17 Things That Every Gun Owner Can Relate To

Owning a gun in America is common for people, but it comes with responsibilities. A gun isn’t for everyone, so it’s important to have a clear understanding before purchasing one. Here are 17 things that every gun owner can relate to.

The Joy of Hitting the Bullseye

Photo Credit: Chaleephoto/Shutterstock

Gun Skins reports, “Shooting at extremely long distances can be so rewarding when you hit the target, mainly because it’s so difficult to do so.” Many own guns because they enjoy shooting them as a hobby. Going down to the gun range can be an enjoyable experience but it can also be a place to get the right training and practice.

The Weight of Responsibility

Photo Credit: melvin abanto jr/Shutterstock

Every gun owner will tell you that there is a weight of responsibility that comes with owning a gun. After all, firearms can kill so it’s important to stay on top of safety measures. Education is important and it’s a gun owner’s responsibility to ensure anyone else in the household knows the dangers of their firearms.

Finding the Perfect Holster

Photo Credit: DiPres/Shutterstock

Finding the perfect holster can be as important as finding the perfect gun. If you’re going to carry your gun with you, then it’s important to get the right holster that balances comfort, accessibility, and safety. This can often be a trial and error process but it’s important to find the best suited one for you.

The Cost of Quality Gear

Photo Credit: PRESSLAB/Shutterstock

Owning a gun doesn’t come cheap, as many gun owners will confirm. It’s important to have the right quality gear that provides protection and comfort and this often comes at a higher cost. Things such as the maintenance of the firearm and ammunition are ongoing costs that mount up.

The Ritual of Cleaning and Maintenance

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

All gun owners will confirm that guns need regular cleaning and maintenance. It’s important to do this to ensure full functionality and prevent any accidents. Gun owners also love to keep their guns clean, as it provides great satisfaction, similar to those who are always cleaning their cars.

The Never-Ending Search for Ammo

Photo Credit: Nomad_Soul/Shutterstock

A key component of owning a gun is finding the right ammunition to use. If you’re frequently using your gun on the range, then it can become quite costly. Gun owners are constantly searching for good ammo at competitive prices, which often means they have to wait around for deliveries.

The Experience of the Range

Photo Credit: GoodFocused/Shutterstock

Going down the shooting range is an all-around enjoyable experience for gun owners. Not only does it give them the opportunity to enjoy their hobby and practice their skills, but it’s also a great social hub. It allows people to interact with others who share the same interests.

Training and Education

Photo Credit: guruXOX/Shutterstock

Many gun owners feel it’s important to constantly stay educated and updated with relevant training. Even the most experienced shooters still seek education through professionals, classes, and getting certifications. This can be constant with purchasing new firearms or using different ammunition for their gun.

Dry Fire Practice

Photo Credit: ANURAKE SINGTO-ON/Shutterstock

Dry fire practice is an important ritual that many gun owners follow. It provides a great opportunity for gun owners to improve their shooting technique without using ammunition. Dry fire practice can often take place in the comfort of your own home, as long as property safety measures have been considered.

Eye and Ear Protection

Photo Credit: Roman Chazov/Shutterstock

According to Hunter-Ed, “Shooting a firearm can cause immediate and permanent hearing loss and can damage your vision.” To prevent long-term hearing damage, it’s important to have proper hearing protection in place. For your eyes, it’s important to use protective gear that is comfortable and protects you from any debris.

Gun Laws and Regulations

Photo Credit: Marian Weyo/Shutterstock

It’s vital that every gun owner stay on top of gun laws and regulations. If you don’t stay on top of the relevant legal requirements, you can lose access to your firearm or even incur further consequences. With local, state, and federal gun laws, it’s important to remain educated on them all.

Gun Customization

Photo Credit: Sodel Vladyslav/Shutterstock

Guns can be many people’s pride and joy. It’s something they can’t leave the house without. This means that many gun owners customize their guns to make them more personal. This is usually done by adding different parts and extras, but they have to ensure they still comply with legal requirements.


Photo Credit: AndreyUG/Shutterstock

Many gun owners enjoy hunting as a hobby. This can often be a social event with other gun owners and can involve a lot of preparation. Hunting can be a skill taught from a young age, as it can be a family tradition for many.


Photo Credit: Makhh/Shutterstock

Owning a gun comes with serious consequences if used incorrectly, but also in self-defense situations as well. Many have to have a full understanding of both the physical and mental implications of using their gun. Many train for real-life situations while hoping they never have to put their skills into action.

The Bond with Fellow Gun Enthusiasts

Photo Credit: Roman Chazov/Shutterstock

Many gun owners will confirm that owning a gun brings many social benefits. It presents various opportunities for social interactions and building relationships over a shared interest. It often has a community feel to it, with many different gun clubs, forums, and events to attend.

Safe Storage

Photo Credit: Ivanko80/Shutterstock

Johns Hopkins reports, “When not in use, firearms should be stored locked and unloaded, and ammunition should be stored separately (preferably locked up).” Owning a gun comes with the key responsibility of having the correct and safe storage for both at home and on the go.

The Passion for Collecting

Photo Credit: Aris Group/Shutterstock

Owning a gun can become a new passion for many people. This passion can often mean purchasing new firearms. Collecting firearms has become a hobby for many gun owners as they seek to get their hands on rare historical firearms, which may have a lot of cultural significance.

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Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

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