18 Major Reasons Why No One Wants to Live in Texas

Texas is one of the most divisive states. Some Texans fiercely defend their home state, but others criticize it for various reasons. Many are relocating, and other Americans aren’t rushing to Texas either. There are 18 major reasons why no one wants to live in Texas anymore.

Controversial Politics

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American politics are the subject of much furious debate worldwide. Texas is one of the most politically controversial states, with contentious laws surrounding abortion, immigration, transgender healthcare, and firearms. Many Americans fear losing vital human rights, so they don’t want to live in places like Texas.

Hot Weather

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Texas is known for being one of the hottest states, with temperatures regularly exceeding 100°F. Forbes reports that the infamous Texas heat is caused by a ‘heat dome’, a high-pressure system that lingers, trapping the heat down. The humidity is often unbearable, with many Texans migrating to cooler states.

High Crime Rates

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Texas doesn’t have the highest crime rate in the United States, but it’s above the national average. Texans frequently report violent crimes, like assault, as well as property damage, theft, and drug-related offenses. People who want comfortable, peaceful lives aren’t enticed by the possibility of becoming victims of such crimes.

Air Pollution

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Nobody wants to live somewhere with polluted air because it’s a growing threat to people’s health and the environment. Texas suffers from bad air pollution due to the hot weather, busy roads, and pollutants pumped out of factories. It’s particularly bad in Dallas and Houston, and it’s driving people out.

Loose Gun Laws

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Millions of Americans regularly demand tighter gun restrictions to lower the number of fatal shootings in the US each year, but many states refuse to listen. Texas has loose gun laws; people can open-carry without a license, and there’s a lack of regulation. Those who hate gun violence want to avoid states like Texas.

High Taxes

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With the cost of living increasing, people are looking for cheaper places to live. Texas is instantly crossed off many people’s lists because it has high taxes. Property taxes are especially high to help fund public services, including the police, roads, and schools, so it’s too expensive for some people to afford properties.

Extreme Religious Values

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Texas is in the South, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that it’s a highly religious society. However, plenty of people are uncomfortable with the divisive religious extremities. The Pew Research Center found that 77% of Texans are Christians, and 63% consider religion very important in their lives. For any non-religious people, it’s too much.

Congested Roads

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If you work in the city, you must be able to commute effectively. This isn’t easy in Texas because the roads are so congested due to a population of 30 million. Even with new highways, roads are still busy, and the prospect of frequent difficult commutes puts many off moving to Texas.

Lack of Natural Beauty

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Unfortunately, most big-city states lack natural beauty due to urbanization, and Texas is not immune. There are some beautiful natural areas, but they’re overwhelmed by massive cities and highways. El Paso and Houston have both been voted among the ugliest cities in the US due to run-down areas and depressing urban landscapes.

High Cost of Living

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The current cost of living crisis has made many people reconsider where they live. Texans have been hit by higher prices for rent, utilities, and fuel. It’s too expensive for many people to buy houses, let alone maintain them, and still have money left. There are many cheaper states people want to live in instead.

Impoverished Areas

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Unfortunately, many Americans are living below the poverty line, and some are in Texas. The Dimmit County area has the highest poverty rate in Texas, with other rural regions also suffering due to a lack of jobs. People don’t want to struggle to live, so places with highly impoverished areas don’t appeal to them.

Natural Disasters

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Natural disasters can hit anywhere, but Texas has been devastated many times by flooding, drought, wildfires, and hurricanes. FOX 26 Houston reports that Texas is ranked the third state most affected by natural disasters in the US. The probability terrifies most people, so they don’t want to take the risk and live in Texas.

Unreliable Power Grid

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We frequently take electricity for granted, but people who live in Texas appreciate it more, knowing how inconvenient an unreliable power grid can be. In 2021, Texas experienced multiple power blackouts when freezing temperatures compromised the grid. Many complain that it’s still unreliable, which is another vote against living in Texas.

Substandard Public Transport

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Public transport is integral. However, some of Texas’ busiest cities, including Austin, Dallas, and Houston, have substandard public transport systems. Many Metro routes don’t cover enough areas, leaving some people without sufficient access to trains and buses regularly suffering delays. For those without cars, it’s too much of a daily hassle.

Poor Treatment of Women

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

Women across the US are outraged by how they’re currently being treated by Texan politics, and many regularly declare that they never want to live there. As well as its controversial laws banning almost all abortions, women who do give birth feel vulnerable in their careers and when they seek medical treatment.

Bland Cities

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While big cities are designed to be practical, making them look good is still possible. Texas’ architecture is criticized for being boring, with cookie-cutter neighborhoods and bland suburban areas. Compared with states like Chicago, New York, and Nevada, Texas doesn’t have such an attractive pull.

Bad Healthcare

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American healthcare is regularly criticized, and several states, including Texas, choose to remain broken. The Texas Tribune reports that Texas has more uninsured people than any other state and still refuses to expand its Medicaid program. As a result, people refuse to move there and gamble with their health.

Lack of Things to Do

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Though Houston is famous for being the ‘space city’, many people agree there’s not much to do in Texas. There are fewer good outdoor walking areas and urban activities to enjoy than in other states. People want to love where they live, and Texas doesn’t give them enough reasons to live there.

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