18 Phrases Boomers Are Tired of Hearing from Gen Z

Gen Z and boomers are very different generations. They often struggle to communicate and connect with each other. Boomers can feel that Gen Z is a generation that likes to complain. Here are 18 phrases boomers are tired of hearing from Gen Z.

“Work Is Tiring”

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Boomers get frustrated when they hear Gen Z say, “Work is tiring.” Boomers have always been hard workers who have put in long shifts compared to what Gen Z has to do today. Present jobs are also less physically demanding than they once were in the boomer era.

“Annual Leave Isn’t Long Enough”

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GlobaCare reports, “65% of Gen Zers rank travel as the most important way to spend their money. This makes ample paid time off extremely important to Gen Z candidates.” Boomers are tired of hearing about annual leave; this is the norm for them, and they’ve always taken the approach of just getting on with it.

“That’s too Far”

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Boomers feel Gen Z and younger generations in general can complain too much about walking. They’ve always had the luxury of cars and strong public transportation, so they don’t value the beauty of walking to places. When boomers grew up, public transportation wasn’t what it is today, so they’re used to commuting on foot.

“Learning Is Hard”

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This is a phrase that can really wind up a boomer. Gen Z arguably has it easier than any other generation with all the resources available today to learn through the different technologies. This wasn’t available for boomers growing up, making it a lot harder for their generation.

“Too Many Meetings”

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Despite many meetings today being digitally online, as many are working from home, Gen Z still seems to find this an inconvenience. This can frustrate boomers, as they don’t feel Gen Zs are truly appreciating how meetings have progressed and they don’t realize it’s a luxury that they can attend them from the comfort of their own homes.

“Too Expensive”

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The BBC reports, “Everyone is feeling stress from rising costs and an uncertain economy. For Gen Z, the effects are particularly acute, and impacting how they live.” Many people feel that boomers had it a lot easier than the younger generation has today. Boomers can become annoyed when they hear others say it’s “too expensive.”

“I’m Too Busy”

Photo Credit: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

When Gen Z uses the phrase “I’m too busy,” this can leave boomers frustrated. Boomers feel younger generations don’t have their priorities right and spend so much time on their phones and social media that they’re wasting time. If they didn’t do this, they would have plenty of spare time on their hands to do other things.

“I Need a Vacation”

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Younger generations have more opportunities to travel frequently compared to boomers growing up. Going on vacation for a boomer was a luxury event that didn’t happen often. They can get tired of Gen Zers complaining they need a vacation when they’ve already been on one that year.

“Books Are Boring”

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With the technological resources available today, many younger people find entertainment and education online superior to books. Boomers are tired of hearing this, as they’ve valued books their whole lives. Gen Zs are more likely to listen to an audiobook than read one.

“My Eyes Are Strained”

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Often, in a professional or personal setting, Gen Z can complain that their eyes are strained due to staring at screens. This can really wind boomers up, as they feel Gen Zers don’t understand the true physical demands that their generation faced from completing laboring jobs.

“I’m Stressed”

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Today, mental health is much more known than in the boomer generation. It’s important to recognize and communicate when you’re stressed. For boomers, this isn’t something they’re used to admitting or talking about, and their generation used to just carry on, which could often see their stress levels escalate.

“I Need New Clothes”

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The New York Times explains that all generations have trouble keeping up with fashion trends, but it can be particularly difficult for Gen Z as trends are constantly changing thanks to platforms such as TikTok. Boomers have always been a generation that keeps and reuses items, meaning they’ve been using the same clothes for years.

“It’s Too Cold”

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

When Gen Z complains about the cold, it can annoy boomers. They’re often complaining about how cold the house is when they only have one layer on. Boomers don’t feel that Gen Z appreciates certain luxuries, such as central heating, and don’t understand when things truly were cold for boomers growing up.

“You’re Too Old to Understand”

Photo Credit: Little Pig Studio/Shutterstock

“You’re too old to understand” is a phrase that boomers have heard many times from younger people. It can be rude to say this, and it often becomes tiring. It’s said to boomers when discussing technology or even describing how it is to be young in the present day.

“Life Isn’t Fair”

Photo Credit: Sjale/Shutterstock

This is often a phrase that boomers become frustrated with, as they feel Gen Zers don’t use it in the correct context. Life isn’t fair at times, but boomers feel Gen Z uses it when the smallest inconvenience has occurred instead of an actual life-changing situation.

“OK, Boomer”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Gen Z can often use the phrase “OK Boomer” to try and get a reaction from the older generation. It can be used by Gen Z when they feel someone’s views or opinions are outdated. Boomers can find it disrespectful and it can make interactions between the two generations awkward.


Photo Credit: Song_about_summer/Shutterstock

Many younger generations can use the term ‘fear of missing out’ or ‘FOMO.’ Boomers have become tired of it as they feel Gen Z overemphasizes it around social activities and not genuine life experiences. Gen Z feels they miss out because of things such as Instagram and Snapchat stories, which show snippets of people’s events.

“I’m a baby”

Photo Credit: SpeedKingz/Shutterstock

This phrase can be tiring to hear for boomers, as they feel Gen Z uses it as an opportunity to not take accountability. Gen Z may use “I’m a baby” to express their lack of knowledge or need for care and attention. Boomers feel it shows a lack of maturity and laziness in taking responsibility.

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