19 ​​Things Highly Intelligent People Do That Others Don’t

There’s so much more to being highly intelligent than being book-smart. It’s not just the academics; highly intelligent people are all around us, and there are certain ways you can spot them. Don’t believe us? Check out the following 19 things highly intelligent people do that others don’t.

Adapt to change

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They say that the only thing constant in life is change. While many people reject and avoid change, highly intelligent people embrace it. They can easily adapt to anything life throws at them and have a head on their shoulders that can resolve any problem.

Ask questions

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One thing highly intelligent people do is ask a lot of questions. Rather than simply receiving information, they absorb it by querying it and sourcing further information. The more clarity and understanding they gain, the more the information is retained.

Express emotions

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According to Verywell Mind, emotional intelligence is more important than having a high IQ. Being able to express your emotions and empathize with other people helps you to tackle life and engage with the world. Highly intelligent people are very assertive when it comes to their vulnerabilities, ensuring they express themselves clearly.

Learn from mistakes

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It’s human nature to make mistakes, but so many people continue to repeat them or pass the blame. Intelligent people know that mistakes are just a part of life, and they are willing to make them because they know the experience will enhance their development.

Voice their opinion

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Highly intelligent people don’t shy away from voicing their opinions. It may not always be the most popular voice in the room, but they enjoy providing a different perspective on a situation. They love the conversation that flows from sharing opinions and will always be ready to offer an alternative point of view.

Manage their time

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Time is a precious resource, and smart people will always manage it effectively. They’ll plan jam-packed schedules with a fine-toothed comb and always ensure they can attend to the important stuff. Generally, they’re always spot on when it comes to time.

Are honest about their limits

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Intelligent people are aware of their weaknesses as much as their strengths. They’ll never claim they can do it all and have no issue seeking out help in their weaker areas. They can delegate and ask for advice when it is required, never pretending they can take on something they’ll struggle with.

Take time to reflect

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If something is important, a highly intelligent person will always take time to reflect on it. A crucial decision will never be made without considerable thought, and tricky situations will be thoroughly processed in solitude. Inc.com says that most intelligent people like spending time alone, giving them more time for reflection.

Seek knowledge

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Highly intelligent people stay smart because they are thirsty for knowledge. They are avid readers, love documentaries, and always interact with experts in the room. They also have many interests and will soak up information at every opportunity they’re given.

Set clear goals

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Intelligence and ambition are extremely intertwined. Intelligent people have a lot of drive, so they will set clear goals that they will strive to achieve. Progress is monitored on milestones, and ultimately, they will accomplish these goals, but the way in which goals are set is highly subjective.

Get their priorities straight

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It’s extremely difficult to do everything well, and smart people know this. They value the importance of prioritizing to ensure that the essential things get attention first. They are aware of their time constraints and will not let the most crucial balls drop in favor of something less important.

Stay clear of small talk

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When you’re intelligent, small talk can be a chore. Deep, thought-provoking conversation is truly valued, and basic niceties can be a little draining. This often comes across as socially awkward, but it is simply a lust for deep connections over polite pleasantries.

Keep an open-mind

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Believe it or not, open-minded people are often very intelligent. Business Insider claims they don’t close themselves off to new ideas or opportunities, as they are always looking for fresh solutions. New ideas are thought-provoking, and intelligent people are receptive to different outcomes and alternative perspectives.

Debate rather than argue

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When opinions differ, intelligent people will engage in a civil debate rather than an aggressive argument. Although they want to express their point of view, they also understand that they’re not always right and enjoy hearing another perspective. Intelligent people thrive on healthy debate–not arguments.

They’re observant

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Highly intelligent people don’t always need to be heard. In many social situations, they will simply sit back and observe. They notice the small intricacies and nuances that other people would turn a blind eye to, which helps them learn a lot about other people and situations.

Solve problems

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There’s no problem that cannot be solved when you’re extremely intelligent. They can always reorder the puzzle pieces to make it fit in an alternative way, and ultimately, the challenge is welcomed. They thrive on the rewarding feeling of success when a problem has been effectively rectified.

Keep promises

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Smart people never make empty promises. Not only do they empathize with how other people may feel when promises are broken, but they also value their own integrity and will stay true to their word. An intelligent individual will never make a promise they can’t keep.

Have a creative hobby

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When the creative juices are flowing, they benefit the mind. Most intelligent people have some form of creative hobby that keeps the cogs turning, which then seeps into other areas of life. The Association for Psychological Science even found that creative hobbies are linked with greater job performance!

Stand up for their beliefs

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Finally, highly intelligent people tend to have firm beliefs that they will always stand by, unlike other people. Even if their beliefs are not the most popular, they will always be true to themselves. They have thoroughly considered them and not just taken someone’s word for it to arrive at this belief.

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