19 Things People Don’t Want to Spend Money On That Can Drastically Improve Their Quality Of Life

Sometimes, self-care is expensive. There are many material ways to improve our daily lives, but cost barriers make things difficult. Many people are skeptical about the merit of such products and worry about wasting money. However, spending money on these 19 things can drastically improve your quality of life.


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We spend approximately one-third of our lives sleeping, so a good mattress is essential. However, mattresses typically cost hundreds of dollars, so lots of people don’t want to spend money on them. As a result, they sleep on old, subpar mattresses that offer no support or comfort for a good night’s sleep.


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The shoes you wear drastically impact your daily life. If they’re poor quality, you’ll suffer foot pain, bad posture, joint damage, and the risk of falling over. The New York Times reasons that you can actually spend less by spending more on shoes because though high-quality shoes cost more, they last longer.

Electric Toothbrush

Photo Credit: Damian Lugowski/Shutterstock

Looking after your teeth is vital for your health and self-esteem. Electric toothbrushes clean teeth more effectively, but they cost much more than manual ones. People think they save money by sticking to manual brushes, but they have to be replaced frequently and don’t benefit your dental hygiene like electric toothbrushes.

Light Bulbs

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Lighting is a small thing most of us overlook in our homes, but poor lighting can actually drag down your mood by robbing your brain of serotonin. Spending a bit more money on brighter LED bulbs makes your home much lighter, especially in the depressive winter months, and massively improves your emotional well-being.


Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

Like mattresses, chairs need to be comfortable and supportive to benefit us. An old, sagging chair won’t support your body, leading to back and knee pain, poor posture, and decreased productivity. People rarely replace old furniture because it costs money, but a good chair will do wonders for your health.


Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Some expensive skincare products are fads, but most are priced to reflect their quality. The ingredients are active and well-sourced, so they’re more effective in clearing up dryness, redness, and acne and keeping your skin in the best condition. Paying more to look after your skin is also amazing for your confidence.

Blackout Curtains

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Sleep is essential, but you need more than a comfortable bed to feel properly rested. The Conversation reports that darkness improves the quality and quantity of our sleep, allowing our bodies to rest and regulate. That’s why blackout curtains are a fantastic investment that many decline to buy but should.


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Like shoes, buying more expensive clothes is financially savvy because they last longer than cheaper clothes made with lower-quality materials that you’ll have to replace more often. More expensive materials are usually more comfortable, too, so they’ll be better for your skin and help you love your clothes.

Filtered Water Pitcher

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It’s recommended to drink at least six cups of water per day, but many people dislike the taste of tap water and become dehydrated as a result. A filtered water pitcher is the perfect solution because it reduces contaminants, improves the taste, and encourages you to drink more for your health.

Air Fryer

Photo Credit: Enjoy The Life/Shutterstock

Air fryers are one of the most popular cooking appliances at the moment. Some people question whether they’re worth the money, but they absolutely are. They improve the flavor and healthiness of food, making meals tastier and better for your health. Enjoying food is a little thing, but it makes life much more pleasant.


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Reading isn’t everyone’s favorite hobby, but it drastically improves your life in many ways. It broadens your vocabulary, improves your memory, and encourages imagination, yet few people keep books in their homes and regularly read them. Even casual reading is beneficial, so more people should buy books.

Noise Canceling Headphones

Photo Credit: Dejan Dundjerski/Shutterstock

Many people are sensitive to noise but decline to spend money on noise-canceling headphones. As a result, their sleep is disrupted, they become more nervous, and they regularly lose focus. If loud noises negatively impact your life, noise-canceling headphones are a slightly expensive but wise investment.


Photo Credit: Krichevtseva/Shutterstock

Lots of people think buying plants is a waste of money because they eventually die, but having them in your home drastically improves your quality of life. Time Magazine recommends plants because they’re soothing, increase your concentration, and boost overall life satisfaction. You’ll quickly notice the benefits of having plants, too.

Vacuum Cleaner

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Nobody enjoys chores, but they’re necessary for keeping our homes clean. A good vacuum cleaner makes a world of difference, so it’s worth spending more money on one that will effectively suck up dirt. A dirty, dusty living space is terrible for your emotional health, so a more expensive vacuum cleaner is worth every cent.

Shower Head

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Taking a shower is one of the best ways to get ready for the day ahead or freshen up at the end of it, but you need a strong shower head to fully appreciate the benefits. A shower head with more options helps you feel cleaner and more relaxed, so it’s worth exploring all possibilities.


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Like bad mattresses, too many people accept sleeping on bad pillows. As they age, pillows become thinner and stop supporting your head and neck as they should. New pillows don’t usually break the bank, but many still see them as a waste of money. Sometimes, new is better, especially when it improves your physical health.

Coffee Machine

Photo Credit: HallsJedsada/Shutterstock

We often hear that coffee machines are a waste of money when you could just go to Starbucks, but there are many benefits to making coffee at home. If you’re a coffee drinker, you’ll get your money’s worth out of a coffee machine and will likely enjoy your mornings much more.

Air Purifier

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Sometimes, cleanliness is about more than what you can see. That’s why an air purifier is an appliance you should consider spending money on. According to Good Housekeeping, they cleanse the air in your home, limit pollution, and purge unwanted odors. Breathing cleaner air is an easy way to improve your quality of life.

White Noise Machine

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White noise helps many people concentrate and relax, and it’s a misconception that white noise machines cost hundreds of dollars. You can spend less than a hundred dollars on a small but effective white noise machine to help soothe you and drastically improve the quality of your sleep, work, and daily life.

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