19 Things People Think Are Forbidden in the Bible But Aren’t

There are many misconceptions in Christianity about what the Bible forbids and allows. It can all get very confusing, so we’re here to set the record straight and show you 19 things that people think are forbidden in the Bible but actually aren’t.

Eating Pork

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Many people believe that the Bible bans the eating of pork altogether, so they go about their lives without taking a single bite of it. The truth is that the Old Testament bans pork for ritual purity; however, this is not upheld in the New Testament.

Women Speaking in Church

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Misunderstandings about women speaking in the church actually stem from specific issues in Corinthians rather than a universal rule, as clarified by 9Marks. The actual passage discusses disorder, not just a blanket ban on conversation altogether. That makes things a lot more fair!

The Consumption of Alcohol

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The Bible warns against drunkenness, and over time, this has led people to believe that they’re not allowed to drink alcohol at all. That’s not the case, though! Jesus himself turned water into wine after all, so it’s clear that the Bible is telling us moderate use is acceptable.

Playing Cards

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There are a lot of concerns around gambling in the Christian world, and rightfully so, as the Bible does mention skepticism about it. However, card games are not explicitly banned, especially if you’re not even playing them for money. There’s no harm in playing the decks from time to time!

Wearing Makeup

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The Bible mentions makeup in contexts criticizing idolatry and vanity, not everyday use. It’s easy to see why people who’ve read the Bible might have misunderstood this and taken it as a blanket ban, but really, it’s down to personal preference.

Getting a Tattoo

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On the subject of changing your physical appearance, we can once again understand why one might have concluded that getting a tattoo would be banned by the Bible. However, no passage in the New Testament bans them outright, so we say go ahead!


Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

Dancing is frequently mentioned in the Bible as a form of joy and worship, yet many people still believe that it’s banned because it’s inappropriate. Why!? If you want to dance, there’s no reason to think that the Bible prohibits you from doing so.

Celebrating Birthdays

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Grace Communion International discusses the notion of celebrating birthdays as a sin. Many Christians consider birthdays to be pagan, but they conclude that this is false and that there’s nothing wrong with celebrating birthdays at all.

Practicing Yoga

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Yoga is a very peaceful practice that millions of Christians practice, but some believe that the Bible bans it because of its Hindu origins. That’s not the case, though, as there’s no mention of yoga in the Bible at all. In fact, we’d imagine Jesus would encourage it!

Reading Fiction

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The Bible encourages the truth, and many have taken this to mean an absolute ban on fiction. It makes sense to think that, but it’s actually a mistake, as the Bible actually encourages imagination and creativity. Just don’t spread misinformation!


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We all hear about the sacrilege of taking the Lord’s name in vain, and the Bible advises against this, of course. However, there’s a distinction between this and using vulgar language, which the Bible considers acceptable. Just don’t go overboard with it!

Celebrating Christmas

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The Bible doesn’t force people to celebrate Christmas, nor does it ban it. In fact, the date of Christmas and the customs around it were developed much later in Church history than when the Bible was finished. So, get that holiday decor out!

Working on Sundays

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Many stores and other businesses around the Christian world are closed or limited to hours on Sundays because they believe that the Bible banned working on Sundays. However, the Bible doesn’t actually enforce strict Sabbath observance; it simply encourages rest.

Women Wearing Pants

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The United Church of God discusses Deuteronomy’s prohibition on cross-dressing and concludes that this does not account for modern clothing styles. They claim that God does not want his scripture to be understood unreasonably and that women should dress to comfort.

Eating Shellfish

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What many people don’t know about the Bible is that Old Testament dietary laws banned shellfish, among other foods. However, the New Testament declares all food clean as long as it is enjoyed in moderation and not overindulged. Thank goodness for that; imagine life without tasty shellfish!

Using Modern Technology

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There’s no direct address to modern technology in the Bible, but people still avoid using it because they believe that it goes against the Christian way of life. Technology can actually be used responsibly to further connect and spread the Gospel, so just use common sense.

Going to the Movies

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Cinema wasn’t around when the Bible was being completed, so it’s not directly referenced. Nonetheless, people still avoid it for similar reasons to avoiding modern technology, including the potential for negative influence. There are actually a lot of good Christian movies, though, and as long as a film isn’t blasphemous, it’s fine.

Playing Sports

Photo Credit: bbernard/Shutterstock

Playing sports might be seen as neglecting one’s spiritual duties, but as long as players don’t forget about their faith while playing the games, there’s nothing wrong with kicking a ball or picking up a bat from time to time. Who knows, perhaps a pre-game prayer could help you win!

Earning Interest on Loans

Photo Credit: Dilok Klaisataporn/Shutterstock

Finally, the idea of profiting from loaning money to people might be morally ambiguous, but the Bible does not actually ban it. Many Christians consider it an important part of society to this day, and as The Guardian explains, they simply discourage avarice and usury. So, you can earn interest on a loan, but don’t get greedy!

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