How My Husband Manages Our Large Garden

Living with a big garden is both a blessing and a bit of a commitment. Thankfully, my husband loves every part of it, from planting new flowers to maintaining the greenery.

Over the years, he has turned our large backyard into a beautiful and functional space filled with his own personal touches.

Here’s a little insight into how he manages to keep it all looking so good and the various things he’s built and planted along the way.

The Layout of Our Garden

First, let’s talk about the layout. Our garden isn’t just one big open space; it’s made up of different areas, each with its own purpose. There’s the swing under the tree, where we love to sit and relax in the shade.

There’s also a special bench built around the trunk of another tree, providing a perfect spot to enjoy a book or simply take in the view. And, of course, we have a greenhouse for growing various plants that need a bit more care and protection from the elements.

The Daily Routine

My husband’s daily routine is quite impressive. Every morning, he’s out in the garden, usually with a cup of coffee in hand, walking around and inspecting everything.

He checks the flower beds, waters the plants that need it, and makes note of anything that looks like it might need a little extra attention. He’s got a good eye for spotting things early, whether it’s a new weed popping up or a flower that needs a bit of trimming.

Building and Planting

One of the things I admire most about him is his ability to build things from scratch. The swing under the tree? He built that himself, making sure it was sturdy enough to last for years. The bench around the tree? Another one of his projects.

It’s not just about aesthetics for him; it’s about creating spaces where we can enjoy the garden together.

He’s also responsible for all the planting. He chooses the flowers based on what will thrive in each spot, taking into consideration the amount of sunlight and shade each area gets. He’s planted everything from roses and geraniums to more unique varieties that I can’t even name. And it’s not just flowers—he’s got a knack for growing vegetables in the greenhouse, too. We’ve had some amazing homegrown tomatoes and peppers over the years.

Seasonal Maintenance

Managing a large garden also means a lot of seasonal work. In the spring, he’s out there preparing the soil, planting new flowers, and tidying up after winter. In the summer, there’s regular watering and trimming to keep everything looking neat.

Come fall, he’s raking leaves and preparing the garden for winter, covering up the more delicate plants and making sure everything is ready to handle the cold months.

The Greenhouse

The greenhouse is his pride and joy. It’s where he experiments with growing different plants and vegetables. It’s a bit like his lab, where he gets to play around and see what works. He’s got a little bench in there where he keeps his tools and seeds, and he spends hours in there, especially in the spring, getting everything ready for the new season.

His Secret to Success

People often ask how he manages to keep the garden looking so good, and I think the secret is simple: he loves it.

For him, gardening isn’t a chore; it’s something he genuinely enjoys. He takes pride in the work he’s done, and it shows in every corner of the garden. Whether he’s building something new, planting a new flower bed, or just doing the daily maintenance, he’s always happy to be outside, working in the garden.


So that’s how my husband manages our large garden. It’s a combination of daily care, seasonal work, and a lot of passion for gardening. Every part of our garden has been touched by his hands, from the flowers he’s planted to the swing he built under the tree. It’s a big job, but it’s one he loves, and I think that makes all the difference.