18 Misconceptions About the Meaning of Being Christian

The Christian religion is misunderstood somewhat around the world, so we’re here to set the record straight on some of those claims. Here are 18 key things that people get wrong about the meaning of being Christian.

Christianity Is Anti-Intellectual

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Many people believe that Christians aren’t up for debate whatsoever. While it may be true of certain individual Christians, it certainly doesn’t speak for the religion as a whole! There are many highly intellectual Christians in the world and the majority would be up for a debate as well.

Christians Are Judgmental and Intolerant

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Christians aren’t as mean as they’re made out to be by some people sometimes! In fact, they’re the opposite. The religion as a whole condemns hypocrisy and unfair judgment, as Jesus taught love, kindness, and forgiveness. Anyone not practicing these values needs to take a look in the mirror.

Christians Must Follow Old Testament Laws Literally

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The New Testament teaches that many Old Testament laws were fulfilled through Jesus, so Christians don’t need to follow them strictly. They should focus instead on the Old Testament’s moral and ethical essence. In fact, Evangelical Magazine claims that only a handful of these teachings need to be followed.

Jesus Never Claimed to Be Divine

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The belief in Jesus’s divinity is crucial to the Christian faith, so it’s a little confusing when people say that Jesus never claimed to be divine. The Gospels record multiple instances where Jesus identified Himself with God, as He had to go about fulfilling Old Testament prophecies.

A Loving God Would Not Allow Suffering

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Many people have decided that they don’t believe in God because God, in all His power, would never allow for any of the suffering in the world. However, Christianity actually teaches that suffering results from human freedom and the presence of sin in a fallen world.

The New Testament Is Unreliable

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There’s historical evidence to show us that the New Testament texts were written by eyewitnesses or their contemporaries. Throughout history, they were carefully preserved to ensure their reliability, so it’s a little unfair for people to say that they’re not reliable!

Being Christian Means You Are Always Happy and Problem-Free

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Christians would love to spend their lives happy and free of problems, but the reality is that this is not always the case. Christianity acknowledges the reality of suffering and trials in a believer’s life and is all about strengthening one’s relationship with God to get through these trying times.

Christians Are Supposed to Be Wealthy

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The “prosperity gospel” is a misrepresentation and not a doctrine accepted by all denominations of Christianity. As The Gospel Coalition says, it is not essential for all Christians to be financially wealthy, but rather for them to be godly and content. The focus should be on the spiritual blessings of life.

Christianity Is a Western Religion

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Many people believe that Christianity originated in the Western world, but this is simply not true. Christianity actually originated in the Middle East and quickly spread across diverse cultures and continents. Nowadays, it’s practiced in many countries throughout the world, but far from just the West.

Christians Cannot Believe in Science

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There’s a lot of talk of the battle between science and religion. Sure, this certainly was the case a lot of the time throughout history, but in the modern world, science and religion can go side by side. The bottom line is that many Christians actually embrace scientific discoveries and integrate them with their faith.

All Christians Are Conservative

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It’s reasonable for people to make the assumption that a lot of Christianity is conservative in the U.S., as the loudest Christians tend to lean that way politically. But actually, Christianity spans a wide political spectrum, including liberal, moderate, and conservative viewpoints, as shown by the Pew Research Center.

Christians Are Hypocritical

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Some Christians may be inconsistent from time to time, but this is the case with any religious group, or, in fact, many political groups around the world. But what Christianity really teaches is self-examination, repentance, and the pursuit of a life that reflects Christian values.

Christianity Is Joyless and Restrictive

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Where did this one come from? We know that some believe that Christians don’t know how to have fun, but actually, Christianity promotes a life full of joy and fulfillment. This is usually through a relationship with God and community engagement, but Christians can let their hair down, too.

Christians Think They Are Better Than Others

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There’s absolutely no reason that Christians should believe they’re better than anyone else in the world, no matter their faith or their background. Christianity teaches humility and the equality of all people before God, so anybody who truly believes that they’re better than others is disobeying their faith.

Christians Will Always Reject Other Religions

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While Christians cannot accept other religions as the truth, they are taught to be tolerant of other religions. Christianity.com explains that they are encouraged to maintain an interfaith dialogue with people of other faiths and to respect the moral teachings of these religions.

Christians Are Anti-LGBTQ+

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This particular subject has come into the limelight a lot in recent years, as there are a lot of Christians in the U.S. who show negative attitudes toward the LGBTQ+ community. But this is wrong. Christianity advocates for inclusivity and acceptance, and several denominations officially support LGBTQ+ rights and marriage equality.

Christianity Is Just About Following Rules

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Christianity emphasizes a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, of course, but the religion is certainly not merely rule-following. Freedom is an essential part of Christianity, and spiritual growth is front and center of what it’s all about, so any strictness is optional.

Christians Are Always Certain About Their Faith

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Many Christians doubt their faith from time to time, and that’s okay. These doubts and questions are recognized as natural and even necessary parts of a Christian faith journey, so it should be a celebration when people can move past them as opposed to damnation when they’re encountered.

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