensure the house is spotless when you have visitors and prefer the feeling of coming back to a homely environment anyway.

Latest Fashion Trends

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Becoming older means realizing that fashion trends aren’t as important as they once were. You may take a step back from fast fashion, preferring the choice of high quality, timeless pieces that will add value to your wardrobe. You prefer shopping for clothes that will complement you and can last a lifetime.

Being the Perfect Hostess

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In your earlier years, you may have always wanted to be the perfect hostess when holding events at your house. Now, you prefer making people feel welcome through casualness. Instead of formal dinner parties, you might opt for snack foods and a good chat over a bottle of wine.


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You find that you now have less interest in gossiping. You don’t care about what other people have been up to and have no desire to spread it. Not only this, but you can’t trust anyone else who gossips because there’s a high chance they’ll also gossip about you.

Halter Tops

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Halter tops, crop tops, and other youthful clothes that you used to adore no longer appeal to you. You prefer age-appropriate clothes that you’re going to feel comfortable in. Longer tops are also smarter and help to give you a chic style that can’t be achieved with halter tops.

Staying in Toxic Relationships

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Toxic relationships can be very hurtful, as they can affect both your mental health and your self-esteem. You may have experienced a few toxic relationships over the past 40 years, which is why you can now spot them instantly and then say goodbye to them.

Ignoring Symptoms

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Your health becomes much more important in your 40s, and this means you stop ignoring any symptoms. If anything feels out of the ordinary, you’ll make sure to have it checked out. You always make sure you attend regular checkups for your teeth and eyes, as these are important aspects of your health.

Up Next: 17 Behaviors That Make People Think Less of You

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

If you want to be accepted by those around you, you have to behave in certain ways. Obviously, you should still be yourself, but there are certain social ‘rules’ people should abide by, like avoiding these 17 behaviors that make people think less of you.


20 Signs Someone Is Only Pretending to Care

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Whether it’s to avoid hurting your feelings or if it’s part of a more elaborate plan to deceive you for benefits, people pretend for many reasons. The main theme with them, though, is that their actions never match the sugar-coated words that come out of their mouths. So that you don’t fall for someone like this, we’ve compiled 20 signs for you to look out for.


18 Items at Walmart that Aren’t Worth Your Hard-Earned Money

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For many of us, Walmart is the go-to superstore. Whether we need groceries, clothing, or technology, Walmart is a one-stop shop for everything you would need. However, there are some Walmart products you should avoid at all costs, such as the following 18 examples.