17 Things The Bible Teaches Us About Temptation

Temptation can be devious, but it’s an inevitable part of life, so the Bible teaches us many things that can help guide us when temptation becomes too much. To celebrate that, let’s take a look at 17 things the Bible teaches us about temptation.

Understanding the Nature of Temptation

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First things first, Bible.org teaches us what temptation actually is and how it manifests itself in us, as well as the Bible. It shows us that the concept of temptation is not sinful in itself, but yielding to it is, so you must stay in control to avoid succumbing to temptation.

Jesus Resisted Temptation

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Who better to learn from about the art of resisting temptation than Jesus himself? He managed to resist temptation in the bible countless times and aimed to lead by example, so if you ever feel like you’re about to be tempted by something, think about what he would do!

Satan’s Tactics in Temptation

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Satan is the master of temptation and uses a variety of tactics to seduce people into it. He lies and deceives, as seen in the Bible’s account of Adam and Eve, and pushes the weak-willed among us over the edge of doubt into disobedience despite appearing good!

Prayer as a Defense Against Temptation

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The Bible teaches us that prayer is the ultimate way to defend yourself against temptation. It plays a crucial role, and we can see this in the Lord’s Prayer itself. Regular prayer strengthens people’s spiritual resolve and is, therefore, a key element in spiritual welfare.

The Power of Scriptural Knowledge

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Jesus used Scripture in the Bible to counter temptations, and he tells us that we can do the same. That’s why it’s good for people to memorize and meditate on Scripture so that they can preemptively combat any temptation that comes into their lives.

The Role of Community in Resisting Temptation

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Bible Study Tools helpfully points out that fellowship and community can aid us in our fight against temptation. Talking to others within communities is a key way to release temptation in a healthy, safe, and spiritual way. Community is never a bad thing!

Flee from Temptation

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Another tactic the Bible teaches for handling the urges of temptation is to simply remove yourself from the situation. In a bar and tempted by booze? Just leave! The “Joseph strategy” is a success story of fleeing from sin, and its lessons should be heeded.

God Limits Temptation

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In addition to God’s love, it’s important to remember that the Bible states that God simply will not allow his believers to be tempted beyond what they can handle. He provides escape routes through these tempting situations at all times and comforts and strengthens his believers, helping them to resist.

Resisting Through Fasting and Self-Denial

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Interestingly, the Bible recommends that its followers resist temptation through fasting and self-denial. Training oneself to resist temptation is one of the most effective means of dealing with it when it comes up in life, as it allows the physical to empower the spiritual, which is the ultimate combination.

Maintain Vigilance

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The Bible teaches us that staying vigilant for the signs of temptation is one of the most important preventive measures against temptation. If you can spot a tempting situation before you find yourself in it, you’ll have more time and willpower to deal with it.

Harnessing the Holy Spirit’s Power

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Christianity.com discusses how a pure belief in God’s power will empower us to resist any temptation that arises in life. This is a perfect example of harnessing the Holy Spirit’s power, something the Bible teaches us to do on a daily basis.

Overcoming through Obedience

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Read the Bible, and you’ll find countless examples of a direct correlation between obedience to God’s commands and one’s personal strength to overcome temptation. If you believe that you’ve stayed true to God, then you’ll be better equipped to believe in your own power when tempting situations arise in your life.

The Importance of Confession

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Confessing your sins will give you a blank canvas to work on your handling of temptations, as is advised in the Bible. However, the Gospel Coalition points out that it’s dangerous to confess your sins only to God and not to other people, so it’s best to maintain complete transparency.

The Consequences of Yielding to Temptation

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Many Bible stories show the consequences of yielding to temptations, so keep them in mind! Not only does temptation have negative effects on your health and your personal life in the short term, but in the long term, it will be problematic for your spirit and for your relationship with others and God.

Guarding the Heart Against Temptation

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It’s important to consider the biblical principle of guarding one’s heart and how essential it is in resisting temptation. Be sure to consider practical ways to protect your emotional and spiritual life from influences that lead to sin and set boundaries that align with the Bible.

Learning from Biblical Characters Who Overcame Temptation

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The World Mission Society Church of God shows us several biblical characters who successfully resisted temptation, and we can learn a lot from them! We can implement their qualities and strategies in our own lives, which is exactly what Jesus would have wanted.

Cultivating Godly Desires Over Earthly Temptations

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The bottom line is that there’s really no need to succumb to temptation when you have God’s love. Keep this in your heart by reading the Bible regularly and focusing on diminishing the power of temptation. If you ever feel like you can’t control your temptation, revise these stories; they’ll soon point you in the right direction!

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