19 Things the Bible Disapproves Of

The Bible, in a bid to provide us with moral and spiritual guidance, tells us what to avoid so that we may live well and inherit the kingdom of God. In this light, here are 19 sins and negative virtues it says you should flee far away from.


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The Bible has a direct command against committing adultery contained in Exodus 20:14, and there’s a clear reason for this. God has elevated the institution of marriage to a position of sacredness, and adultery only undermines the covenant and trust between husband and wife.

Taking Advantage of the Poor

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Proverbs 22:22–23, as we see in Bible.com’s GMT version, urges us not to take advantage of the poor, especially in court, and assures us that God will take up a fight against anyone who’s guilty. Oppressing the poor is equated with showing contempt towards God, while kindness and generosity are better for your honor.


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Again, Exodus (20:13) gives us a clear instruction from God that we shall not murder. Killing someone intentionally only violates the sanctity God has placed on human life, and the Bible goes further to prescribe terrible punishments (death by stoning and burning) for anyone guilty of it.


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Reading from BibleRef’s ESV Bible, Proverbs 12:22 says that people who lie are abominations to God, given that God himself is the representation of truth. Our words carry so much weight that Proverbs 18:21 states that the tongue brings both death and life, and lying is only an act that preempts unjust outcomes or negative consequences.


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Exodus 20:15 commands us not to steal. And for anyone who’s still guilty of this sin, Ephesians 4:28 advises that you stop, work hard, and earn something to give to the needy—as this is better for you. You conquer the forbidden desires of your heart when you fight the urge to steal.


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The very first commandment God gave to Moses was that his people shouldn’t have any other God but Him. The faith of a Christian hinges on the belief that Jehovah is the one true and only God, and by engaging in idolatry, you only put Him on the same status as images carved with the human hand or mind.


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Exodus 20:17 holds the command from God that we shall not covet our neighbor’s house, neighbors, servants, or any of his or her property. It’s a sin against God when you hold unhealthy jealousy over what your fellow human has, as you only show intense dissatisfaction with what God has given you.

Using God’s Name in Vain

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You use the name of God in vain when you falsely swear by God or promise to do something with God bearing your witness without any fulfillment on your part. And the Bible strongly frowns against this act in Exodus 20:7, seen on Biblia, where we are commanded to keep the name of the Lord revered and holy.

Dishonoring Parents

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Disrespecting your parents isn’t just a sign of moral bankruptcy; it’s also a sin in the eyes of God. The fifth commandment, contained in Exodus 20:12, implores us to honor our fathers and mothers so that our days may be long and well, and we do this through obedience.

Same-Sex Relationships

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The Bible also has something to say about one of the most pressing issues we have in society today. On one hand, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah sparks debate on whether same-sex relationships are generally forbidden. But Leviticus 18:22 clearly regards it as an abomination for men to lie with fellow men as they do with women.


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Luke 12:15 from the Bible Gateway’s NIV Bible tells us to be wary of all types of greed, whether it be related to wealth or power. And this is simply because greed is the root from which many other sins spring. It’s a desire to acquire more for yourself that’s so insatiable that it supersedes spiritual and moral integrity.


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Consuming alcohol until you’re drunk and eating more than you should are sins you should flee. We’re urged not to be gluttonous in how we consume food through Proverbs 23:20–21, and you should understand that gluttony is a special type of greed that has negative consequences for you and others around you.


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The Bible doesn’t address laziness as a sin but instead sees it as a negative trait that stops us from getting what our heart desires. Laziness is typically placed in contrast to diligence, as we see the Bible tell us to learn from the hardworking ants (Proverbs 6:6), while it informs us how the soul of the diligent is made rich (Proverbs 13:4).

Intense Anger

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God urges us through Ephesians 4:31–32 to set aside all bitterness, anger, and wrath and replace them with kindness and forgiveness. Anger, when uncontrolled (and even if it lasts for a split second), can lead to extremely destructive outcomes with consequences that remain long into the future.


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Proverbs 13:4 equates pride and perverse speech with the evils that God hates. Proverbs 16:18 tells us that pride comes before failure and destruction. God says arrogance or having an inflated sense of self-worth will not go unpunished, and humility is said to come with wisdom in both spiritual and worldly affairs.


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Galatians 5:20 gives witchcraft the same weight as the sins of idolatry, jealousy, wrath, envy, and murder, and it goes further to say anyone guilty of them shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Exodus 22:17 also urges us not to tolerate people who are involved in this practice.


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The Bible, through Matthew 19:9, also frowns on the practice of divorce, equating it to adultery. Divorce, like adultery, undermines the institution of marriage, and the only exception there is to this practice is that it should be done on the basis of sexual immorality.


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The Bible doesn’t just stop at calling slanderers fools in Proverbs 10:18. It goes further to promise divine destruction for anyone guilty of it in Psalm 101:5, and it also urges us to never associate with anyone who spreads lies about others, as these people are known to reveal secrets.

Bearing a False Witness

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In the simple words of Exodus 20:19, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” It’s similar to dishonesty and slander, and it serves as an injustice to the reputation of the victim. Understand that it’s more profitable for you to remain silent than to be dishonest about the people around you.

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