18 Forgotten Bible Teachings Modern Christians Don’t Care About

The laws of God laid down in the Bible aren’t for only the Israelites or early Christians to follow. But many people in our modern world don’t pay attention to them anymore. Hence, here are 18 Bible topic we would love to remind you about today.

Charging Interest Rates

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The Bible is firmly against charging others interest on loans, and Exodus 22:25 specifically talks against charging interest on anything lent to the poor. Today, modern banking systems and even entire countries rely heavily on loans, disregarding ethical concerns around them too.

Chastity Before Marriage

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The Bible is unequivocal about its prohibition of intimate relations before marriage. But there’s no denial when we say that most people, even Christians, don’t pay mind to this.

Despite what the Bible says, Pew Research reveals that up to 57% of Christians see premarital relations as acceptable, either always or sometimes.

Hospitality to Strangers

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Biblical texts, especially Hebrews 13:2, say that we should be hospitable to strangers because we could show care to “angels” without knowing it. However, modern society now prioritizes security over being welcoming to strangers and even friends—widely represented by the immigration laws applied today.


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The Scriptures don’t speak against the consumption of alcohol, and many have seen this as an excuse to overindulge in it. They forget that, reading from Bible.com, drunkenness is a sin stated in Ephesians 5:18 to leads to more sins and, in Galatians 5:19–21, stops us from inheriting God’s kingdom.

Washing Feet

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In John 13:14–15, Jesus implores the believers to wash each other’s feet, as he himself has done with them. It’s a symbol of humility and service towards others, and it carries a deeper message of leaders serving their followers. But we don’t see any of these being widely practiced or upheld in modern societies.

Respecting Authority

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In MIT’s NIV Bible, we’re told to respect the governing authorities we find ourselves under, as they have been put in that position by God Himself. However, civil disobedience and even complete anarchy have been a resort for many protesting the government in recent years.


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Fasting is a core form of religious discipline that draws us closer to God. Sadly, the only fasting many people engage in today is typically for dietary purposes and not for spiritual purification. And, even when practiced, it’s also often publicized rather than kept as a private interaction between us and God.

Avoiding Swearing

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Matthew 5:34-37 tells us not to swear by the heavens, the earth, or even ourselves and to, instead, focus on building our integrity so we don’t need to make any oaths. However, swearing today has extended beyond casual context—made an important aspect of legal processes.

Wearing Modest Apparel

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The Bible, through 1 Timothy 2:9, also teaches us to dress modestly, adorning ourselves with decency and good deeds, rather than focusing on gold or expensive clothing. With modern fashion trends though, it’s the other way round. We also see people wear provoking clothing, even boasting about it.

Leftovers After Harvests

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The Bible also has gleaning laws aimed at providing sustenance for the underprevileged, teaching farmers to leave the edges of their fields unharvested for the poor to eat. But this practice, and considerations for the poor in general, are a rare sight in modern agricultural and business practices.

Debt Forgiveness

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We’re also told in Deuteronomy 15: 1-2 that we should forgive any debts loaned after seven years, and Luke 7:42-43 shares that the more debt we forgive, the better for us spiritually. Sadly, although there are already legal provisions on debt forgiveness today, it’s a concept widely overlooked in modern financial teachings.

Sabbath Observance

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One of the ten commandments is that we observe the day of Sabbath, keeping it holy and using it for the remembrance of our Lord. However, many Americans are now ignoring it and even abandoning the church altogether. Modern society now sees Sundays as just another busy day for commercial or recreational activities.

Animal Welfare

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Proverbs 12:10 also teaches us that we exhibit righteousness when we properly look after the animals we have in our care. While there are many other religious laws mandating us to treat animals with kindness, these are often ignored in both factory farming and human consumption habits.


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The Bible is also very restrictive about what justifies divorce in the face of God. It specifically makes an exception for sexual immorality (Matthew 19:9) and abandonment (1 Corinthians 7:15). Today, Christians seek divorce for many other reasons, the most common of which are financial stress and arguments.

The Sin of Gluttony

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Gluttony is condemned with the same strict tone as the sins of pride and lust, but we don’t see it frowned upon in the same way today. We now live in a culture that celebrates excess in what we eat, even to the point where it’s unhealthy for us.


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The University of Michigan shares Matthew 23:23 as a New Testament endorsement of tithing—i.e., giving one-tenth of your income to the church. But there are now many justifications as to why it isn’t a necessary part of faith and how only religious leaders are obligated to do so.

Avoiding Gossip

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Even though God abhors gossiping as an action so much that, in Romans 1:29, He tells us to flee from anyone engaged in it, many today fail to acknowledge this. They tolerate idle talk, saying that the Bible is only against slanderers and not mere gossipers.

Being Content with What You Have

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We also receive strong words from the Bible against envying what our neighbors have and using this to fuel our pursuit of wealth. But, of course, we now live in a consumer-driven world where materialism takes center stage above contentment, which undermines God’s provision for us.

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