How to Tell Someone Is Really a Kind Person: 19 Unmistakable Signs

Kind people can be hard to come by today, but having relationships with kind people can definitely have a positive impact on your life. Here are 19 unmistakable signs of how to tell someone is really a kind person.

They Show Genuine Empathy

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Michigan State University reports, “When we are kind, we are engaging in that ‘tuning in phase’ where we can pay attention and try to understand someone else’s experience or emotions.” Kind people genuinely care about others and show empathy towards anyone, even people they don’t know.

They Practice Patience

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People who are kind tend to have the skill of staying patient, even in the most frustrating of situations. They will happily give others the time they need to fully express themselves and get their point across. They always approach problems in a level-headed manner, with the idea of solving them as quickly and efficiently as possible.

They Are Generous with Their Time

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Kind people are always generous with their time, to the extent that it can sometimes be self-destructive. They will help others without looking at the clock, as time doesn’t matter, but making someone feel better does. They will also volunteer where they can without expecting anything back.

They Express Gratitude Regularly

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An unmistakable sign that someone is kind is the amount of gratitude they express. Kind people are always polite and want people to feel valued, so they’ll always thank you or acknowledge the efforts others are making. They’ll also celebrate even the smallest wins of people around them.

They Offer Help Selflessly

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People who are kind will often offer their help selflessly. They will tend to drop anything they’re doing to help a family member, friend, or even stranger in need. They will help others without expecting or wanting anything in return, and they will even engage in acts of kindness anonymously.

They Are Consistently Respectful

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Kind people have been raised to always be respectful of others. HackSpirit tells us this comes in the form of respecting people’s boundaries, opinions, and experiences. It doesn’t matter who you are; a kind person will always treat everyone the same. They’ll always speak kind words about people and never engage in disrespectful remarks about them.

They Are Honest and Transparent

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Kind people highly value being honest and transparent, and they expect this from others as well. They’ll always communicate truthfully and openly, and even if they have to provide constructive feedback, they won’t shy away. They take accountability for their actions and will admit when they’ve made a mistake.

They Are Non-Judgmental

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Being empaths, kind people will never judge others. They’ll listen and interact without forming quick opinions or judgments. They accept that people have differing views and that the way they see things doesn’t fit for everyone. They often try to teach others not to judge to encourage more people to feel comfortable expressing their issues.

They Maintain a Positive Outlook

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One thing many kind people tend to do is have a positive outlook on life. Even when life throws problems their way, they look for the positives, which means they don’t get weighed down by the negatives. They focus on the good in people instead of looking for imperfections.

They Are Present and Attentive

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People who are kind know the importance of being present and attentive. When someone is struggling, they need to know that someone is fully there for them. Kind people are exactly this; they’ll give you their full attention during conversations and minimize any distractions in their environment.

They Demonstrate Compassion

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HealthDirect reports, “Research is showing that people who are kind and compassionate are more content with their lives. They have better physical and mental health and feel less isolated, fostering stronger relationships.” They’ll show genuine concern for people suffering regardless of who they are, even if they don’t know them.

They Practice Forgiveness

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Something kind people have worked on and continue to work on is forgiving. They don’t see any benefit in holding grudges or being bitter toward someone and instead practice forgiveness. This allows them not to hold on to any negative feelings and to take positive steps forward.

They Encourage and Support Others

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Being around kind people can have a big impact on your life. They’re often great motivators and encourage you to achieve your best in anything you do. This comes easily to a kind person, as it’s what they genuinely want. They will provide advice and resources, where possible, to help you achieve your goals.

They Are Humble and Modest

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According to Verywell Mind, being humble helps you develop a kinder approach, along with how you perceive yourself. Kind people never come across as arrogant and instead are humble and modest. When they achieve success, they downplay it and tend to share credit for the success with other people to uplift them instead.

They Are Thoughtful and Considerate

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A kind person will always be thoughtful and considerate of others. They pay great attention to the little things that matter to others and will try to provide those for them. They also understand their audience and tailor their words and actions for other people’s comfort.

They Are Reliable and Trustworthy

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Kind people take great pride in being reliable and trustworthy. They understand the importance of being there for someone in full capacity when they’re needed. They value keeping the promises and commitments they have made and are always consistent with their actions and behaviors.

They Show Courtesy in Everyday Interactions

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Kind people will always be polite in every interaction they have. This isn’t just by using simple manners but also by acknowledging other people’s presence. They will go out of their way to ensure that everyone feels included and valued in both professional and personal settings.

They Are Approachable and Friendly

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An easy sign of whether someone is kind is whether they’re friendly and approachable. The Expert Editor tells us we can figure this out by looking for signs such as a person smiling or having open body language. Kind people will happily engage in conversation with strangers, as they feel it’s important to make new connections.

They Advocate for Others

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Being a kind person doesn’t mean you can’t stand up for what is right and voice your opinion. Kind people value fairness and equality, and if they’re in a situation where they don’t feel this is happening, they’ll voice their opinion to defend others.

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