18 Simple Ways to Reduce Grocery Costs by 50% Without Coupons

Are your groceries costing you an arm and a leg? Then you’ll love the 18 tips in this article that will help you reduce your groceries without coupons. 

Exclusive buys 

Photo Credit: Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock

Many grocery stores have a physical store and a virtual store. These grocery stores often advertise exclusive buys. Some of these are exclusive online deals that will help you save money on a product when you purchase it online. Others are exclusive deals on products only available in-store. 

Shop on Wednesday or Thursday

Photo Credit: ViDI Studio/Shutterstock

According to The Motley Fool, “You can usually save money on groceries by shopping on Wednesday or Thursday.” Wednesdays and Thursdays tend to be good discount days in supermarkets. If you can, make sure you head to your grocery store midweek instead of over the weekend.

Buy one, get one free 

Photo Credit: Nick Beer/Shutterstock

Buy one, get one free is the same as 50% off. If you see an item on your shopping list that is on a buy one, get one free deal, make sure you pick up not just one but two of the items so that you can save money. 

Daily discounts 

Photo Credit: Africanstar/Shutterstock

It’s always good to check out the daily discounts in a supermarket. Many supermarkets have popular everyday items at a daily discount price that will give you money off. Check and see if one of the items on your shopping list is in the daily discount section.

One-off discounts 

Photo Credit: Olena Chukhil/Shutterstock

Some supermarkets have one-off discounts on items that are going out of season or aren’t very popular. If one of these items is on your shopping list or is something that you would usually buy at the supermarket, you take advantage of the opportunity to get it at a great price. 

Loyalty cards 

Photo Credit: The Toidi/Shutterstock

Some grocery stores have loyalty cards for frequent shoppers. You should sign up for these loyalty cards, as they will save you money, even if it’s just a couple of dollars off your next visit. Collect loyalty cards for all the supermarkets you shop in. 

Shop at night

Photo Credit: Chekyravaa/Shutterstock

The figures from Business Insider show that “each week, 255 million customers visit Walmart’s 10,500 stores across the US and 18 countries.” Not many customers realize, however, that by shopping in the late evening and night, they can save money on fresh groceries that are reduced because they can’t be sold the next day.

Seasonal sales 

Photo Credit: Steve Bruckmann/Shutterstock

Just before the new season begins, grocery stores start to sell things from last season at discounted prices. You should take advantage of these sales to pick up items for next year. These seasonal sales are especially good when you go to grocery stores that have a clothing department. 


Photo Credit: ValeStock/Shutterstock

The clearance section of a grocery store is a gold mine. This section is full of reduced items that are going out of production, didn’t sell well, or are going out of season. If you see something in the clearance section that you would usually pay full price for, pick it up. 

99 cent aisle 

Photo Credit: anfirsy/Shutterstock

Does your supermarket have an aisle where everything in it is sold for 99 cents? If it does, you should check this aisle out regularly and pick up any items you would usually buy for more money elsewhere. Checking out the reviews of these items online will help ensure you’re getting a good quality item at a low price. 

Don’t buy impulsively

Photo Credit: NeonShot/Shutterstock

“Nearly three out of four Americans make most purchases impulsively,” says Fit Small Business. Impulse buys make us spend more money because we buy things we don’t need and didn’t budget for. Resist spending money in the supermarket on things you didn’t plan to buy.

Eat before you go 

Photo Credit: Syda Productions/Shutterstock

A lot of people don’t realize that they spend more money at the grocery store when they go shopping when they’re hungry. To prevent this from happening, only visit the grocery store after you’ve had a meal. This will stop you from spending money on snacks you don’t need. 


Photo Credit: Robert Kneschke/Shutterstock

The sales section of a supermarket can be a treasure trove that will help you save money. Only pick up items in the sale section that you would usually use and that are running low at home. If you see something in the sale section that you don’t need, don’t buy it.

Make a list

Photo Credit: SOLOVEVA ANASTASIIA/Shutterstock

USA Today calculates that “the average family spends about $270 at the grocery store per week, but that number increases when children are taken into account.” But you will end up spending a lot more if you don’t make a shopping list. Make a list and stick with it when you’re in the grocery store.


Photo Credit: ViDI Studio/Shutterstock

Two-for-one deals are awesome. These deals help you save 50% on an item. If you see an item that you would usually buy in a two-for-one section, make sure you pick up a couple, as this will help you save money not just on one day’s list but also on the next. 

Loudspeaker announcements 

Photo Credit: 1000 Words/Shutterstock

Don’t listen to music while you shop. Some supermarkets advertise discounted products in loudspeaker announcements while you’re shopping. Make sure you pay close attention to these announcements as you’re walking through the store, as they could help you save money on items that you usually buy. 

Price drops 

Photo Credit: doublelee/Shutterstock

Many supermarkets advertise to their customers when they have a price drop. Make sure you keep an eye on price drops on groceries that you usually buy and pick up a couple of them. Don’t be tempted to spend money on reduced goods that you have no use for. 

Price comparison 

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Many supermarkets use price comparisons to show their customers how much they could save if they shop with them instead of a competitor. Take note of these price comparisons and pick up the items from the store where you can get them for the best price.

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Photo Credit: PERO studio/Shutterstock

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