17 Things Men Start Doing After 50 That They Never Did Before

The age of 50 is said to be when midlife begins, and it prompts many changes in men’s behaviors. Thankfully, most of these changes are positive, although there are some exceptions; here are 17 things men start doing after 50 that they never did before.

They Become Reflective

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The midlife milestone is many men’s cue to look into their lives with more reflection. They contemplate the choices they’ve made in the past and become more introspective about the benefits and consequences of their actions. It’s usually a guide to how they want to live going forward.

Exploring Spirituality

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Many men over 50 also embrace religion or other forms of spirituality in their efforts to live better lives. An MDPI study published on the NLM found that religion brings a sense of community and belonging. This gives older adults strength and comfort, so it’s not all that surprising.

Going for Checkups

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Many men start labeling themselves as ‘old’ at 50, so it’s only natural that they start going for more doctor’s checkups. Whether 50 is actually ‘old’ is debatable, but it certainly comes with higher risks of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. So, more checkups can only be a good thing!

Wearing Comfortable Clothing

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After 50, you prefer clothing that’s softer on your skin and easier to fit into. Many men opt for tailored apparel, choosing quality over quantity, while others are quite happy in some cheap sweatpants. Either way, there’s nothing wrong with this; comfort is way more important than fashion, especially when you’re 50!

Taking Up New Hobbies

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Over the years, maybe you have enjoyed playing contact sports and lifting heavy weights, but by the age of 50, your body won’t fare well with these pastimes. Instead, you’ll probably look for low-risk hobbies to keep you entertained, such as golfing, fishing, woodworking, or even beer brewing!

Starting Passion Projects

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Thanks to their experience in life, both private and career-wise, men over 50 also feel it’s the right time to start a personal project. This project could be a business, an art project, a DIY build… the possibilities are endless. As long as you’re passionate about it, we see no problem here!

Appreciating Nature More

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Many men also find nature more soothing to interact with as they age, and it isn’t hard to see why. Studies from the University of Minnesota show that spending time with nature is associated with positive moods, reduced stress, lower blood pressure, vitality, and a sense of meaningfulness in life.

Planning For Retirement

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Yes, people start saving for retirement in their 20s. But at 50, you realize it’s only about ten years away, and you take it more seriously. You become more intentional about saving and put more into your IRA account, utilizing the extra benefits the IRS provides for individuals your age.

Exploring Mindfulness

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Since you feel the impact of stress more in old age, older men may begin to look towards mindful practices like meditation and yoga. Many engage in such mindfulness training to improve their sleep, balance their emotions, strengthen their memory, and manage their moods better. That’s all very beneficial, especially after 50!

Becoming a Mentor

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With years of experience under their belt, men over 50 have gained a lot of knowledge in their lives, and they may finally feel comfortable sharing this with others. In the past, they may have worried about competition, but now, they can provide guidance and support to younger men without concern.

Eating Healthier

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Living a healthy life requires a balanced daily diet, which is especially important as you age. You should limit your sugar intake and eat more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and lean proteins, all of which are foods that USA News found are great for men over 50.

Exercising More Regularly

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Studies also show that it’s never too late to start exercising; many men embrace working out after hitting 50, especially through aerobics and strength-building exercises. The goal should be to manage weight gain and prevent the cardiovascular and mobility problems that accompany old age, not get ripped.

Help Out in the Community

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After 50, some men may begin to volunteer for or contribute to community activities, and there are many reasons for this. While these activities are an avenue for personal development, older adults see them as a way to give back to society, build social connections, and find a new community to belong to.

Disliking New Music

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This next thing men start doing after 50 isn’t so positive: disliking new music. New-school music suddenly doesn’t hit the spot anymore, and many men are stuck with the classics they’ve enjoyed over the last few decades. There’s something special about reminiscing over old records, so this isn’t all bad.

Travel the World

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Not all men retreat to their homes after 50–in fact, some see this age as a time to start exploring the world, and they finally have the money to support this interest! They begin to favor the memorable moments of traveling over material things, and you know what? We think they’re on to something.

Worrying About Sleep

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An NLM study by Sleep Med Clin reveals that adults experience many changes in their sleep schedules as they get older. After 50, men start to sleep and wake up earlier than usual, take more daytime naps, and experience more sleep-related problems due to changing health and lifestyles.

Become Minimalists

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Finally, many men embrace minimalism when they turn 50. As we age, our frustration with clutter increases, so we look for ways to remove it from our lives. There’s something so calming and satisfying about having a big clearout, leaving you to focus on what’s really important in life.

Up Next: 19 Things Men Want To Avoid As They Get Older

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