18 Powerful Phrases to Use When Someone Speaks Down to You

It can often be difficult and awkward when someone speaks down to you. This can catch you completely off guard, and you can be lost on how to respond to it. Here are 18 powerful phrases to use when someone speaks down to you.

“I appreciate your input, but let’s keep our conversation respectful.”

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By using this response when someone has spoken down to you, it immediately indicates to them that they have overstepped the mark. It highlights the importance of remaining respectful without escalating the situation further and presents an opportunity for the conversation to continue in a healthy manner.

“Let’s focus on the issue at hand.”

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DeepStash reports, “When disagreements occur, people tend to bring up any and every unresolved issue they have ever encountered with the other parties. This impedes conflict resolution and blurs the point of the discussion.” Responding to someone who has spoken down to you with “let’s focus on the issue at hand” steers the conversation back on topic.

“I would appreciate it if you could phrase that differently.”

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Using this statement makes it clear how you feel about what the person has just said. It shows that you request a more respectful approach and highlights the importance of keeping the conversation that way. This is a great response for a workplace, as it remains professional while still highlighting your boundaries.

“This is important to me; please hear me out.”

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This is a great response if someone keeps talking over you or down to you. “This is important to me; please hear me out” highlights that you feel your views aren’t being heard and allows others to respect you and your opinions and reflect on their previous actions.

“Can we take a moment to cool down?”

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Responding to someone with ‘Can we take a moment to cool down?’ is a mature way to handle someone going off track and being rude. Psychology Today says you can take a moment by stretching your body or getting some fresh air. It should highlight that you don’t feel it’s necessary to continue a conversation in its current nature.

“Could you explain why you believe that?”

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This is a great response to fully understand why someone is acting in a particular way towards you. It gives you an opportunity to work out whether your suspicions were correct and allows the other person to reflect on whether they were being harsh or reword their views in a more polite way.

“I feel dismissed when you speak to me this way.”

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This response is a great way to directly tell someone how you feel after their words. It should immediately draw the other person to reflect on the way they went about the situation and see them opt for a more productive solution to continue the conversation.

“That comment felt disrespectful; can we keep things professional?”

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Responding in this manner is a direct way to express your feelings while remaining professional and mature enough for the conversation to continue. It also clearly shows where your boundaries are set and should prevent that person from overstepping the mark in future conversations.

“Let’s try to find common ground.”

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The LinkedIn community reports, “Common ground is the shared understanding, values, and interests that enable people to communicate and collaborate.” Responding to someone who is speaking down to you with this phrase immediately highlights that you feel the conversation isn’t reaching a resolution.

“Please consider how your words might be perceived.”

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Sometimes, not directly telling someone how you feel because of their words can be better. By using this statement, you’re getting the person to reflect on their words without them truly knowing how they made you feel, and it encourages more mindful communication.

“I’d like to move this conversation forward in a positive way.”

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This is a great way to express that you’re not happy and won’t tolerate being spoken down to, but are happy enough to continue if the other person corrects their ways. This shows strength and maturity and is a great way to effectively communicate your feelings in a professional environment.

“I need a moment to process this before responding.”

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This can be a great way to respond to someone who is being rude and talking down to you. It highlights the shock of being at the end of those words, and not only does it give you time to respond in a respectful manner, but it also allows the other person to reflect on their words and make improvements.

“Thank you for your feedback.”

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Responding with “thank you for your feedback” is a good way to respond to someone who you feel was purposely trying to get a negative response from you. This reflects maturity in not engaging in personal conflict and shows strength that their intended harsh words will not affect you.

“I value our relationship too much to let this continue.”

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This is a very respectful response to show someone that you feel they’ve stepped out of line. It diverts attention away from any conflict and expresses the importance of the relationship. It sets strong but respectful boundaries for future interactions to prevent the same situation from occurring again.

“I appreciate your input, but let’s keep our conversation respectful.”

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This is a strong response that makes it clear that you value their opinion but at the same time, you won’t allow someone to disrespect you. This should calm the interaction, prevent any conflict, and ensure respect is upheld throughout the rest of the conversation.

“I understand where you’re coming from.”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, this tells a person you understand what they’re saying, but you don’t agree with it. It can catch the other person off guard, especially if their intention is to cause conflict. This phrase is a mature way to move on and get the conversation back on track.

“Excuse me, I need to step away for a moment.”

Photo Credit: Photoroyalty/Shutterstock

Responding to rudeness with “Excuse me, I need to step away for a moment” and actually leaving the room immediately deescalates rising tension. It’s an opportunity for you to reflect on how you want the interaction to continue and it allows the other person to reflect on their words.

“I think we’re aiming for the same goal here.”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Responding with “I think we’re aiming for the same goal here” is a great way to highlight that the conversation has gone off track without escalating any conflict. It highlights your willingness to work with the other individual and confirms that you want the same outcome.

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