19 Things Older People Finally Realize Aren’t Worth Their Time

Older people tend to have more wisdom, thanks to their life experience. They realize certain things are no longer important, so they don’t bother wasting their time on them. Here are 19 things older people finally realize aren’t worth their time.

Caring What Other People Think

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When you’re younger, you may care too much about other people’s opinions. Older people, however, find it liberating to be authentic and stop seeking external approval from others. They also understand that others are too focused on their own lives to worry about anyone else’s.

Holding Grudges

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Verywell Mind reports, “Essentially, holding a grudge isn’t good for you. It ensnares you in anger and makes you prone to persistent rumination rather than moving forward with your life.” Older people understand that holding grudges doesn’t bring any benefit to your life. Through their own experiences, they’ve learned that it makes you hold on to negative feelings.

Keeping Up with Technology

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Many people can feel pressure to constantly keep up with the latest technology. Older generations don’t feel this pressure. They much prefer to use the technology that benefits them and learn at their own pace. Accepting that technology evolves too quickly for them to keep up reduces any stress.

Finding New Music

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Older generations don’t have an interest in listening and enjoying new music like younger generations do today. They get enough enjoyment out of listening to music that they know and love from the past. This brings them comfort and a feeling of nostalgia that is more rewarding than finding new music.

Wearing the Latest Fashion

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Other ages can feel the importance of keeping up with the latest fashion trends. With fashion constantly changing, older people much prefer to wear clothes that they enjoy rather than items that everyone else likes. This presents an opportunity for them to express their individuality.

Extreme Activities

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Older people tend to be mature enough to realize that extreme activities no longer serve them. They present too much of a risk of injury, which loses their appeal. They find that in old age, they get much more satisfaction from doing things that are relaxing and tranquil, like watching sunsets.

Toxic Relationships

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When you’re younger, you can be naive and lack experience in relationships, which can cause too many people to tolerate toxic relationships. Older people don’t waste their time on these relationships, as they don’t bring any benefits and they quickly cut ties with these kinds of people.


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Many people can search for perfection in various different ways. Older people don’t waste their time searching or trying to achieve perfection, as they know it’s unattainable. It becomes too stressful, and instead, they get satisfaction from accepting imperfections. They much prefer to focus on making progress rather than the end goal.

Drinking Alcohol

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Some older people don’t see the need to drink alcohol. Excessive drinking becomes less appealing as people get older, and their sensitivity to alcohol can increase. They much prefer to make health-conscious decisions in life, and reducing alcohol intake or completely cutting it out is a decision that many make.

Having Lots of Friends

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According to Psychology Today, our number of friends decreases as we get older due to factors such as losing contact, retirement, and death. Older people also value the importance of quality friendships over quantity. As we get older, we realize the importance of having true friends you can trust and have deeper, more meaningful connections with.

Body Shaming

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Many people can be critical of their bodies and the way they look, which can lead to low self-esteem. The older generation doesn’t tend to worry about this as much, as they accept that their bodies are aging. They much prefer to prioritize their health over the aesthetic look of their bodies.


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You often see people prioritize materialistic items over anything else. Not with older people; they understand that experiences and memories are much more important and bring a wider amount of enjoyment than anything materialistic. They find contentment in simplicity and minimalism, leading them to declutter and get rid of any materialistic things.

Career Progress

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As people get older and near retirement, their focus on career progression changes to personal fulfillment. Many people have already achieved what they wanted out of their careers and are now focused on personal hobbies and interests that bring them satisfaction while having something to work towards.

Trying to Change People

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Older people realize that you should never try to change people and should just accept them for who they are. For example, PsychCentral reports, “Not everyone wants to change (or not in the way you think they should) and that’s their prerogative.” They understand that trying to mold or change someone is frustrating.

Waiting for the “Right Time”

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One thing many older people have learned throughout their vast experience in life is that there is never a ‘right time.’ They see that waiting for the right time is just procrastinating and feel that it’s much better to take action. If you don’t seize opportunities, then they can pass you by.

Living in the Past

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Living in the past is no good to anyone, and older people realize this. They don’t waste their time dwelling on past events, as it stops them from being happy in the present. They will learn from past mistakes to ensure they don’t affect their future.

Sweating the Small Stuff

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Something older people have learned through their wealth of life experience is not to sweat the small stuff. They tend to avoid unnecessary stress by not worrying about something small that won’t be of importance in a day or a week, which helps them maintain emotional balance.

Pretending to Be Something They’re Not

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Some people throughout life tend to try and be something they’re not, so they can fit into a personal or professional setting. Older people realize this doesn’t serve them because they’re not being true to themselves. Instead, they embrace who they are, which sees them become more confident and build true connections.

Constantly Being Busy

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Bolde reports, “Learning to slow down, savor simple pleasures, and embrace some downtime is a superpower.” When we’re younger, we tend to have hectic lives. Older people feel a better quality of life is achieved by slowing down more and taking a relaxed and mindful approach to life.

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Photo Credit: Jacob Boomsma/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

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