18 Things Boomers Are Tired of Hearing From Gen Z

Boomers and Gen Z are two generations that just can’t relate. Gen Z can’t understand the Boomer generation’s experiences, while Boomers view Gen Z as privileged. Boomers get driven mad by comments from Gen Z, especially these 18 things Boomers are tired of hearing.

Work is exhausting

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Working for current generations is much more laid-back than it was for the boomers. The boomer generation had to take on exhausting jobs for long hours and little pay, whereas Gen Z has the privilege of working from home. Naturally, this means boomers can’t stand it when Gen says work is exhausting.

Complaints about annual leave

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According to the US Department of Labor, workers are not entitled to paid vacation. However, many companies in modern society do offer a select number of paid vacation days to their employees. Gen Z constantly complains about this small number of days, but it’s more than Boomers ever got.

Moaning about travel distances

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We’re now fortunate enough that most people have cars, but for boomers, they used to be more of a luxury. Now, we can hop in our car and get somewhere quickly with very little effort, so when kids moan about long travel distances, boomers get mad!

Too many meetings

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We’ve all been to those meetings that could’ve been via email, but thanks to technology, more meetings are now taken online. However, even then, Gen Z still complains that there are too many ‘meetings,’ which boils the blood of boomers who racked up countless real meeting hours.

Environmental plans

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Gen Z is a generation strongly concerned with the environment; dubbed the ‘sustainability generation’, everything can be linked back to environmental concerns. Most companies now have sustainability initiatives, but not that many actually follow through, and Boomers are getting annoyed by these false promises from Gen Z.

Learning struggles

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Any information we require is now at our fingertips, so Boomers find it frustrating when Gen Z says that learning is hard. Boomers had to scour books to find information; they couldn’t just ask Alexa! Despite this, Intelligent still found that 50% of Gen Z students claim that classes are too difficult.

Poor finances

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Gen Z is a privileged generation that has a lot more money than Boomers ever did. They came from families that had to budget when growing up. This is much rarer for Gen Z, so naturally, boomers can’t deal with hearing them claim they have no money or that things are too expensive.

Regular protests

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Protests have always been part of society, and boomers were certainly involved in their fair share. However, Gen Z participates in demonstrations at such a frequent rate that the impact has been diminished. Many Boomers see this as a lack of respect for the government, which they’re typically more in support of.

The need for a vacation

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Vacations are a standard these days, but for Boomers, they were a rare luxury. Gen Z is always saying they need a vacation when, really, they are taking more vacations than anyone has ever taken before. It used to be more common to work the entire year without a vacation!

They’re too busy

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Gen Z is always busy, yet whenever you see their weekly screen time report, it’s clear where their time goes! Gen Z isn’t really busy; they’re just not prioritizing and procrastinating instead. Comparitech found that the average person spends 6 hours and 40 minutes looking at a screen each day, which is absurd!

They’re stressed

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Many can argue that life is easier than ever, but Gen Z seems to be more stressed than any generation before them. Work and family commitments are a huge stressor that often requires time off, but Boomers had it way harder, and it was more difficult to make ends meet.

Sick leave

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For decades, Boomers worked without sick leave and rarely took time off. Today’s generation is more likely to take time off work, prioritizing not only physical but mental health. However, when you’re off work sick, most of the time, you don’t get paid, and Gen Z is currently fighting for this.

Eye strain

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Today’s careers are heavily exhausting for the eyes, with hours spent looking at screens and being exposed to blue light. Most people now experience eye strain, and Boomers are frustrated to hear complaints about it, as their careers involved manual labor and physical pain instead.

Travel is expensive

Photo Credit: Dobo Kristian/Shutterstock

Sure, travel is very expensive, but compared to what Boomers would need to splash out on a vacation, it’s very reasonable these days. Travel opportunities were less accessible, so hopping on a plane was incredibly expensive. Now, you can grab some bargain airfares and travel to places Boomers would have only dreamed of!

Need for new clothes

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Fast fashion is a major issue that Gen Z buys into; their wardrobes are bursting, but they’ll still complain they have no new clothes. Boomers bought high-quality clothing and held onto it for a long time, so it pains us to hear the youth of today complain about having so much.

Books are boring

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Gen Z is famous for having a short attention span, and this is the primary reason why they consider books boring. Boomers find this frustrating, as books are timeless to us, but how could Gen Z ever read a book when Forbes says their average attention span is now just 12 seconds?!

It’s too cold

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

Central heating is a luxury that Gen Z has always known, so Boomers roll their eyes when they say they’re cold. Most Boomers grew up with just a fireplace, and many had to go outside just to use the bathroom! In Boomers’ eyes, Gen Z doesn’t know the meaning of the word cold.

Ok, Boomer

Photo Credit: Asti Mak/Shutterstock

Perhaps the thing boomers are most tired of hearing from Gen Z is, “OK, boomer!” Gen Z doesn’t respect their elders in the same way that boomers do, and this phrase is a core example. It’s a nasty, dismissive way to mock the older generation when Gen Z doesn’t value what they have to say. Shame on them!

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