20 Loyal Dog Breeds That Will Always Stay by Your Side

Dogs are known to be extraordinarily attentive and loving pets. And whether you’re seeking a guardian, a playful friend, or a devoted companion, there are many breeds you can count on to be extremely loyal too! In this light, here are 20 dogs that will stick by you through thick and thin.

German Shepherds

Photo Credit: Happy monkey/Shutterstock

German shepherds are known to form strong bonds with the family they grow up in, using their natural instincts to remain vigilant and keep everyone safe. They’re from a family of herding dogs that already have an affinity for human relationships, and they’re also easily trainable, which allows you to enhance their loyalty even more.


Photo Credit: Jaclyn Vernace/Shutterstock

Brave dogs with a determined spirit, the dachshund is a small breed with an intense attachment to and overprotectiveness over its owners. The ASPCA describes them as jealous dogs that need constant attention. And the best part about dachshunds is that they have relatively longer lifespans, keeping your companionship with them extended.


Photo Credit: Ana Bencina Kosmac/Shutterstock

Akitas are so loyal that they have earned a revered spot in Japanese culture, with parents typically receiving a statue of one anytime they give birth. The Akita is a loyal, courageous breed that’s been adopted into Asian police forces, and the BBC even has a post honoring Hachico, an Akita it terms the world’s most loyal dog.

Labrador Retrievers

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Labs, as they’re fondly called, are friendly dogs that are always eager to please their owners. And they come with an outgoing, versatile personality that allows them to fit into different situations. With their great performance as working dogs too, it’s no surprise why they’re popular choices as service or guide dogs for specially challenged people.

Cocker Spaniels

Photo Credit: rebeccaashworthearle/Shutterstock

With cocker spaniels, you have extremely affectionate dogs that want to be everywhere you go. These dogs are highly responsive and eager to please, and they’re sociable enough to thrive in environments where you have other pets. Their personality, as the PDSA shares, makes them popular choices for first-time owners too!


Photo Credit: Dora Zett/Shutterstock

The Boxer is a family-oriented breed known to be particularly protective of children. These dogs have a heritage of being fierce hunters, which explains why they have the right amount of strength, energy, and courage to support their highly vigilant and protective nature.


Photo Credit: Sharon Snider/Shutterstock

Owing to its herding background, the Collie is known to develop an overprotective personality and a tight-knit relationship with its owners and the things you put it in charge of. They’re so intelligent and closely concerned about their owners’ health that they easily spot negative changes in your mood and environment.

Golden Retrievers

Photo Credit: Rala3030/Shutterstock

Golden Retrievers thrive on companionship, as they offer utmost loyalty to anyone who provides them with the amount of care and attention they need. They’re a breed known to be consistent with their temperament, and their excellence within search and rescue operations means their loyalty extends beyond just fulfilling your individual interests.


Photo Credit: LNbjors/Shutterstock

Beagles are natural pack animals, and this means they have enough loyalty to keep everyone in the family happy. They’re friendly and get easily attached to their handlers. And despite their small size, they also come with protective instincts, alerting their human family of any strange faces they see.


Photo Credit: alberto clemares exposito/Shutterstock

Rottweilers are bred as guard dogs, and hence, they have a natural instinct to stay close to and protect their home and the people they love. They can bond with individuals and entire families, and they’re intelligent enough to learn special commands to deepen their loyalty even more.

Shetland Sheepdogs

Photo Credit: Lisjatina/Shutterstock

Shelties are natural herders, and their strong herding instincts typically manifest in loyalty towards their owners and the flock they’ve grown with. They show an eagerness to learn and are highly trainable, and they are typically reserved towards strangers—remaining observant and alerting you to the unusual faces they see.

Saint Bernards

Photo Credit: Rita_Kochmarjova/Shutterstock

Saint Bernards have a natural instinct to help and protect, and this comes from their heritage as rescue dogs. They’re large dogs with a gentle demeanor towards their owners and everyone around them, and they also come with enough patience to thrive in environments where children are.

Doberman Pinschers

Photo Credit: Tanya Consaul Photography/Shutterstock

Doberman Pinschers are natural protectors with intense loyalty. And their strong attachment style while growing up makes them a perfect fit for families. They’re also a highly intelligent breed that can be trained to express more specialized protectiveness, which makes them popular choices for roles in the police and military.

Australian Shepherds

Photo Credit: Hanna Borysenko/Shutterstock

Australian shepherds are working, herding dogs that are highly diligent towards anything you put them to. They’re a breed that’s also great with children—looking after the kids as they naturally do with flocks. And they have a personality that’s either stuck on one person or an entire family, depending on how they’re raised.

Irish Setters

Photo Credit: Anna Goroshnikova/Shutterstock

Even though they may not do well with other pets without careful training, the Irish setter is another family-oriented dog on our list that’s very affectionate towards its owners. It has an active outdoor personality, and it comes with passive protectiveness, alerting you to any strange faces around.


Photo Credit: Madeeva_11/Shutterstock

Newfoundlands are laid-back giants that love being at your service and will cuddle up with you any chance they get. Alongside their gentle demeanor and reputation as family-friendly dogs, Newfoundlands are strong protectors that pick one person to bond with, to whom they unfailingly respond throughout their lives.

Border Collies

Photo Credit: Elayne Massaini/Shutterstock

Border collies are acclaimed to be the most intelligent dogs you’ll come across, and this makes them some of the most responsive too! They’re energetic, outgoing dogs known to form intense bonds with their owners, and they’re a breed that thrives on companionship and frequent mental and physical stimulation.

Bichon Frises

Photo Credit: Matthew Nichols1/Shutterstock

As taken from the AKC, “alert and immensely loyal to their favorite human, Bichons make nice little watchdogs.” The Bichon Frise is an affectionate companion that loves spending time with the family, and it’s also known to be a compassionate dog that’s sensitive to its owner’s emotions.

Belgian Malinois

Photo Credit: Victoria Antonova/Shutterstock

The Belgian Malinois is a loyal and dedicated dog deemed fit for use in the police and military. These dogs have protective instincts toward their handlers. Active physical engagement, which provides mental and physical stimulation, makes your bond with them even tighter.


Photo Credit: Viiviien/Shutterstock

Chihuahuas are another breed said to be perfect for first-time dog owners, thanks to their fierce bonding and protective personalities—despite their small size. They’re dogs with relatively longer lifespans, too! And considering their reputation for following owners everywhere they go, they’re a great choice for unwavering, longer-term companionship.

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