The 18 Neediest Dog Breeds in the World

When it comes to dogs, some breeds just can’t get enough of your love. They’re like the canine equivalent of that one friend who always wants to hang out. Here’s a list of the 18 neediest dog breeds that will stick to you like glue, each with a quirky twist on why they’re the ultimate Velcro pets.


Photo Credit: Eudyptula/Shutterstock

Originally bred to retain body heat for their owners, these dogs take their job seriously, sticking closer than your iPhone in your back pocket. The Vizsla isn’t just needy; it’s like living with a furry shadow.

Doberman Pinscher

Photo Credit: Tanya Consaul Photography/Shutterstock

Their neediness is matched only by their vigilance, making them needy but noble. Dobermans attach to their owners like high-security Velcro. However, Hill’s Science says, “They are loyal to their owners and are good with children if raised with them; however, some Dobermans bond only to one person.”

Labrador Retriever

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Loyal to the core, they express their neediness through constant tail wagging and a tendency to use your lap as a chair, regardless of their size. Labs are the friends everyone wishes they had.

Border Collie

Photo Credit: Elayne Massaini/Shutterstock

Ever wished for a colleague who’s perpetually enthusiastic? Meet the Border Collie, the breed that turns neediness into an art form, following you around like the most eager intern.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Photo Credit: SashkaB/Shutterstock

These dogs treat laps as thrones. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is so needy it might just convince you that you’re the monarch of a small country.

Italian Greyhound

Photo Credit: Alexandra Morrison Photo/Shutterstock

This breed is like that one friend who needs constant reassurance. Italian Greyhounds are not only needy but also as delicate as porcelain, making you handle them with kid gloves. “With too much solo time, Iggys may become hyperactive and/or develop separation anxiety. You can leave your Iggy alone for an hour or two, tops,” according to Orvis.

Golden Retriever

Photo Credit: Rala3030/Shutterstock

Their neediness is delivered with such a heartwarming smile it’s impossible to say no. Golden Retrievers are the epitome of happiness and insist on sharing every joyful moment with you.


Photo Credit: Viiviien/Shutterstock

Don’t let their size fool you; Chihuahuas demand attention like a boss. They manage their neediness by keeping a close eye on you, often from the comfort of a well-placed handbag.

French Bulldog

Photo Credit: CraneBird Studios/Shutterstock

With a snort and a wrinkle, French Bulldogs make their neediness known. They’re like having a private narrator who constantly comments on everything you do but with more drool.


Photo Credit: 220 Selfmade studio/Shutterstock

Like living with a tiny, snorting vacuum cleaner, pugs are always at your heels, which is great if you’re a messy eater. Their neediness can be heard as much as it’s felt.

Australian Shepherd

Photo Credit: Hanna Borysenko/Shutterstock

Throw a ball, and it comes back. Go to another room, and guess who’s right behind you? The Australian Shepherd is a breed that redefines clingy.

Shih Tzu

Photo Credit: Pattarit S/Shutterstock

“The only thing they love more than following their humans around their house is being petted and pampered,” says Pet Health Network. Shih Tzus take their neediness sitting down—right on your feet, which is great for procrastinating when you need an excuse. They ensure you never get cold feet about how much they love you.

Cocker Spaniel

Photo Credit: rebeccaashworthearle/Shutterstock

With eyes that could melt steel, Cocker Spaniels specialize in guilt-tripping you into constant cuddles. Their neediness is as soft and persistent as their fur.

Bichon Frisé

Photo Credit: Matthew Nichols1/Shutterstock

Ever wanted a living, barking alarm that alerts you every time you stop petting it? That’s a Bichon Frisé for you, turning neediness into a full-time job.


Photo Credit: Dora Zett/Shutterstock

That pop-up banner ad you can’t turn off is a Boxer. They remind you every few minutes that they need your love, preferably with a full-body wiggle.


Photo Credit: Mariya Kuzema/Shutterstock

With ears like wings, Papillons take their neediness to new heights, always fluttering around your head for attention. And for “those who want to travel with their pet,… these little dogs can fit into a carrier that will go under an airplane seat,” taking them to serious heights, according to the Spruce Pets.

Great Dane

Photo Credit: Earl Wilkerson/Shutterstock

Imagine a shadow that’s taller than you. That’s a Great Dane’s neediness. Ever wonder why Great Danes push up against you? Dogster says, “It might look like your hound is trying to get attention from you, but really, they’re seeking the reassurance that you will stay close by when they’re feeling scared or overwhelmed.” They might be big, but their desire for affection is even bigger.

Siberian Husky

Photo Credit: OlgaOvcharenko/Shutterstock

If you are looking for a pet you can talk to, look no further than a Husky. Huskies don’t just follow you silently; they announce their neediness with a song, often leading to a chorus of howls if you dare to step out of sight.

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