The 19 Most Trainable Dog Breeds in the World

Considering getting a dog but want to make sure it’ll be well-behaved? You’ve come to the right place. Every breed has its own standout qualities, but today we’ll be looking at the 19 most trainable—a useful trait for owners who live busy lives or enjoy teaching their dog a few tricks!

Border Collie

Photo Credit: Elayne Massaini/Shutterstock

Commonly called the “workaholics” of the dog world, border collies are known for both their intelligence and stamina. They’re physically demanding pets to keep, requiring stimulation from their owners to prevent boredom, but on the upside, their intelligence and energy make them easy to train.


Photo Credit: Chendongshan/Shutterstock

According to Borrow My Doggy, poodles are highly trainable dogs and are renowned for their intelligent nature. Though they require regular grooming, their coats are hypoallergenic and they make excellent family dogs—known to be very friendly with children and other pets.

German Shepherd

Photo Credit: Barat Roland/Shutterstock

As you may have seen in movies and TV shows, German shepherds are widely known for their roles in the police and the military and are very obedient pets. Requiring firm, consistent training from a young age for the best results, they’re eager to please and have never been known as difficult dogs to train.

Golden Retriever

Photo Credit: Rala3030/Shutterstock

Golden retrievers are ideal for families due to their friendly nature and their eagerness to please their owners makes them a pleasure to train. Be warned, though, that they need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. With how fun they are to be around, this shouldn’t be too hard!

Doberman Pinscher

Photo Credit: Tanya Consaul Photography/Shutterstock

As told by The Farmer’s Dog, doberman pinschers are smart, trainable, and eager to please their owners. This makes them fantastic for jobs such as guard dogs, as the breed is both obedient and physically strong. A perfect choice for the experienced dog owner, they can be trained very quickly if you know what you’re doing.

Labrador Retriever

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

The most popular breed in America, the labrador retriever is known for its friendly nature and ability to take on a wide range of roles, such as being a service dog. These dogs are very trainable and they love being part of an active family.

Shetland Sheepdog

Photo Credit: Lisjatina/Shutterstock

Shetland sheepdogs are dogs of small stature, but highly intelligent and eager to please. You’ll find that they’re very easy to train and make excellent competition dogs due to their obedient natures. However, it’s important to remember that regular mental and physical activity is required to keep them happy.


Photo Credit: Mariya Kuzema/Shutterstock

Small but intelligent (and very responsive to training), papillons may in fact be the most trainable of all the toy dog breeds—according to your purebred puppy. These little pups make great companions if given gentle but consistent training while still young.


Photo Credit: alberto clemares exposito/Shutterstock

Rottweilers have a reputation for being protective, strong, and loyal dogs. This tends to make them stubborn, meaning that a consistent regimen of training is recommended from a young age. Don’t let this put you off, however, as rottweilers are very trainable and you’ll be rewarded with an excellent guard dog as a result.

Australian Cattle Dog

Photo Credit: WOLF AVNI/Shutterstock

With their boundless energy, Australian cattle dogs are born to herd and thrive when given a physically demanding job to perform. Perfect for runners, these dogs make excellent partners due to their love of exercise—though perhaps not the best choice for older folk!

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Photo Credit: Anna Darahan/Shutterstock

These adorable little dogs are short in stature, but their agility and active nature make them fantastic for their original job of herding. Their alert and attentive personalities also make them ideal dogs to train. Just be prepared to devote a lot of time to exercise, these guys need a lot!

Miniature Schnauzer

Photo Credit: Svitlana Diuba/Shutterstock

Instantly recognizable by their distinctive beards, miniature schnauzers are an intelligent, spirited breed that is very trainable. Though they often become bored with repetitive tasks, this problem can be alleviated by introducing variety into their training, helping to keep them engaged.

English Springer Spaniel

Photo Credit: zoyas2222/Shutterstock

English springer spaniels are fantastic for active families and also make excellent hunters and trackers. Petplan calls them “eager to please” and “highly intelligent,” making them very easy to train. This breed is a great choice for busy people who don’t have much time for training.


Photo Credit: Eudyptula/Shutterstock

Vizsla owners will be very successful in training their dogs through patient instruction and frequent positive reinforcement. The highly energetic nature of this breed, as well as their love of attention, makes this approach highly effective. And once trained, you’ll never find a more loyal friend!

Belgian Malinois

Photo Credit: Victoria Antonova/Shutterstock

This hard-working dog is found in the service of police forces around the world, and for good reason. They’re highly intelligent and love to take on physical challenges, making them a great choice for prospective owners. Their nature also makes them very trainable.


Photo Credit: Dora Zett/Shutterstock

Both joyful and clumsy yet strong and reliable, these dogs are great with children and make fantastic guard dogs. Boxers are also very trainable, according to Royvon, when given the right reward as motivation, so you should have no trouble with bringing one into your life.

Yorkshire Terrier

Photo Credit: Oscar M Sanchez/Shutterstock

Yorkshire terriers are small in size but huge in personality. They’re eager to please their owners, so it’s prudent to make a training routine built around positive reinforcement in order to make quick work of it. They’re also affectionate creatures, so make sure to respond in kind!

Bearded Collie

Photo Credit: dodafoto/Shutterstock

Friendly, sociable, and great for families, bearded collies make excellent pets. Although an active breed—they were primarily bred for herding after all—they’re surprisingly easy to train and obedient to boot. Just watch out for their long coats, as they need regular grooming to keep clean.

Basset Hound

Photo Credit: Marry Kolesnik/Shutterstock

Boasting both a distinctive look and a gentle personality, you may find that these dogs can be particularly stubborn. Training can be made easy, however, by remaining patient and sticking to a schedule. Basset hounds are more than worth it and make excellent scent hounds when fully trained.

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