17 Countries Where Americans Are Not Welcome

We all love the excitement and novelty of international travel, and most countries welcome U.S. travelers with open arms. However, there are some places that have a more volatile relationship with America, whether due to past conflicts, political differences, or vast cultural and social divides. Here are 17 nations where an American passport might make you less than welcome.


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Years of political tension and a lack of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Iran make it an unsuitable place for U.S. residents. Iran isn’t entirely off-limits, but all Americans must obtain special travel permits and be accompanied by a government-approved guide throughout their stay. We recommend going somewhere less restrictive, where you can comfortably explore.

North Korea

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The U.S. Department of State reports, “The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK or North Korea) is an authoritarian state led by the Kim family for 70 years.” This totalitarian state maintains strict control over its citizens and severely limits personal freedoms. American tourism is currently banned entirely due to ongoing political tensions between the two nations.


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A brutal civil war has ravaged Yemen since 2014, and millions of people have been displaced due to the fighting and the resulting humanitarian crisis. The ongoing conflict, lack of supply chains, and presence of militant groups make travel to this war-torn country extremely dangerous. The U.S. Department of State advises against all travel to Yemen due to significant safety risks.


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Venezuela was once safe and enjoyed a thriving economy, but has recently suffered immense political instability and hyperinflation. This has resulted in widespread shortages of basic supplies, crumbling infrastructure, and the potential for sudden and unexpected civil unrest. If you are set on going, plan carefully, take extra precautions, and have a contingency plan!


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Like Yemen, Syria has been ravaged by war and is neither safe nor welcoming for tourists from any country, let alone non-Muslim countries like America. Many tourist sites have been bombed or otherwise destroyed in the fighting, while ISIS and other militant groups make the area unsafe for even the most seasoned travelers. There is little law and order and few basic facilities.

Central African Republic

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Years of civil war and ethnic violence have left the Central African Republic in a state of dangerous chaos. Smartraveller writes, “Armed groups are active across the country. Many areas outside the capital are in a state of lawlessness. Armed groups and criminals set up illegal roadblocks without notice.” Unless you’re going to give aid and have protection, do not visit.


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Strained relations between the U.S. and Russia in recent years have made it difficult for Americans to visit the country, even if they have no political ties. Although Americans aren’t officially unwelcome, they often face heightened scrutiny from authorities and are at risk from scams targeting foreigners. Be cautious, stay informed, and monitor the political environment.

South Sudan

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South Sudan is the world’s youngest nation, but, unfortunately, its short life has been fraught with political upheaval, civil unrest, violence, and ethnic ‘cleansing.’ There is a very fragile ceasefire in place currently, but it is easy for American tourists to get caught up in local clashes or be kidnapped or killed for political purposes. It is far too risky for a holiday!


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Despite some recent progress towards stability, parts of Libya remain under the control of armed rebels, such as the Tuareg and Toubou militias. The most dangerous regions are in the center and southern areas, where violence regularly erupts without warning. Although Americans aren’t specifically targeted, any Westerner is at risk of kidnapping or being killed in skirmishes.


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China is a popular tourist destination, but American tourists should be aware of the strict political system. There are restrictions on free speech and internet access, which might confuse or even anger U.S. travelers. If you do visit, be respectful of local politics and mindful of local laws and unwritten social rules. If you make friends with local people, avoid controversial subjects and don’t voice strong opinions.


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Violence erupted in northern Mali in 2012 after it was occupied by Islamist terrorists in 2012. The Telegraph states that, although the fighters were driven out, Mali remains an active conflict zone, with terrorism and extremist violence a common occurrence. Jihadist groups operate in the region, making travel extremely dangerous for anyone, especially non-Muslim Westerners.

Saudi Arabia

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Visiting Saudi Arabia is like stepping back in time, but not in a good way! There is strict Islamic observance, with local police and authorities enforcing a conservative social code, particularly regarding women. Women are expected to dress modestly (cover their heads and most of their bodies), and public displays of affection are forbidden. Having sex on the beach (not the cocktail) could land you in prison.


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A brutal military crackdown on the Rohingya Muslim minority, known as The Rohingya Crisis, has given Myanmar a reputation for human rights abuses. Since the refugee crisis in 2015, the situation has remained volatile, and political unrest is ongoing. Travel advisories may change based on the evolving political climate, so always do your research before visiting.


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Somalia has long struggled with piracy, terrorism, and clan warfare. While some areas are experiencing fragile peace, these remain in the minority and are often surrounded by riskier parts of the country, which remain especially dangerous for outsiders. Some regions of southern Somalia are infamous for kidnappings and violence against foreigners.


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CNN says Afghanistan is not “the most dangerous country” in the world but remains unsafe, particularly for Westerners. Years of conflict have made the region volatile, and tourists are at risk of roadside bombings, kidnappings, and executions, as well as wrongful or unfair detention by the authorities. Strict Islamic rule by the Taliban makes it easy for Westerners to break the law unintentionally.


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Belarus has a limited so-called democracy and a long history of human rights abuses, with harsh consequences for anyone deemed to oppose the regime or pose a threat to Russian authority. There is no explicit travel ban put in place by the U.S. Home Office, but they do recommend exercising extreme caution due to the unpredictable, communist climate.


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President Daniel Ortega’s increasingly authoritarian rule makes Nicaragua an unappealing option for Americans, despite being relatively close to the southern states. There is currently a brutal ‘crackdown on dissent’ that can impact all travelers, while limited press freedom and the harassment of political opponents make it a volatile and potentially unsafe travel destination.

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