17 Foods That Will Make You Fall Asleep Faster (and Stay Asleep)

Unfortunately, insomnia and other sleep issues are fairly common in the modern world. One important factor in making sure you get the best sleep possible is eating the right kinds of foods. If you’re looking for a straightforward way to feel and sleep better, we’ve got you covered. This list reveals 17 foods that will make you fall asleep faster.


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According to American Behavioral Clinics, almonds are one of the best foods you can eat if you’re having trouble sleeping. They are rich in magnesium, which helps relax your muscles and promote sleep. Almonds are also a great source of protein, which stabilizes your blood sugar levels while you sleep.


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Kiwis are delicious and nutritious and can be surprisingly good at helping you sleep better. They’re high in antioxidants and serotonin, both of which have been linked to improved sleep quality. What’s more, kiwis are naturally high in vitamins C and E, which play an important role in regulating your sleep patterns.

Tart Cherry Juice

Photo Credit: artem evdokimov/Shutterstock

Did you know that tart cherry juice has naturally high levels of melatonin? This hormone plays a very important role in regulating your sleep cycles and helping you drift off, making this juice a great option if you’re struggling with insomnia or similar issues.

Fatty Fish

Photo Credit: In Green/Shutterstock

Fatty fish may sound like a strange bedtime snack option, but hear us out. Many types of fish are high in both omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which can improve your serotonin production and help you sleep better. You don’t need to have it right before bed either—simply add fish to a few of your meals every week, and you may see a noticeable improvement in your sleep.


Photo Credit: savitskaya iryna/Shutterstock

Like tart cherry juice, walnuts naturally contain melatonin, which plays an important role in regulating your sleep cycles. They’re also a great source of protein and healthy fats, which can further enhance your sleep quality and help you drift off faster.


Photo Credit: Hanna_photo/Shutterstock

Bananas are full of potassium and magnesium, which can help your muscles relax. Furthermore, they contain a healthy dose of tryptophan, which your body converts into melatonin and serotonin. This is why people often recommend eating a banana before bed to help you sleep better.


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According to the Sleep Foundation, oatmeal can be enjoyed before bed to help induce sleep and prevent you from waking up throughout the night. It’s high in magnesium and potassium, and if you eat it hot, it can also be very soothing and comforting, further enhancing the relaxation benefits.


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Yogurt is known for being high in calcium, which is another mineral that plays a significant role in sleep. It helps your brain use tryptophan and create melatonin, as well as improve your gut health with probiotics. It’s best to go for sugar-free options to ensure you don’t become restless.


Photo Credit: Nishihama/Shutterstock

You may think of rice as a fairly standard grain with few benefits, but AARP says that according to studies, its high glycemic index can actually help you fall asleep significantly faster. It’s best consumed in moderation and as an evening meal to improve your sleep quality.

Pumpkin Seeds

Photo Credit: Leena Robinson/Shutterstock

As well as making a healthy and satisfying snack, pumpkin seeds are a great source of sleep-promoting nutrients such as magnesium, zinc, and tryptophan. To help satisfy your hunger and get a better night’s sleep, simply eat a handful of pumpkin seeds a few hours before bed.

Cottage Cheese

Photo Credit: Sea Wave/Shutterstock

Not everyone is a huge fan of cottage cheese, but it has some great flavors and health benefits to offer. It contains a high amount of casein protein, which improves your muscles’ ability to grow and repair themselves as you sleep. It is also naturally high in tryptophan, another sleep-enhancing hormone.

Herbal Teas

Photo Credit: Feyyaz Alacam/Shutterstock

There are hundreds of herbal tea varieties to choose from, and many of them make a great evening drink that helps you wind down and prepare for sleep. For example, teas containing lavender, chamomile, and valerian root can all be beneficial for your sleep quality and quantity.


Photo Credit: wasanajai/Shutterstock

If you’re looking for something to sweeten up your herbal tea, honey is a great option. Even just a spoonful can help your body release melatonin and promote sleep. It’s also known to help shut down a neurotransmitter called orexin, which keeps your brain alert.

Barley Grass Powder

Photo Credit: Madeleine Steinbach/Shutterstock

Barley grass powder is known to be rich in magnesium, calcium, and several other vitamins that help promote healthy sleep. It also contains the neurotransmitter GABA, which has a calming effect that reduces anxiety and stress. You can easily incorporate it into your diet by adding it to smoothies or juices.

Whole Grains

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Whole grains such as barley, buckwheat, and bulgur all contain a healthy amount of magnesium, helping your muscles relax and reducing stress. The complex carbohydrates found in whole grains can also help your body produce serotonin to aid in sleep.

Dark Chocolate

Photo Credit: ivan kislitsin/Shutterstock

Looking for a sweet treat that will also aid you on your sleep journey? Then dark chocolate is the way to go. It contains serotonin, which is linked to relaxation and quality sleep. Unlike milk and white chocolate, dark chocolate is also relatively low in sugar, helping you avoid that sugar high before bed.


Photo Credit: Robyn Mackenzie/Shutterstock

If you’re a fan of sweet fruits, cherries could make a great sleep-enhancing snack for you. They’re a natural source of melatonin, which helps prepare your body for rest and relaxation. Cherries are most effective in promoting sleep when eaten regularly. Both whole cherries and cherry juice can give you these benefits.

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