17 Reasons Why People No Longer Want to Live in California

California has a reputation as America’s ultimate destination for sunshine and coastal living. Home to exciting cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, it’s one of the most popular states to move to, yet there are still 17 reasons why people no longer want to live there.

High income tax

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California’s income tax is probably the biggest reason why people are moving away. It has the highest income tax in America, with the Tax Foundation explaining it can be as high as 13.3%! Understandably, people are moving away for cheaper alternatives.

Rent prices

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Housing is a major issue in California, with sky-high monthly rents. Renters make up 40% of the state, but the value for money on rental properties is just not there. The average monthly rent is a staggering $1,837, increasing higher in major cities, and rent prices significantly eat into budgets.

Cost of living

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In addition to high taxes and housing, the cost of living in the state is also very high, at an estimated 38% higher than the national average. Everything from groceries to childcare is significantly higher than in other states, leaving limited disposable income to enjoy the lifestyle Cali is famous for.

Heavy traffic

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Los Angeles and San Francisco are both renowned for heavy traffic, but a lot of the states are pretty similar. Public transportation in California is limited, and everyone drives, meaning the roads are very congested, especially at rush hour. The time spent in traffic significantly eats up leisure time, causing many to leave.

Left-wing politics

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California is an extremely liberal state, and political views that don’t align just don’t fit in here. It’s a very progressive place to live, and people will push back against more conservative views. People not on board with left-wing views often move to somewhere more parallel to their opinions.

Crime rates

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Crime has become a huge problem in California over the last decade. In 2022 alone, PPIC reports that violent crime increased by 5.7% and property crime increased by 5.9%. Gun-related incidents also dramatically increased, making it a scary time to live in the state, especially in downtown L.A.!

Air pollution

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With so much traffic, pollution is a major issue in California, and the port industry and many other economies also contribute to poor air quality. California is said to have some of the worst air pollution in the country, so much so that a haze regularly settles over the LA skyline.

Gas taxes

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Considering everyone drives in California, gasoline is in high demand. However, getting gas in California comes at a premium, with gas tax rates being the highest in the country. As of July 2023, the gas tax has been 77.9 cents per gallon, making it extremely expensive to fill up your tank.

Declining job opportunities

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California has always been famous for its excellent job market, but this is slowly becoming history. Corporate income tax is driving businesses out of state, and employers are becoming aware that they can save money by setting up remotely, removing one of the core selling points in California.

More remote jobs

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Continuing on the topic of remote work, pre-pandemic California was a place people moved to or stayed in for work. However, the pandemic made it known that people perform just as well when working remotely, so even Silicon Valley is seeing a huge decline in on-site workers.

House prices

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According to Zillow, the average house price in California is an eye-watering $783,666. With homes valued so highly in the state, it’s extremely difficult to get on the property ladder. For that price, you could get a mansion in another state, and purchasing in California is just unreasonable.

Better lifestyle elsewhere

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California is famous for its great lifestyle, but that lifestyle comes with a high price. Many up-and-coming states offer the same lifestyle opportunities for a lower price tag, arguably making the lifestyle more enjoyable. With more disposable income, you have more funds to enjoy life, so why would you stick around in California?

Frequent wildfires

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Environmental issues are another depressing reason why people no longer want to live in California. Wildfires are becoming increasingly frequent, with CalMatters claiming that half of the twenty largest fires in state history have occurred in the last five years! It’s a huge threat to both property and human life.

Water shortage

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A recurrent feature of the state’s climate is that California always seems to be in a drought. Droughts impact agriculture, threaten fish populations, and increase the risk of wildfires. During long droughts, water is regulated with restricted usage, and you can even be fined for defying water conservation!

Superficial lifestyle

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

California is synonymous with a superficial lifestyle, and while this once attracted people, it’s now doing the opposite. Cities such as L.A. are full of celebrities living glamorous lives; appearance is everything here, and it can sometimes be difficult to see through the facade.

Declining living standards

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The big cities of California are currently seeing drops in living standards, making it increasingly difficult to live there. With an increasing homeless population, excessive drug use, and high crime rates, places like LA and San Francisco are no longer the picture of glamor they’re made out to be.

Threat of earthquakes

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Finally, earthquakes are a major threat in California, one that is preventing people from moving to live there, and the US Geological Survey points out this is because the state straddles the San Andreas Fault Line. Shockingly, the state experiences more than 10,000 a year, and while most aren’t felt, 10-20 have a magnitude greater than 4.0!

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