17 Reasons Why Atheists Say There Is No God

While agnostic people are unsure whether God is real, atheists lack any belief that He exists. Though Christianity still holds the majority in the US, atheism is slowly but surely gaining numbers for many reasons. Here are 17 of the reasons why atheists say there is no God.

Lack of Compelling Evidence

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When confronted about their beliefs, most atheists first point to a lack of compelling evidence. Religious people are guided by self-belief, and that is enough to satisfy their faith, but atheists desire more. Without undeniable evidence, like seeing or speaking to God, they can’t believe.

The Existence of Evil

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Many atheists find it difficult to believe in an omnibenevolent God when so much evil exists in the world. Britannica calls this the ‘problem of evil,’ which argues that if God exists, He either allows these things to happen because He doesn’t love humanity or because He doesn’t have almighty power.

Unanswered Prayers

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Sometimes, non-believers question their lack of faith and decide to pray to God and see if He answers. When they receive no communication or acknowledgment of their prayers, they conclude that God doesn’t exist. This relates to the need for undeniable evidence that God is here and watching us.

Natural Disasters

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Natural disasters fall into the category of evil, which is why many atheists use them as evidence that God does not exist. Christians argue that God allowed natural disasters in the Bible, such as the Noah’s Ark flood in Genesis, so they must be part of His plan, but atheists remain unconvinced.

Personal Tragedies

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We base our beliefs on our experiences, so it’s common for people to believe there is no God when they’ve experienced many terrible things. Grief, illness, and financial strife are all relatable tragedies, but where Christians are comforted by their faith, atheists are further convinced that God doesn’t exist.

Improbable Biblical Stories

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The Bible is full of immense stories of strength, disaster, and divine intervention, but atheists find them too improbable. Live Science cites Jonah being swallowed by a large fish, the Nile turning to blood, and Adam living 130 years as examples. Christians attribute these stories to God’s omnipotence, but atheists, understandably, remain skeptical.

Social Injustices

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The world isn’t fair, but Christians are comforted by the knowledge that God has a plan for us and will one day welcome us all into Heaven. However, atheists observe high poverty rates, a lack of clean water, and food insecurities, questioning why God doesn’t fix this now if He does exist.


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Science versus religion is one of society’s most passionate debates, and it’s also responsible for convincing many atheists that there is no God. Science provides findings based on verifiable evidence, whereas religion relies on unrelenting belief. Atheists prefer evidence they can corroborate, so faith isn’t enough to convince them.

Religious Corruption

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Religious corruption is one of the biggest reasons people nowadays are more wary of religion. Atheists also cite it as another reason why God can’t exist; after all, why would He let the people doing His work on Earth get away with corrupt and immoral behavior unless?

No Communication

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The Bible includes many conversations between God and humanity, but those are absent from life today. That’s why atheists have concluded that there’s no God: if He existed, He would communicate with us. Their preference for tangible evidence means they want to hear God’s voice before they’ll believe.

Too Many Assumptions

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Atheism often dismisses religious beliefs as assumptions. Some atheists refer to ‘Occam’s Razor,’ which Merriam-Webster defines as a philosophy that dictates that the simplest of competing theories should be preferred. Put simply, if science can explain the universe, why should people choose the more complex assumption-based religious idea of God?


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War is one of the world’s greatest tragedies, yet it never seems to stop. Innocent people die every day due to war, including children, and the injustice is too much for atheists. They can’t fathom a loving God allowing this, especially wars started in His name, so they don’t believe.

Discriminative Afterlives

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Many non-believers question how religious people dictate who does and doesn’t deserve to suffer after death. Atheists usually don’t believe in Heaven and Hell because they find it discriminative to imply only believers deserve a good afterlife. However, some atheists still believe in alternative, more inclusive afterlives.

No Signs

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Religious people believe that God sends them signs, such as a fortunate change in their personal circumstances, but atheists often dismiss these as coincidences. They think that if there is a God, He will send them a sign to convince them of His existence. Until they see hard evidence, they refuse to believe.

No Tangible Presence

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Christians are comforted by the knowledge that God is omnipresent in the universe and watching their lives, but atheists struggle to embody that level of faith. To them, God has no tangible presence, and they believe only in things they can see or prove. Currently, God is not one of those things.

Lack of Logic

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Atheism declares its preference for science because it finds it more logical than religion. According to Atheist Alliance International, Christianity is fundamentally illogical, especially the idea of Jesus as a sacrificial human embodiment of God. They find it too illogical for God to exist and have such power.

Too Many Gods

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Finally, though atheists all belong to one community, religious people belong to many different religions. Each religion has its own God, so some atheists find it improbable that all, or any, of them exist. Every religion argues for its own God, too, so there are too many ideas for atheists to find one plausible.

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