17 Everyday Annoyances That Become Unbearable in Older Age

Society has normalized many seemingly minor things that regularly annoy us, but we don’t often realize how much until we’re older. Suddenly, these things become intolerable and make our lives much more difficult. In fact, 17 everyday annoyances, in particular, tend to become unbearable in older age.


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While noise is irritating, most people can tolerate it. However, the older you get, the worse it affects you. According to the National Institute on Aging, one-third of older adults suffer from presbycusis, which makes it hard for them to tolerate loud noises. People screaming, music blasting, and car engines blaring are all too much.

Bad Public Transport

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Bad public transport is a minor everyday annoyance when we’re young, but it can make life incredibly difficult when we’re old. Fewer older people drive, so they rely on public transport to get about. When public transport systems let them down, they have to rethink entire days.


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Unfortunately, scams are common nowadays, but while young people can usually spot them, older people are more at risk. Scammers often target older people because they’re more vulnerable, and the intrusiveness of scams is a massive cause of stress for the elderly. Being constantly inundated quickly becomes unbearable for them.


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Overcrowding is awful because it’s so stressful. People crush together and bump into others without caring for their comfort, which can quickly become overwhelming. Older people are much less tolerant of crowds than younger folk because all the noise and physical contact is unbearable and intimidates them.


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Older people get a bad rep for negativity, but they’re the ones most likely to be badly affected by it. Life is too short to waste it obsessing over pointless drama, so older people hate seeing others get sucked into these negative cycles.

Aches and Pains

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Physical changes are among the toughest parts of aging. Aches and pains that younger people easily shake off become more challenging to manage as we age. AgeWays reports that 53% of seniors suffer from chronic pain, which can make simply moving around an unbearable task.

Technological Barriers

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Technology has taken over society and shows no signs of slowing down, but technological barriers make life much harder in older age. Nowadays, everything requires you to download an app, make a subscription, or scan a QR code. These technological barriers slow life down for older people and make them feel iced out.


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Littering is a bad habit that many people are guilty of having, but we don’t tend to bat an eyelid at it when we’re young and constantly busy. Older people have more time for themselves, and many choose to sit outdoors, so seeing litter in beautiful natural areas is heartbreaking for them.


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Older people are more often accused of being rude than younger people, but they’re also more likely to be targets of disrespectful behavior. It’s easy to ignore everyday disrespect when you’re young and unbothered, but many older people face ageist stereotypes and ridicule when they’re just trying to live their lives.


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Hot, stagnant air makes many summers unbearable, but we cope better with extreme heat when we’re younger. The older we get, the more our bodies struggle to regulate temperature, so constant humidity can be incredibly debilitating in older age. If an elderly person’s temperature gets too high, there can be deadly consequences.

Lack of Accessibility

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It’s annoying to arrive at a building and find you’ve got to climb lots of steps to get inside, but younger, able-bodied people can handle it. In contrast, such designs are inaccessible to older people. This lack of accessibility is a barrier that older people can’t overcome unless they hurt themselves.


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We all accumulate things, but clutter is harder for older people to ignore because they’re more likely to be home and notice it. Forbes shares that people over 50 struggle to eliminate clutter due to emotional attachments to items, but hoarding is an unbearable lifestyle that quickly takes over an older person’s existence.

Bad Driving

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Younger people are more likely to drive recklessly, whereas older people are more aware of the risks of dangerous driving and are more likely to get stressed out by it. In older age, you realize life is fragile, so it can be unbearable to see people selfishly risking other people’s lives.

Uncomfortable Clothing

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Too many clothing companies don’t factor comfort into their designs, but younger people usually don’t mind sacrificing comfort for fashion. On the other hand, older people find coarse fabrics, uncomfortable shoes, or clothes that are too tight to be unbearable. They choose comfort all day long.

Dim Lighting

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Many young people are used to dim lighting in trendy bars and restaurants, but it’s a nightmare for older people with weaker eyesight. Although dim lighting is more relaxing than bright lighting, it makes life a lot more difficult when you get older and can’t read or make things out as easily.

Poor Quality Sleep

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Everybody needs a good night’s sleep, but younger people find it easier to function on less sleep. The Sleep Foundation explains that older people are more likely to take longer to fall asleep and wake up, so their sleep is of poorer quality, making it difficult to get through the day.


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Finally, it’s a sad fact that many people are thoughtless, but ignorant behavior is far more unsettling after you age. The older you get, the more you rely on others for help, so if they do inconsiderate things like block sidewalks or neglect to hold open doors, they’re making everyday life harder for you.

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