17 Reasons People Are Choosing to Leave Christianity 

In recent years, the Church has seen more people than usual choose to leave it. Whether these decisions are personal or have to do with the Church, it’s meant faith is on the decline. Here are 17 reasons people are choosing to leave Christianity.

Church Politics

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If the Church becomes too political, then people may start to feel alienated from it, especially if they want a more spiritual religious journey. If the Church starts speaking about politics, then it may start seeing a divide, and this can make people not want to come back.


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A main reason people leave Christianity is due to science. With more scientific knowledge, it can contradict religion. This is supported by Ineos, which writes, “Religion and science are like oil and water. They might coexist, but they can never mix to produce a homogeneous medium.”

Hypocrisy Among Leadership

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There’s a saying that you should practice what you preach. If church-goers don’t feel like their leader is living up to what is said at church, then it creates concern. This can then cause people to leave Christianity because it feels hypocritical. Christians may start to look for a religion that they feel is more authentic.

Cultural Values

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Christian teachings can be completely different from modern values. This includes views on LGBTQ+ rights, gender equality, and reproductive rights. If people support these rights, then it can cause them to leave Christianity if leaders preach against them. This is particularly true of younger generations, who are taught to welcome all types of people.

Mental Health Awareness

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Many Christians may feel like their church isn’t supportive of mental health, and this can make them leave. Sometimes, going to church can be incredibly draining, and a person may feel like it’s more detrimental to their mental health. They leave because they feel it will improve their health.

Personal Freedom

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HuffPost states, “The purpose of all religion is to free you. When a religion ceases to free you, you need freedom from religion.” Sometimes, the laws of religion can feel like too much and when this happens, you want to escape from them. Nowadays, people value their freedom more than anything else.

Feeling Judged

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Going to church can make you feel judged. Religion puts a high emphasis on sin and sometimes this can lead people to feel like they’ve failed. If a Christian feels like their church leader or other members are judging them too deeply, then it can cause them to leave their faith altogether.

Response to Doubt

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The Church doesn’t always have a great response to people’s feelings of doubt. This is especially the case with younger people and if they ask leaders questions about their religion, these leaders may not be able to give sufficient answers, which can cause a person to leave Christianity.

Personal Journeys

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Many Christians want to experience authentic spiritual experiences when it comes to their faith. However, they may start to feel that traditional church experiences aren’t fulfilling enough, especially if someone is on a personal journey. They may not feel a connection with their church, so they leave to follow their personal beliefs.

Inclusive Communities

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The Church may not be inclusive enough for some people. This can cause them to break away from it and their faith and choose a community that feels right for them. They may want to find something that aligns more with personal and cultural values, and sometimes that isn’t always religious.


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A person’s family can influence how they see their faith. If they start to see members of their family losing faith, then they may start to do the same. Family can be far more influential than the Church, as a person is around them more. There’s also inter-faith marriage, which can cause a person to step away from Christianity.

Social Issues

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Sometimes, a person can have different views on social issues compared to their church. For example, Ministry Brands tells us that traditional church systems have rigid structures and conservative stances on social issues, which can cause church-goers to disconnect from Christianity. People want to find a faith that reflects their own opinions.

Life Priorities

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Life can get in the way of going to church, and this can cause people to leave Christianity. The Church may not be flexible enough for people who have other priorities, especially with children. For example, soccer practice may also be on a Sunday. People want to prioritize their lives over going to church.

Personal Harm

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If someone has experienced a traumatic event, then it can cause them to lose their faith. This may be because they find themselves constantly questioning why God let this happen to them. They may also try to seek help from their church, but when they don’t find that help sufficient, it pushes them away.

Church Management

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It’s common for people to become skeptical over how their church is managed. They may not know where their donations are going, which can create high levels of concern. Also, their church may feel outdated as it struggles to keep up with modern technologies, such as music or online sessions.

Influence of Education

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Psychology Today writes, “The more education a person receives, the more likely they are to become an atheist. Non-belief also increases with intelligence and income.” Higher education exposes people to different perspectives when it comes to religion, and it can cause them to deeply question their faith and sometimes even leave it.


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A person may find themselves in conflict with their church. This could be for personal or even cultural reasons. If they find that their church doesn’t offer support and instead creates conflict over matters, then it can cause a person to leave. Not feeling supported by their church community can also have a negative effect.

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