18 Things Broke People Will Never Buy (Even If They Should)

Being broke often means making tough choices about what to buy and what to skip. However, some items, while they might seem expensive upfront, can actually save money and improve life in the long run. Here are 18 things worth the investment, even if it feels like a stretch right now.

Quality Kitchen Appliances

Photo Credit: doublelee/Shutterstock

Although there may be a higher upfront cost, quality kitchen appliances are likely to be more energy efficient, saving you money on your utility bills. According to Green America, “efficient appliances use ten to 50 percent less energy and water than standard models.”

Reliable Cars

Photo Credit: Alfa Photostudio/Shutterstock

Buying a reliable car means you generally have to fork out less for repairs than you may with older, less dependable cars. Modern vehicles often come with more advanced safety features too, which helps reduce your risk of having an accident or breaking down and the costs associated with these types of emergencies.

High-Quality Mattress

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A supportive mattress can improve the quality of sleep you get each night, which will help you lead a more physically and mentally healthy life. On top of this, you’re less likely to experience back or joint pain than you are from a cheaper mattress. All of these benefits mean your healthcare costs will be reduced.

Professional Financial Advice

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

By speaking with a professional financial advisor, you can work more efficiently to reduce any debt and increase your savings, as they’ll be able to create a plan that is tailored to your income and expenditures. They can also help you optimize your investments and retirement plans, ensuring you get the most from your savings.

Comprehensive Health Insurance

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Having comprehensive health insurance means you’re protected from large out-of-pocket expenses if you face a medical emergency. Attending check-ups and screenings regularly also means you’ll be able to catch issues early. According to Forbes, “about four in 10 adults (41%) reported having debt from unpaid medical or dental bills.”

Durable Footwear

Photo Credit: pio3/Shutterstock

High-quality shoes provide the best support for your feet, which helps to prevent issues with your feet or posture. They’re also likely to last much longer, meaning you save money in the long term by not having to buy replacement pairs so often.

Home Security System

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Installing a security system in your home can deter criminals and protect your property from damage or your belongings from being stolen. On top of this, many insurance companies will offer you a discount on your home policy, as they know your home is less likely to be targeted by criminals.

Education and Skill Development

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Committing to improving your education and skills can give you access to better job opportunities, often with higher salaries that cover the cost of the education in the long term. Even if you went to university, continuously developing your skills and knowledge will help you grow your career.

Organic and Nutritious Foods

Photo Credit: Dusan Petkovic/Shutterstock

Often, fast food or junk food options are cheaper than buying the ingredients needed to make a nutritious meal, but eating nutrient-rich foods improves your health and decreases the likelihood of developing chronic diseases. Healthline also reported that “organic foods generally contain higher levels of antioxidants and certain micronutrients, such as vitamin C, zinc, and iron.”

Quality Clothing

Photo Credit: Maryia K/Shutterstock

Purchasing good quality pieces of clothing will save you money in the long run, as the materials used are more durable. This means they’re more likely to look good even after lots of wear and washing, and they also generally fit more comfortably.

Home Maintenance and Repairs

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Maintaining small issues in your home as and when they come up can help prevent bigger, more expensive problems from occurring. Keeping your home looking good will also increase its value, helping to ensure your investment continuously grows in case you want to move or sell your home.

Life Insurance

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Many people avoid taking out life insurance because the monthly cost can impact their budgeting, but in the event of your death, it would be an essential lifeline for your loved ones. Depending on your situation and the level of care you choose, life insurance payouts can financially support your dependents, cover living expenses, and pay off debt.

Quality Furniture

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Choosing well-made furniture gives you much better value for money, as the items are likely to last longer and be a lot more functional. This stops you from having to buy furniture so often and also helps to increase the value of your home by making it look more appealing to potential buyers.

High-Speed Internet

Photo Credit: Ruslan Khismatov/Shutterstock

Having fast internet is especially important if you run your own business or if you work from home, as it will significantly increase your productivity and efficiency at work. It also helps to ensure you can stream TV, play games, or do anything else online without interruptions.

Dental Care

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By getting your teeth checked and cleaned regularly, you should be able to prevent severe problems and costly dental procedures. Health also found a link between poor dental health and a variety of chronic illnesses; they say that “a healthier mouth has been linked to less hospitalizations, and consequently, reduced expenditures.”

Mental Health Services

Photo Credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock

If you experience stress, anxiety, or other mental health issues, it’s essential to get some support. Professional therapists and psychologists can give you strategies for dealing with the challenges you face, and this can have a hugely positive impact on your emotional well-being.

Environmentally Friendly Products

Photo Credit: Black Salmon/Shutterstock

Although they can seem like a bigger cost upfront, eco-friendly products often save you money in the long run as they can be reused again and again. Items such as food containers and cotton bags will last a really long time if you look after them well, plus you’ll reduce your personal waste.

Quality Tools

Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

Investing in good quality tools will make your DIY tasks much easier, and you’ll get a better result from your hard work, making it much more satisfying. They are also generally more durable and less likely to break, reducing the need to replace them quite so often.

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Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

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