Never Make These 19 Relationship Mistakes Commonly Made by Women 

We all want our relationships to last as long as possible, but are you doing something that could jeopardize yours? To find out, check out the 19 relationship mistakes commonly made by women that are listed in this article.

Expecting mind-reading

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A common mistake that women make in relationships is that they expect their significant others to read their minds. Instead of telling them directly how they’re feeling or what they want to do, they expect their partner to guess. Being open and communicating verbally is essential.

Holding grudges

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“Anger and bitterness are the banes of holding grudges in relationships. And when they continue for a long time, they are also the immediate resultant effect of lack of forgiveness…

With time, they will grow tired of each other and go their separate ways,” says

Talking too much

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Good relationships are built when two people communicate and converse with one another. Dominating the conversation and not allowing the other person to express themselves can put a strain on the relationship and make your partner feel like you don’t care about their thoughts and feelings.


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Lying is very damaging to a relationship. It doesn’t matter if you’re lying about something small or something big; lies always damage trust and make it difficult for your partner to draw close to you. If you lie habitually, your romantic relationship will suffer greatly.

Not respecting your partner

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Men really need to feel respected in a relationship. If a man feels like you don’t respect them, you’ll hurt their ego. For your relationship to thrive, you need to show you respect your partner both by what you say and how you speak to them in public and in private.

Being argumentative

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There’s nothing wrong with trying to get your point across when a conflicting matter comes up but you should be careful about how you express yourself. If your partner thinks you’re an argumentative person, there may not be a lot of peace between you. They’ll dread disagreeing with you.

Spending time apart

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It’s good for couples to spend time apart but too much time apart could be damaging to the relationship. Of course, you want to spend time with your friends and family and participate in activities that interest you. But you must schedule time to spend with your partner.


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Choosing Therapy says, “There is a risk that flirting can become something bigger and more destructive, leading some to stray and commit emotional or physical infidelity. It can destroy your relationship.” You should never flirt with others while you’re in a committed romantic relationship.

Not trusting them

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Good relationships are built on trust. If you find it difficult to trust your partner, then they might also begin to struggle to trust you. If you don’t open up with them and be honest with them because of a lack of trust, the relationship between you won’t last.

Never compromising

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Healthy relationships have compromise as their foundation. That means sometimes you’ll get your way and sometimes you won’t. If you refuse to compromise and always demand having your own way, your partner will conclude that you don’t love them and aren’t willing to make sacrifices for them.

Rarely listening

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Everyone wants to be listened to. Your partner wants you to listen to them too. If you never really listen to the things they say, they’ll become frustrated, and the relationship will get weaker. You must really listen, even if what they say isn’t very interesting to you.

Disrespecting in-laws

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According to Business Insider, “As you start to take priority for your partner, an in-law can become jealous.” But just because your in-laws are getting on your nerves doesn’t mean you should disrespect them. Your partner won’t like it and will choose loyalty to his family over loyalty to you.

Never watching the game

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If you’re not that into sports, sitting down and watching a game might seem like a complete waste of time. But your partner will really appreciate it if you spend the time watching the game with them just so you can be together and enjoy one another’s company.


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For your relationship to thrive, you should never scream or shout at your partner. It’s normal for a couple to have disagreements, but you should try to settle them in a calm, low voice rather than by screaming at them. Shouting will only escalate the problem and drive the two of you apart.

Criticizing them

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Your partner will never do everything around the house just how you like it. However, you should appreciate the efforts that they make to do the things that you ask them to do. When you refuse to criticize them but commend them sincerely, they’ll feel motivated to continue helping you.

Never saying thank you

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Your partner does a lot for you and a relationship where there’s no thanks is very miserable. Get into the habit of always thanking your partner for the things they do for you and your family, and around the house. Doing so will help your partner feel good and strengthen the relationship.

Being impatient

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“Friendship, which is based on shared history, interests and activities, involves patience, mutual support, intimacy and respect, and all are enhanced over time,” says Psychology Today. For the greatest friendship between you and your partner, you must be patient with one another.

Sharing secrets

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There are a lot of things that should be kept confidential between you and your partner. But they will stop trusting you if you begin to share these confidential matters with your girlfriends or with your family. Your partner does not want to be laughed at by others.

Always complaining

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Every relationship has its ups and downs, but that doesn’t mean that you should complain to your partner about everything they get wrong. Your partner can only be so patient, so don’t push them to the limit by always complaining. Learn to have a grateful attitude and thank them often.

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