17 Reasons Why Pit Bulls Make Better Pets than You Think

Sadly, Pit Bulls have gained a bad reputation for being overly aggressive and dangerous to be around. But as many dog owners know, there are thousands of Pit Bulls out there who have nothing but love and affection to show to their families. To help set the record straight, this list covers 17 reasons why Pit Bulls make better pets than you might think.

Loyal and Affectionate Companions

Photo Credit: Irina Bg/Shutterstock

As noted by Lane County, Pit Bulls can be extremely loyal and form strong bonds with their owners. Once you’ve gotten into their good books, you’ve got a friend for life who will show incredible affection for you every day. This is why so many people refer to their Pit Bulls as “love bugs.”

Great With Children

Photo Credit: SeventyFour/Shutterstock

Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of Pit Bulls are not a threat to children. In fact, they can be incredibly gentle, patient, and loving towards them, which makes them great family pets. They can also become very attached to and protective of the children in their lives.

Highly Intelligent and Trainable

Photo Credit: everydoghasastory/Shutterstock

Pit Bulls are known for being intelligent and eager to please their owners, which makes them very trainable and obedient. They will usually learn tricks and commands relatively quickly and perform them well, which is why they’re often used as therapy and service dogs.

Active and Energetic

Photo Credit: elbud/Shutterstock

If you live an active lifestyle or love to play with your animal companions, a Pit Bull could be the perfect addition to your family. Pit Bulls have a ton of energy and love to play, run, hike, and fetch. Their insatiable energy can also help you and your family get out of the house more and stay fit and healthy.

Resilient Spirit

Photo Credit: Diego Thomazini/Shutterstock

Pit Bulls are full of personality and have a highly resilient spirit, helping them to overcome times of hardship and adversity with the right love and care. Many people find their strength, adaptability, and perseverance to be inspiring, helping them to find the courage to do the same.

Misunderstood Breed

Photo Credit: Matthew Lyon/Shutterstock

People love to root for the underdog, so it’s about the same we did the same for this misunderstood breed. Pit Bulls are often portrayed by the media as dangerous monsters who only want to attack people and animals. But in reality, they are usually very gentle, friendly, and loving when given the proper socialization and training.

Social Butterflies

Photo Credit: Mary Swift/Shutterstock

Pit Bulls are a very social breed who love to interact with humans and dogs alike. For this reason, it’s important to begin socializing them at a young age to ensure they meet their social needs and learn how to behave around others. This will help them to keep making new friends and enjoying themselves throughout their lives.

Minimal Grooming Needs

Photo Credit: Martin Smith/Shutterstock

As noted by PetMD, because Pit Bulls have short hair, they don’t need as much grooming or maintenance as other breeds. However, it’s still best to give them a quick brush and wash every now and then to remove loose hair and dirt.

Good Health

Photo Credit: Ivanova N/Shutterstock

Pit Bulls are generally very healthy dogs who have fewer genetic diseases to worry about than other breeds. This makes them a good option for owners who don’t want the stress of extra pet bills and health maintenance. They’re also known for being rather robust and hardy, helping to contribute to their overall wellbeing.

Strong and Determined

Photo Credit: Brezhneva.od/Shutterstock

Pit Bulls are both mentally and physically strong, helping them to tackle a wide range of challenges head on and without fear. This makes them great at dog sports, such as weight pulling and agility. They’re also known for being incredibly determined and strong-willed, helping them to overcome any obstacles in their way.

Naturally Protective

Photo Credit: bluedog studio/Shutterstock

As previously mentioned, Pit Bulls can be very protective of their families, especially when it comes to children. For this reason, they can make wonderful guard dogs and family pets who’ll do their best to look after you and your loved ones. Because of their reputation as powerful dogs, their presence alone can help deter intruders.

Adaptable to Living Conditions

Photo Credit: Mary Swift/Shutterstock

As long as you give them all the exercise, play, and socialization they need, Pit Bulls will be happy living in many kinds of living situations, from compact apartments to big houses. Their medium size and easy-going personalities also helps add to their adaptability.

Shows Unconditional Love

Photo Credit: eva_blanco/Shutterstock

According to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, Pit Bulls are renowned for their unconditional love for their owners and family members. They show this love with tons of affection, playfulness, protectiveness, and loyalty, often forming strong bonds that last a lifetime.

Eager to Please

Photo Credit: Annette Shaff/Shutterstock

Most Pit Bulls are very attentive and eager to please their owners, which can make them easier to train and teach. This is why many people love to work with Pit Bulls and have them as therapy dogs or other working roles. They’re also known for responding well to positive reinforcement methods.

Good Emotional Support Animals

Photo Credit: Irina Bg/Shutterstock

It’s not just humans who can make great empaths and listeners. Pit Bulls are known for showing a great deal of empathy, compassion, and love to their owners, making them wonderful emotional support animals. They have an impressive ability to intuitively sense when their owners are upset and need some puppy love.

Enthusiastic and Fun-Loving

Photo Credit: Zanna Pesnina/Shutterstock

A Pit Bull’s boundless enthusiasm and zest for life is contagious, helping their families and others around them to feel more optimistic and energized themselves. They love to play, run, and get silly, which can help fill any home with more joy and laughter.

Forgiving Nature

Photo Credit: Photography by Adri/Shutterstock

Sadly, a lot of Pit Bulls go through rough and unfair starts in their lives. However, they’re known to be incredibly resilient and forgiving, helping them to move past these hardships and continue showing boundless love to their new families. With the right love and care, they can bounce back from almost any situation and become amazing family dogs.

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