18 Things Society Has Demonized That Should Be Considered Normal

Many people disagree with several things society has normalized, some of which are even demonized. Frustratingly, attaching a stigma to perfectly reasonable things makes people feel attacked when they publicly do them. Here are 18 things that society has unfairly demonized that should be considered normal.

Justifiably Complaining

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The viral Karen meme, which depicts an entitled woman complaining about customer service, is so widespread that many people are scared to complain, even if they’re justified. Though we should always speak respectfully, people shouldn’t be publicly demonized for complaining if they have received bad service.

Not Overworking

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American culture glorifies putting work before everything else, even our physical and mental health. BBC warns of the dangers of overworking, such as burnout, chronic stress, and social detachment. We shouldn’t be demonized for refusing to overwork. Luckily, more people now realize the importance of having a life outside of work.

Turning Down Alcohol

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Excessive drinking is considered a social norm, especially for young people. That’s why many are shocked when someone turns down alcohol, with some even pressuring them to drink. Nowadays, more people are choosing sobriety, and they shouldn’t be demonized for making a healthy choice. Life is just as fun without alcohol!

Not Getting Married

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Though most couples still marry, more are choosing to remain in long-term relationships without a marriage certificate. However, even in our current modern society, people who choose not to marry are pestered. Being contently unmarried is considered abnormal, with married couples receiving preferential cultural treatment.

Remaining Child-Free

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Similarly to marriage, having children has long been considered something we should all do. However, a survey by the Pew Research Center found that 44% of US adults aged 18-49 are unlikely to ever have children, with more people choosing to remain child-free than ever before. It’s a personal choice!

Talking About Mental Health

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It’s appalling that society still stigmatizes therapy and discourages people from discussing their mental health. Demonizing people for suffering mental health struggles stops them from seeking professional help, which could save their lives. Keep out of their business, and if they mention their journey, be supportive!

Getting Enough Rest

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Society is fast-paced these days and shows no signs of slowing down. However, this means many people are criticized for being ‘lazy’ if they take the time to get adequate rest. Sleeping in or taking naps helps keep your body well-rested, so people shouldn’t be demonized for prioritizing rest.

Men Showing Emotion

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Male suicide rates are widely discussed these days, but outrageously, society still mocks men who show emotion. Bottling up negative feelings doesn’t make them go away, but many men do it anyway to avoid being humiliated by society. As a result, male mental health has taken a nosedive.

Women Prioritizing Their Careers

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Modern women are in a better position than ever before, but they’re still often demonized for prioritizing their careers. Many expect women to want to give up their jobs after they have children and are scandalized when they continue working as men do. This outdated idea only divides society.

Disliking Animals

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If you tell someone you aren’t a huge animal lover, they’ll gawp at you in shock. Many people dislike animals because they’re scared of them or find them gross, yet society labels them abnormal. Cruelty to animals is entirely unacceptable, but it’s normal to be wary of animals or choose not to own any.

Not Going to College

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Getting a college degree can be an excellent career incentive, but it isn’t the pathway for everyone. Demonizing people for choosing to enter the workforce straight away instead of going to college is unfair. Many don’t want to work jobs that require a degree, nor do they want massive student debt.

Showing Your Age

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Older people, especially women, are expected to resist signs of physical aging as long as possible, but it should be normal to look your age. Gray hair, loose skin, and wrinkles are natural signs of aging, yet society is disgusted by them and normalizes dyeing your hair and getting plastic surgery.

Women Having Body Hair

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People don’t look twice at hairy men, but there’s a massive stigma attached to women’s body hair. Psychology Today criticizes society for its body-shaming culture that makes women feel insecure about having natural body hair. Not only is this a gendered double standard, but it’s cruel and continues to be perpetuated.

Fathers Caring For Children

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There are long histories of fathers refusing to do childcare, so why does society demonize dads who are actively involved? Men with daughters are particularly demonized for getting involved with stereotypically feminine hobbies, further promoting toxic masculinity. Children need active fathers, and men deserve to care for their children without being mocked.

Staying Off Social Media

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Social media is everywhere. It’s one of the main ways people keep in touch and learn about each other’s lives. However, many people stay off social media, often for their emotional well-being. When they share this information, most people find it strange, demonstrating how society has normalized living your life online.

Taking Time to Detox

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It should be normal to detox, whether that’s detoxing from alcohol, unhealthy food, social media, or work, but society has demonized it. Detoxing is a way to cleanse your body and mind, offering a break from the stress of a busy life. It’s bizarre that society would discourage people from looking after their health.

A Minimalistic Lifestyle

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Society often measures success or happiness by how many things we own, which is why people who choose minimalism are stepping outside the box. According to Modern Minimalism, adopting a minimalistic lifestyle means less stress, increased productivity, and more money, yet society still demonizes it for being ‘alternative.’

Making Mistakes

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Finally, always remember that failure is part of life and should motivate you to overcome obstacles and improve yourself. When society shames people for making mistakes, it discourages progress and makes people feel inadequate. Making mistakes is normal; nobody should be demonized for trying their best, especially if they fail.

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