19 Signs That Someone Is Genuinely a Good Person

It’s difficult to distinguish genuinely kind people from fakers. Some people are so friendly that their friendship can easily come across as a facade, but it’s still challenging to tell when someone is genuine. To make it easier, these 19 signs show that someone is genuinely a good person.

Active listening

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A good person will actively listen to what you have to say. They won’t just hear the words you’re speaking; they will absorb and digest them and value the interaction. Your thoughts and emotions are also considered to connect deeply to the conversation.

Eye contact

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Eye contact is essential for great communication, and good people will maintain eye contact throughout a conversation. A lack of eye contact is a sign that someone is disingenuous, whereas great eye contact tells you someone has good intentions. Eye contact, or lack of it, tells you a lot about someone’s honesty.


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Marriage.com explains that consistency is the key to maintaining relationships, and people who are genuinely good understand this. They will maintain consistency at all times, as their intentions are pure, and they value your relationship. Consistency also shows reliability, something that genuinely good people strive for.

Small acts of kindness

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A good person is all about small acts of kindness, seeing them as more important than big gestures. A big gesture is great but may not always have the best intention. Some big gestures are to make the other person look good, whereas small acts of kindness rarely benefit the giver.

They’re reliable

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When you can count on someone to be reliable, it tells you that they value the time and energy of others. Good people have a great deal of respect for others, so you can rely on them to do what they say they are going to and not flake at you.

Not expecting anything in return

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Good people are born givers, and they will give without ever expecting anything in return. They will do things for the sole purpose of helping another person with no intention of it ever being reciprocated. They give completely selflessly, and their actions speak volumes about their character.

They don’t gossip

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Gossiping is a common human trait, but genuinely good people never speak negatively about someone behind their back, no matter how juicy the gossip is. If there’s an issue, they will approach it head-on and address it directly with that person, as they always deal with situations with respect and maturity.

Standing up for what’s right

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Strong values are the foundation of a good person, and they will always stay firm to these values and stand up for what’s right. Even if it is an unpopular opinion or they are entering a situation that doesn’t really involve them, they won’t shy away from what they believe in.

They celebrate success

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When success is shared with a good person, they celebrate it. There is no jealousy, envy, or judgment; they are simply happy for your achievements and know it doesn’t devalue their own worth. As Brainz Magazine reminds us, celebrating the success of others is crucial to our own success.

Encourage growth

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Uplifting others and encouraging their growth is a sign of a person with genuine, heartfelt intentions. They thrive on seeing others succeed and will help in any way possible. You’ll probably find that a good person is your own personal cheerleader, and their support will massively motivate you.

Respect for everyone

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No matter who they are interacting with, a good person will show nothing but the utmost respect for the other person. Social status is irrelevant here; good people are kind and respectful to every single person they encounter without any hidden agenda.

Own their mistakes

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Mistakes are a natural part of life, but how we deal with them is important. A good person will always take accountability for their mistakes. They will be apologetic about where they have gone wrong and, rather than shifting the blame, own up to their errors.

They’re grateful

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Gratitude is a huge sign that someone is a genuine and intelligent person. Nothing is overlooked, and they appreciate every effort, no matter how big or small. They will go out of their way to acknowledge, appreciate, and be thankful, recognizing even the tiniest thing someone does for them.

They show empathy

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Empathy is a buzzword right now, but good people have it in bucketloads. MindTools defines empathy as “the ability to recognize emotions in others and understand other people’s perspectives on a situation.” Good people understand that the opinions of others hold equal value to their own, so they never struggle with showing empathy.

Follow through on promises

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Words and actions align for good people as they always follow through on their promises. Nothing is lip service; they always stay true to their word. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small promise or a huge commitment; if a good person says they are going to do it, it will be honored.

Complimenting others

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True admiration for others is a key trait in good people, so they’ll always be quick to offer you compliments. The difference is that the intentions behind them are authentic, unlike those of fake people, and the compliments you receive are truly genuine. They will always give credit where credit is due.

Including everyone

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When a good person is around, no one is left on the sidelines. They strive to always include everyone and will never leave others out in the cold. Even when it’s natural to form cliques, they will ensure no one is left out and will invite everyone into the circle.

They’re humble

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A good person does not need to brag or show off; they are the most humble people you will encounter. The work they are doing speaks for itself, and that is enough for someone with a good heart. External validation is not a requirement, and a good person will always downplay their efforts.

They’re considerate

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Last but not least, considering the thoughts and feelings of others before they act or speak is a top trait of a genuinely good person. Mayo Clinic states that consideration is an art form of kindness, and good people are aware that their actions and words could make or break someone’s day. It’s easily one of their best traits.

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Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

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