18 Common Traits of Highly Intelligent People

Do you think you’re smart for going to bed early, or not telling silly jokes? Well, think again, because according to our research, staying up late and being funny are both among these 18 common traits of highly intelligent people.

Nocturnal natures

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More intelligent people are more likely to be nocturnal, not in the vampiric way of wandering the dark nights hunting for prey—it’s just that they like to stay up later. And, according to The Guardian, more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to be nocturnal adults who go to bed late.


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Very intelligent people generally possess a natural curiosity and have a strong desire to learn and understand more about the world. They are constantly seeking out new knowledge and trying new things, and they can have a tendency to question conventional thought and established norms, instead working on alternative solutions or ideas.

Analytical thinking

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Highly intelligent individuals usually have excellent problem-solving skills, often approaching obstacles systematically and using logic and reasoning to analyze and solve complex issues. They can evaluate information critically and logically, which helps them identify the underlying principles and inconsistencies in a problem.

Open to new ideas

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Highly intelligent people are always ready to engage with new experiences, ideas, and unconventional ways of thinking. This trait allows them to be flexible and adaptable in various situations, as being open to and even embracing different ways of thinking can help them enhance their problem-solving capabilities.


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Highly intelligent people are often very creative, coming up with new and original ideas or solutions. This innovative thinking means they are able to express complex ideas and emotions through various forms of artistic expression, whether it be music, art, or writing.


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Smarter people tend to have better self-discipline and focus, which aids them greatly in achieving long-term goals. They often have the ability to regulate their emotions, keeping control of their anger or anxiety, which supports rational decision-making and ensures they don’t do anything they will regret later.


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Maintaining a healthy level of skepticism is a sign of a more intelligent person—being amenable to considering new ideas as long as they’re backed by supporting facts, says Business Insider. Using a healthy dose of doubt, they will think rationally about new information, comparing it to what they already know to be true.

Understanding different perspectives

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An ability to understand different perspectives and multiple viewpoints can help in solving conflicts and developing empathy. This open-minded and empathic skill allows highly intelligent people to effectively navigate and understand complex social dynamics.


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Funnier people tend to be more creative and have higher levels of emotional intelligence. More intelligent people often show a sophisticated sense of humor, including a preference for irony, satire, and wit. Also, being funny means you know when to say the right clever thing at the right time, which is not easy to do.


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Self-awareness is a trait often found in highly intelligent people, allowing them to understand their strengths and weaknesses. According to CNBC, “It allows you to know what you are feeling and why, as well as how those feelings help or hurt what you’re trying to do.” Practicing mindfulness can help them stay present and engaged.

Strategic thinking

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Long-term planning is a common trait among highly intelligent individuals. They will often think several steps ahead, planning strategically to achieve their desired results, as they have the ability to assess and manage risks effectively and consider potential scenarios and their outcomes.


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Highly intelligent people can think on their feet, adapt to new challenges, and find solutions that utilize available resources. They are resourceful and innovative problem solvers with a knack for using their assets in unconventional ways to overcome obstacles.

Knowing that they don’t know everything

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More intelligent people can acknowledge their limits and are willing to admit when they do not know something. They are completely open to new information and being corrected. Regardless of their existing expertise, highly intelligent people will constantly pursue knowledge, new information, and personal growth.

Emotional intelligence

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Highly intelligent people often develop strong interpersonal skills, which means they can understand and react appropriately to the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence also helps with self-motivation, giving intelligent people the ability to motivate themselves and others, particularly in challenging situations.


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Highly intelligent people are more likely to show resilience in the face of challenges, often pushing through difficulties where others might give up. They will put much more energy and focus into achieving specific goals, regardless of the obstacles they may encounter.

Vocabulary and languages

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Highly intelligent people typically have an extensive vocabulary and the ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively. They often have a great aptitude for learning and mastering multiple languages, which they can then use as a tool for further learning and cultural exploration.


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A capacity for deep introspection is a common trait in highly intelligent people, and this helps them to understand their own thoughts and behaviors. Often, they have deep philosophical questions about life, existence, and morality, the exploration of which can lead them to a richer self-understanding.

A calm demeanor

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Highly intelligent people are often possessed with a calm and collected demeanor. They have the ability to see more clearly than others in emergencies or panicked situations, and therefore it is easier for them to solve problems and improvise. Forbes tells us that intelligent people are more likely to handle a chaotic situation productively.

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