17 Things Older Men Find Very Annoying

Times have changed, and things undoubtedly get frustrating for older men when they look at the way the world is these days, so very different from the world they grew up in. Here are 17 things older men find unbearably annoying.

Loud restaurants and bars

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Older men often find the high noise levels in modern restaurants and bars overwhelming. The noise makes conversation difficult, and quieter dining experiences where conversation is easier and more enjoyable are often preferable. It’s a shame because dining out used to be a pleasant experience!

Overly complicated technology

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Complex user interfaces can be overwhelming and frustrating for older men who prefer simplicity. Some modern technology has been made more accessible and user-friendly for the older demographic, so why don’t all companies do this!? As the UN Chronicle argues, we should ensure that our elders are included in the digital age.

Unreliable customer service

Photo Credit: Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock

Older men often have high expectations for customer service based on past experiences. When service does not meet their standards, they can become frustrated and irritated by unhelpful, dismissive, or disrespectful customer service. That never would have happened in the ‘60s!

Modern slang and jargon

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The language that younger people use today can cause a communication gap between generations. The use of modern slang, acronyms, and buzzwords can create a barrier to understanding the way younger generations speak and write. We older people tend to prefer clear and straightforward communication… surely that’s common sense!?

Changes in traditional media

Photo Credit: Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock

Older men often become unbearably annoyed with the shift from physical newspapers and books to digital formats like tablets. The same goes for music and movies, which are now ‘streamed’; it’s so confusing! There is also a nostalgia for the tactile feel and accessibility of traditional media, which we miss dearly.

Disrespect for experience

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Interactions with younger people who show a lack of respect can be particularly grating for older men who were raised to have the utmost respect for their elders. Older men value respect for their life experiences and the knowledge they have gained over the years and find it annoying when this is disregarded.

Traffic and poor driving habits

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Older men often have less patience for traffic congestion and get frustrated with the lack of turn signal use, tailgating from other drivers, or aggressive behavior. Modern driving habits are also frustrating, such as phone use while driving, which Forbes reports has been involved in 12% of road accidents. That’s outrageous!

Social media

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Don’t get us started on social media! This annoying modern norm’s omnipresence is overwhelming and invasive; people record and photograph everything for social media everywhere we look. Frustrations can also run high with how platforms are used for trivial matters and oversharing. Whatever happened to privacy?

Decline in personal interaction

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Over time, there has been a shift away from face-to-face interactions to digital communication, which can be unsatisfying for older people who are not used to it. This change can affect the sense of community and personal connection, leading to feelings of isolation. Having ‘facetime’ just isn’t the same.

The cost of modern living

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The ever-increasing cost of living is a source of stress and annoyance for everyone, especially older men, as most are used to the household’s financial burden weighing on their shoulders. The current economic conditions are becoming increasingly worrying, especially if we compare prices to those of years ago.

Contemporary entertainment

Photo Credit: Dikushin Dmitry/Shutterstock

Returning to music and movies, modern changes usually do not appeal to older men’s tastes; in fact, we usually find modern entertainment unbearably annoying. Everything has become so loud, obnoxious, and superfluous, and we’re scared to see how this affects the youth! Bring back The Beatles, we say.

Over-the-top health and safety warnings

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Constant health and safety warnings for everything can be seen as patronizing and excessive by older men. There was no need for any of that when they were young, so why should we need it now!? It’s frustrating that people cannot use common sense rather than relying on numerous regulations and warnings.

Constant intrusive advertisements and marketing

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The constant barrage of advertisements, especially online, is irritating for older men. They also have concerns over privacy because of the intrusive nature of targeted advertising. As Harvard Business Review notes, when this practice feels invasive, it can prompt a strong backlash. Marketers today need to understand where to draw the line.

Simplification of language

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The simplification of language in literature, speeches, and news can be disappointing to older men who appreciated a more eloquent turn of phrase in their youth. They may feel that well-crafted and thoughtful communication is a thing of the past, which is truly sad to see.

Reliance on GPS and digital maps

Photo Credit: one photo/Shutterstock

We older men prefer physical maps and enjoy planning routes independently, which CBC says is becoming a lost skill. It’s unbearably annoying to see how many young people rely on digital navigation tools and the perceived loss of traditional navigation skills. What would they do if their phone died!?

Lack of personal responsibility

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The perceived declines in personal responsibility and accountability among younger generations can be infuriating. Differing values regarding responsibility and self-reliance can lead to generational misunderstandings and annoyance, as older people may believe that younger generations have the wrong morals and values. Sometimes, it feels like respect is something of the past.

Unreliability of modern appliances

Photo Credit: Kristi Blokhin/Shutterstock

Last but not least, older men came from a time when cars and appliances were sustainable and practical. They were built to last and fixed when they broke, so it’s unbearably annoying to see a decline in the durability and reliability of modern home appliances compared to older models. Surely, things should get better, not worse!

Up Next: 19 Things Men Want To Avoid As They Get Older

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