How America Has Changed for the Worse in Two Decades

Over the last twenty years, America has seen a lot of changes, and not all of them for the better. These 17 changes have created new challenges that have impacted daily life across the country, reshaping how people work, live, and interact with each other.

Economic Inequality

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According to the Pew Research Center, “Since 1981, the incomes of the top 5% of earners have increased faster than the incomes of other families.” For people who fall into the middle-earner category, there has been little increase in wages, which, alongside increases in the cost of living, has widened the gap further.

Political Differences

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Social studies in the US are showing that there is a bigger gap in political beliefs than at any point since the civil war. This is having a huge impact on society, as there are much more intense cultural and social divides on big issues such as abortion, gun rights, and immigration.

Climate Change

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There has been a noticeable increase in extreme weather conditions and events, such as hurricanes and wildfires. This has been attributed to climate change and has a big impact on the economy as people try to rebuild their lives after storms destroy their homes and businesses.

Healthcare Crisis

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America spends more per person on healthcare than any other developed country, but many people lack access to the services and treatments they need. The opioid crisis has gotten continuously worse since 1999, and The Guardian says “more than 1 million people have died of a drug overdose since 2001.”

Education Funding

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Funding for public schools has not increased to meet modern day needs, which means that many schools are facing issues with a lack of resources and deteriorating facilities. Unfortunately, this has a bigger impact on low-income areas, which will further widen the gap between the richest and poorest in society as these children enter the workforce.

Civil Rights

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Technological innovations mean that governments and law enforcement organizations can monitor personal communications and activities more easily. There have also been political pressures on the freedom of the press due to significant increases in fake news accusations, which have undermined the trust society has in the media.

Crumbling Infrastructure

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The American Society of Civil Engineers graded the US infrastructure with a C- in 2023, and NPR says, “many of the country’s roads, bridges, airports, dams, levees and water systems are aging and in poor to mediocre condition.” This is estimated to be costing the economy billions of dollars worth of losses each year.

The Impact of Technology on Jobs

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Advancements in automation technology and artificial intelligence have made a huge impact on job markets, often removing the need for unskilled or manual roles within companies. This means that education and training have to keep up with the constant innovations to prepare people for the workforce.

Mental Health

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Rates of anxiety, depression, and suicides have significantly increased, particularly over the last two decades. While mental health is much more widely talked about and understood, there is still a lack of care and services for many people because of the high cost and shortage of resources.

Increase in Gun Violence

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There has been a big increase in the number of mass shootings and overall gun-related deaths throughout America, and “48,830 people died from gun-related injuries in the US during 2021,” according to the BBC. This makes gun violence a leading cause of premature death and has left many with long-term psychological health issues.

Housing Affordability

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Housing prices have increased at a quicker rate than wages, which means many young people are unable to get onto the property ladder. There is also significantly more homelessness, especially in urban areas such as Los Angeles and San Francisco. Unfortunately, government subsidies and schemes often fall short for many people.

Social Connections

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Widespread use of social media has changed the way that communities interact with one another, and online connections often replace the need for in-person communications. This can increase the risk of social isolation, which health experts say can be as harmful to your health as high blood pressure or smoking.


Photo Credit: Tang Yan Song/Shutterstock

Stricter rules and heavier enforcement of immigration policies have led to lots of legal battles, and public anger. Travel bans and stricter asylum rules have left people without the help they need; however, there is a big divide in American public opinion on this issue.

Substance Abuse

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Over the last decades, there has been a rise in people abusing prescription and illegal drugs, and opioids are a particularly large problem. This has left healthcare systems overwhelmed with people who need help getting off the drugs or who have overdosed and need urgent care.

Weakening Global Position

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America’s influence on global politics has decreased due to a number of factors, including strained relationships with other countries. There have been economic challenges, plus a reduction in the number of global alliances and agreements, such as the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.

Trust in the Media

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Digital media has created big challenges in maintaining reliable and trustworthy news, as individuals are able to share misinformation with a huge audience in a matter of minutes. Over the years, many of the smaller news outlets have also been bought out by big companies, which limits the diversity of reporting.

Workers’ Rights

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We’ve seen a big decline in the number of people who are members of trade unions since the 1980s, and this has weakened the power of the organizations. On top of this, new laws often favor employers rather than employees, making it hard to strike or secure fair practices at work.

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Photo Credit: Bonsales/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Francisco G. Mendizabal/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock

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