19 Items You Should Always Avoid Freezing

Freezing food is an excellent way to stop leftovers from going to waste and store prepared meals. However, not every food or sauce is suited to freezing, which can ruin its taste and texture. Here are 19 foods you should avoid freezing.

Fresh Fruits

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Fresh fruits have a high water content that can cause them to have a soggy, mushy texture after they’re defrosted. Citrus fruits often become overly soggy after freezing, and apples and pears can turn brown and mushy.

Leafy Greens

Photo Credit: Happy Moments/Shutterstock

When frozen, leafy greens like collard greens, spinach, and cabbage lose their crispness. Southern Living quotes Ingrid Chen McCarthy, a food developer, who explains that freezing raw cabbage will cause it to “suffer from some breakdown of the cell structure” and that “you will never achieve the crispness of raw cabbage once it’s frozen.”

Raw Potatoes

Photo Credit: FotoHelin/Shutterstock

Potatoes can be frozen, but only when they’re cooked. Raw potatoes contain large amounts of water, which thaws and makes them mushy and grainy when defrosted. Whole, cubed, and wedged potatoes can be frozen after they’re cooked.

Cooked Pasta

Photo Credit: DronG/Shutterstock

Cooked pasta can be frozen but often turns mushy and loses its firm texture. It can absorb excess moisture in the dish and become gummy, and sauce separation can cause texture issues when thawed.


Photo Credit: Michelle Lee Photography/Shutterstock

Freezing coffee can create ice crystals that ruin its taste and may damage its essential oils. Whole coffee beans can be frozen for a month, but storing them on a pantry shelf or in an airtight, opaque container is better.

Eggs in Their Shell

Photo Credit: muratart/Shutterstock

Cooked eggs can be frozen, but eggs in their shells shouldn’t be. Freezing them can cause their shells to crack, so make sure they’ve been cracked or cooked before placing them in the freezer to avoid wasting them.

Cream-based Sauces

Photo Credit: from my point of view/Shutterstock

Cream-based sauces don’t freeze well. They often separate, resulting in an unpleasant, grainy texture. Dairy proteins can also coagulate when frozen, so it’s best to store them in the fridge after they’re opened.


Photo Credit: MaraZe/Shutterstock

Yogurt can be frozen, but its texture will change, becoming thinner and less creamy. This makes it okay for use in cooking or smoothies but not for other desserts, so if you need to freeze it, pour it into ice cube trays.

Fried Foods

Photo Credit: Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

Fried foods don’t freeze well. TastingTable explains that when fried food is defrosted, it has a soggy coating, ruining its “signature crispy texture.” It explains that “moisture is the enemy of crispiness,” so keeping fried food dry is essential.

Soft Cheeses

Photo Credit: Nishihama/Shutterstock

The high moisture content of soft cheeses makes them unsuitable for freezing. They can lose their distinct flavor and creamy texture by becoming crumbly, so storing them in the fridge is best.

Cucumbers and Celery

Photo Credit: ArtCookStudio/Shutterstock

Cucumbers and celery have a high water content that makes them susceptible to mushiness after they’re defrosted. They’ll also lose their crispness and texture when frozen, so storing them in the fridge is better.

Mayonnaise-based Dressings

Photo Credit: Elena Veselova/Shutterstock

When mayonnaise-based dressings are frozen, their emulsion breaks down, causing them to separate. They can become watery and lose their flavor and texture, so they should be stored in the fridge after opening them.


Photo Credit: Yurii_Yarema/Shutterstock

Good Housekeeping explains that “the freezing and thawing process can cause the milk to separate and turn grainy,” affecting its texture. If it needs to be frozen, pour it into smaller containers, like an ice tray. It can be re-emulsified in a blender for 30 seconds if it separates.

Jams and Jellies

Photo Credit: Cesarz/Shutterstock

Jams and jellies can be frozen, but storing them in the fridge is better. Their sugar can crystallize, which alters the flavor, and thawing may negatively affect their spreadability, making the jam useless for toast and scones.

Fresh Herbs

Photo Credit: marcin jucha/Shutterstock

When frozen, fresh herbs like coriander and basil can lose their vibrant color and flavor. When thawed, they can become wilted and mushy, making them unpalatable, so it’s best to store them in the fridge.

Cooked Rice

Photo Credit: Nishihama/Shutterstock

Cooked rice often becomes mushy and loses its firm texture when frozen. It can also absorb excess moisture, causing it to clump. Although it can be frozen for up to a month before it loses its flavor, it’s better stored in a tightly covered container in the fridge.

Sauces Thickened with Cornstarch

Photo Credit: ESstock/Shutterstock

Cook’s Info explains that “cornstarch doesn’t freeze well; sauces and fillings made with it can turn spongy when frozen.” This can ruin leftovers that have been put in the freezer, so it’s best to avoid freezing these sauces.


Photo Credit: mama_mia/Shutterstock

Avocados’ high water content can lead to a mushy texture after they’re defrosted. Browning and flavor degradation can also occur, so avoid storing them in the freezer to keep their creamy consistency and fresh taste.

Soft Cakes and Pastries

Photo Credit: Maria-Medvedeva/Shutterstock

Soft cakes and pastries shouldn’t be frozen. Their frostings and fillings can separate and become dry and crumbly, so it’s best to store them in airtight containers in your kitchen or pantry.

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