We all like to assume that everyone has good in their hearts, but some people have a darker side. You’ll want to pay attention to these warning signs to help yourself avoid toxic relationships or protect yourself from being taken advantage of, so let’s take a look at some in this list.
Consistently Lying to Others
First up, people who lie all the time, even about small things, often can’t be trusted when it really matters, even despite it often coming down to a pathological issue. At the end of the day, if someone bends the truth to make themselves look better or to manipulate others, that’s always going to be bad news.
Chronic lying hurts relationships and shows a lack of respect for the truth, as well as for the people they’re deceiving. Trust us–you don’t need that in your life!
Refusing to Take Responsibility
Someone who always blames others for their mistakes is likely not a good person. It doesn’t matter if they’re at work, hanging out with friends, or simply living their personal lives–they’ll point fingers at everyone but themselves. Ultimately, this refusal to own up to their actions can make them seem unreliable and self-centered.
Taking Advantage of Others
A person who uses others for their own gain, without caring about how it affects them, is definitely someone to be wary of. Most commonly, they’ll manipulate friends, exploit their coworkers, or even take credit for someone else’s work–yes, really!
Overall, their selfishness is clear, and that’s definitely something to stay clear of. It’s a behavior that shows a complete lack of empathy and a willingness to hurt others to get ahead, which just isn’t right.
Constantly Criticizing
Have you ever noticed that someone in your life always tears others down with harsh words or constant negativity? If so, that probably reveals more about themselves than the people they’re criticizing. It’s a behavior that only serves to make others feel small, insecure, or even afraid to speak up.
Showing No Empathy
Undeniably, a lack of empathy is one of the clearest signs of someone with poor character. Empathy is what helps us connect and care for each other, and without it, relationships become one-sided and cold. Therefore, watch out, as someone who consistently shows no concern for others’ emotions is unlikely to have your best interests at heart.
Being Manipulative
Infamously, manipulative people use lies, guilt, or charm to control those around them, which is pretty messed up. Worse still, they’re skilled at twisting situations to get what they want, often at someone else’s expense.
This kind of behavior can leave you feeling confused, doubting yourself, or questioning your own decisions. So, if someone seems to have a hidden agenda in their interactions, it’s a strong signal that they don’t have your well-being in mind.
Always Seeking Drama
People often brush off drama-seekers as playful, but that’s far from the truth. In reality, people who thrive on creating conflict or drama will only drain your energy, as they love stirring up arguments, exaggerating problems, or pitting others against each other for their own entertainment.
Being Overly Jealous
Extreme jealousy often reveals insecurity and a lack of trust, which can make any relationship feel suffocating. The most common examples of this are jealousy over a partner’s time, friendships, or success, but regardless of what form it appears in, this behavior is always controlling and unfair.
Remember: a good person celebrates others’ achievements and values trust, while someone with bad intentions might use jealousy to manipulate or guilt-trip those around them.
Disrespecting Boundaries
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there who ignore or violate boundaries, showing a complete lack of respect for others. Pushing someone to share personal information, invading their privacy, or disregarding their comfort are all examples of this, each of which feels invasive and unsettling.
At the end of the day, boundaries are essential for healthy relationships and a happy life, and someone who repeatedly crosses them is signaling that they don’t value your needs or limits. So, if that sounds familiar to someone you know, it might be best to keep your distance.
Holding Grudges
Anyone who clings to past wrongs and refuses to let go of anger can create a toxic atmosphere. Invariably, holding grudges leads to resentment, passive-aggressiveness, or even outright hostility. Instead of resolving conflicts or moving forward, such people stay stuck in negativity. Ask yourself–is that really something you want plaguing your life?
Being Arrogant
It should go without saying that those with excessive arrogance are unlikely to be good people. Arrogance goes far beyond confidence—it’s an inflated sense of self-importance that tends to dismiss others unfairly. They’ll believe that they’re better, smarter, or more deserving than those around them, which can make them dismissive or condescending.
Using People for Personal Gain
In a form of manipulation, bad people might only reach out when they need something, and that’s not the kind of friend that you want to keep. Why? Well, this transactional behavior shows that they value others only for what they can provide, rather than for who they are. It’s a selfish approach that will undoubtedly leave others feeling used and unappreciated.
Refusing to Apologize
A person who can’t say “I’m sorry” is someone who struggles to take accountability for their actions, and that’s never a good thing. Like, come on–refusing to apologize shows a serious lack of humility and a resistance to acknowledging when they’ve hurt someone. Therefore, this behavior can leave others feeling invalidated or dismissed, making it difficult to resolve conflicts or rebuild trust.
Breaking Promises
Keeping a promise is one of the most basic yet important good deeds you can do for somebody. As a result, consistently failing to keep their word is a classic sign of someone who doesn’t value commitments or the feelings of others. It’s irrelevant whether this concerns a big secret or a small promise; either way, breaking them creates a pattern of unreliability that can’t be trusted.
Refusing to Celebrate Others
Good people will always do their best to lift others up and celebrate their successes, but those with bad intentions might do the opposite. Usually, this is out of jealousy, insecurity, or resentment, so they downplay or dismiss others’ achievements to make themselves feel better.
Unfortunately, this will come with deep consequences, making others feel unsupported or undervalued.
Acting Entitled
If you notice that someone in your life is constantly acting entitled, we’ve got bad news–they’re highly unlikely to be a good person. Perhaps they seem to believe that they deserve special treatment or privileges, often without earning them, or maybe they might demand attention, favors, or resources without considering how it impacts others.
Regardless of the specifics, this behavior shows a lack of gratitude and an inflated sense of self-importance, which can make them difficult to be around. We wouldn’t blame you if you cut such a person out of your life!
Gossiping Constantly
As we briefly mentioned earlier, drama-seeking can come in the form of gossip, and while we all do this occasionally, someone who does it all the time reveals a lack of respect for others’ privacy. Constantly talking behind people’s backs is only going to create a toxic environment and make it hard to trust them.
Being Two-Faced
Following on from the last point, people who act one way in front of you and completely differently behind your back are showing serious signs of dishonesty. Understandably, this two-faced behavior can leave you feeling confused or betrayed when their true colors come out. After all, trust is built on consistency, so someone who switches their behavior depending on the situation just isn’t trustworthy.
Exploiting Vulnerabilities
One of the worst things that anyone could do to another person is to take advantage of their weaknesses or vulnerabilities, making for a clear sign of poor character. For example, they might use someone’s fears, insecurities, or emotions to manipulate them, a behavior that we can all agree is deeply harmful.
Lacking Genuine Kindness
Finally, a good person will always show kindness whenever possible, even in small ways. In stark contrast, someone who consistently acts selfishly, coldly, or without consideration for others reveals their true character, and it’s not a positive one.
Genuine kindness is about treating people with respect and care, even when it doesn’t benefit you, and it’s really not hard to do–at least for most of us. When it’s missing, though, it’s a clear signal that someone might not have the best intentions.