17 Most Common Reasons Men Break Up With Women

Men and women usually have different reasons for breaking up their relations but while everyone has unique deciding factors in ending a relationship, here are the 17 most common reasons why men break up with women.

You’re too independent

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Independence is great to an extent, but men want to feel needed. It is common when women are single to lean into their masculine energy and become extremely independent. Yet when you enter a relationship, men want to feel like they can help and contribute. The male ego needs to be fed a little.

Career goals

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Men have a driving factor in their life and that is the need to succeed. National Library of Medicine states that men have a biological need to be the provider and protector in a family. To succeed at this, their career needs to be one of their top priorities and if they are not at a point where they feel they can fulfill this role, they may suddenly focus all their attention on it.

The cons outweigh the pros

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No one is perfect, and there will no doubt be flaws and at least a small selection of negatives in the relationship. When those cons build up to outweigh the pros of the relationship, that is when there is an issue. When the bad is overwhelming in comparison to the good, men will call off the relationship.

His mother doesn’t like you

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The connection between a son and his mother is unbreakable, and for many men, his mom will always be a priority. While women are more likely to defy their family if there is a disconnect between their parents and partner, men have a greater likelihood of ending a relationship on the basis that their mother doesn’t get on with their partner.

You were a placeholder

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Many relationships are built with one party not intending for it to be a long term commitment. Yet rather than staying single, the space is filled in the meantime by a relationship of convenience. While both genders do this, it is more commonly men who have a placeholder and are just passing the time, waiting for someone better to come along.


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Being around a negative person can deplete your energy, and having that person as your partner can be extremely draining. According to Verywell Mind, negativity can ruin a relationship and let’s be honest, who wants to be with someone who is always in a bad mood?

Lack of a deeper connection

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In the honeymoon period of a relationship, it is easy to get carried away. The small talk and physical intimacy may be great which you see as a positive sign. Although it may be good in the early days, as the relationship progresses, if a deeper connection isn’t established, it won’t be a success.

You’re not his wife

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Different relationships come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Although the relationship may be great, if he can’t picture you as his future wife, the relationship is going to break down at some point. If he can’t see you in his life forever, eventually he will call it a day.

You interfered in his life

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When you enter a relationship, the lines become blurred, and it is easy to view the other person as an extension of you. However, it is important to remember that your partner has their own life and can live it how they choose. While you can certainly provide constructive input, interfering in his life can be a relationship dealbreaker.

Lack of physical intimacy

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The early days can be wild, but as relationships progress, it is normal for physical intimacy to cool down a little. However, physical intimacy should still be a top priority in any healthy relationship, and a lack of it can result in a relationship breaking down. Marriage.com says that physical intimacy is highly important for the bond between two people.

He was angry

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The male ego is very fragile, and just one incident that makes him angry can tip him over the edge. If a man feels any touch of disrespect, he can make a fast decision to end a relationship and cut that person out of his life. Although relationships are destined to have conflict, some men see it as a red flag.

He’s not invested in you

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The phrase ‘he’s just not that into you’ is a cliche for a reason, because it’s true. You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world but there are some people who just don’t like peaches. There is nothing wrong with you, some people simply just prefer a different vibe.

He doesn’t feel good enough

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A relationship is built on mutual respect and when that respect is lacking, your self-esteem can take a beating. When you are disrespected and unappreciated, that can lead to you feeling like you’re not good enough. If a man is constantly made to feel like he’s not good enough, why would he stay with that woman?


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Although a study from Brides found that men are 7% more likely to cheat than women, some men experience infidelity in their relationships too. This is another reason why men decide to end their relationship, as it is extremely difficult to continue a loving partnership once your ego is brused.

You listen to your girlfriends too much

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It is great to receive feedback from an outside perspective but it can also be a negative for your relationship. Your girlfriends do not need to be involved in the business of your relationship and when a man thinks you’re listening too much to your girls, this can be extremely annoying.

Overly critical of his friends

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Male friendships are extremely important and in most cases, his friends have been in his life longer than you have. Although you may not get along with all of his friends, being overly critical of them signals a lack of trust to your other half so don’t let your opinions of them influence your relationship.

They feel suffocated

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It is normal to want to spend every waking moment with your other half, but alone time is extremely important. Spending time apart is crucial for a healthy relationship and when you’re together constantly, it is easy to feel suffocated. You don’t need to be attached at the hip, you’re two individual people.

Up Next: 18 Reasons Why Men Get Grumpier As They Age

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