Indoor Plants That Are Safe for Cats and Dogs

If you’re an animal lover and plant enthusiast, finding greenery that’s safe for your furry friends is key to creating a happy, healthy home, but it’s not always easy. Fortunately, plenty of beautiful indoor plants won’t pose a risk to your curious pets, so you can brighten up your space without worrying about your cats or dogs getting into trouble. So, let’s explore some indoor plant options that are safe for your furry friends.

Areca Palm

Photo Credit: Alexander_Safonov/Shutterstock

If you’d like to bring some tropical vibes into your home, consider getting an Areca palm, which is known for being a pet-safe choice. This is because its delicate fronds are non-toxic to both cats and dogs, making it a safe choice. You’ll need to provide some bright, indirect light for it and consistently keep it in moist soil, but watch out–it can grow pretty tall, making it prone to being messed with by mischievous cats.

Boston Fern

Photo Credit: Berna Namoglu/Shutterstock

There’s no denying that Boston ferns are beautiful, fluffy plants that bring lush greenery indoors, but are they safe for your cats and dogs? Thankfully, yes–pet owners can relax knowing their cats and dogs won’t be harmed if they nibble on these soft fronds. Obviously, it’s not recommended, but it certainly wouldn’t be anything to panic about.


Photo Credit: RANDY IMANUEL/Shutterstock

Calatheas are known for their striking, patterned leaves, which can make any room feel so much fresher. Best of all, these plants are completely safe for cats and dogs, so you can add them to your collection without worry. They enjoy medium to low light and love a bit of extra humidity, but as long as you take care of this and keep their soil slightly damp, you and your pets will no doubt be impressed by their growth.


Photo Credit: Gungunawan/Shutterstock

Coming in many varieties, all with beautiful, unique leaves, the whole range of peperomias are non-toxic to pets, so feel free to grow them if you’ve got cats or dogs. Their small size makes them great for tabletops or shelves, but for this same reason, you should keep them out of reach, as your pet might accidentally knock them over and cause a mess. Other than that, though, these plants are rather hardy and can tolerate some neglect.

Prayer Plant

Photo Credit: Shadow Inspiration/Shutterstock

Staying true to its name, the Prayer plant’s gorgeous, veined leaves fold up at night as if in prayer, creating an ever-changing display that will fascinate anyone with green fingers. It’s also a safe plant to have around pets, most notably dogs and cats. Furthermore, it’ll certainly bring a splash of color with its red or purple markings, so ultimately, your pets will be safe, and your space will look vibrant–what more could you want?

Spider Plant

Photo Credit: generated/Shutterstock

Another favorite indoor plant among pet owners is the spider plant, as they’re easy to grow and, more importantly, safe for your furry friends. There’s nothing toxic inside them, at least for cats and dogs, so you can enjoy their arching green leaves and tiny offshoots without any fear.

Ponytail Palm

Photo Credit: JupiterShine/Shutterstock

Another appropriately named indoor plant is the ponytail palm, which has a unique appearance with its bulbous trunk and long, flowing leaves. Technically, it’s not actually a palm, but they’re just as low maintenance, only needing bright light and very occasional water. Most importantly, they’re non-toxic for dogs and cats, so that’s one less thing to worry about.

African Violet

Photo Credit: Ludmila Kapustkina/Shutterstock

African violets are charming little plants that produce delicate, colorful blooms. However, despite their vibrant color, these flowering plants are pet-safe, so your cats and dogs can roam freely around them. They’ll thrive the most in bright, indirect light, though, so you might have to think carefully about where to place them.

Bamboo Palm

Photo Credit: MAIIWHATTIAM/Shutterstock

Bamboo palms are another great option for pet owners, with their tall, elegant fronds that give a room a tropical feel. They’re safe for both cats and dogs, and they help to purify the air, which your pets likely benefit from. At the end of the day, they look nice and make your home a healthier place for everyone, so there’s really no excuse not to get one.

Parlor Palm

Photo Credit: Mid Photographer/Shutterstock

Slow-growing and elegant, this next palm can thrive in lower light, making it perfect for corners or shaded areas of your home. You won’t have to choose this too carefully, either, as they’re completely safe for both cats and dogs, meaning you can place them anywhere you feel.

Baby Rubber Plant

Photo Credit: Job Narinnate/Shutterstock

The lush, glossy-leaved beauty of the baby rubber plan is yet another indoor plant suitable for both cats and dogs. Sure, it’s not going to be wise for them to nibble at it, but it won’t do them any harm, either. So, regardless of whether you choose to place one on a shelf or in a planter, this plant is a great way to brighten up any pet-friendly home.


Photo Credit: PR – STUDIO/Shutterstock

Orchids bring a touch of elegance and exotic flair to any home, and they’re safe for cats and dogs, so why not? In terms of care, they do best in bright, indirect light and prefer to dry out slightly between waterings, so bear that in mind. As long as you take notice of these basic points, though, their blooms will be long-lasting and varied in color, so you can enjoy their beauty without worrying about your pets’ safety.

Zebra Plant

Photo Credit: Gabriel Spenassatto/Shutterstock

The striking striped leaves of the zebra plant may look exotic, but they’re actually non-toxic for cats and dogs. They’re completely safe for cats and dogs, so the only thing you’ll need to worry about is the plant’s health. Typically, they want indirect light and to be kept in consistently moist soil. Don’t overwater them, though, as this could be counterproductive or even hurt them.

Cast Iron Plant

Photo Credit: Endah Kurnia P/Shutterstock

True to its name, the Cast Iron plant is nearly indestructible, being a particularly low-maintenance plant. However, this doesn’t make it any less innocent–in fact, it’s harmless for most pets, including cats and dogs. You’ll more than likely love its dark green, glossy leaves, which make for a subtle yet attractive addition to any room, so just go for it, knowing that your fluffy friends won’t suffer any problems from it.

Rattlesnake Plant

Photo Credit: Amelia Martin/Shutterstock

Despite its dangerous-sounding name, the rattlesnake plant is known for its beautifully patterned leaves with wavy edges. What’s more, it’s completely safe for pets, so there’s no need to worry if your cats or dogs are extra curious (and they often are). Just make sure they’re placed safely so that they can’t tip over, and they’ll most definitely brighten up your home.

Burro’s Tail

Photo Credit: David Jalda/Shutterstock

Finally, Burro’s Tail is a unique trailing succulent that looks great in hanging baskets or planters. Perhaps surprisingly, its thick, fleshy leaves are safe for pets, making it a favorite among pet owners who love succulents. Be cautious, though, because while this succulent, as well as many others, is non-toxic to cats and dogs, there are still plenty of others that are not.

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