17 Christian Stereotypes About Atheists That Aren’t True or Fair

Atheists are some of the least trusted people in America, but is there cause for that? The lack of trust often stems from inaccurate beliefs about what makes a person atheist; these are 17 misconceptions people need to let go of.

Atheists Have No Morals

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Contrary to the belief that morality is exclusively derived from religion, atheists often adhere to ethical principles based on reason, empathy, and societal norms. A Pew study confirmed that “73% selected ‘it is possible to be moral and have good values without believing in God,’ while 25% picked ‘it is necessary to believe in God in order to be moral and have good values.’” Many atheists are committed to humanistic values, promoting actions that enhance well-being and minimize harm without reference to supernatural directives.

Atheists Are Angry at God

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It’s logically inconsistent to be angry at something you don’t believe exists. Atheists may be critical of the concept of God or the impact of organized religion, but anger towards a deity isn’t part of their disbelief.

Atheists Are Always Certain There Is No God

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Atheism isn’t necessarily a claim of certainty that no gods exist; it’s often simply the lack of belief in gods. Many atheists identify as agnostic atheists, acknowledging that while they don’t believe in a god, absolute certainty on such matters is elusive.

Atheists Lead Empty Lives

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The lives of atheists can be rich and fulfilling, filled with love, art, and adventure. Community, family, and friendships are central to many atheists, providing a profound sense of fulfillment and happiness.

Atheists Worship Science

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Scientific American says, “Science is one way of connecting with the mystery of existence.” While atheists generally support scientific methods as a way to understand the natural world, saying they “worship” science is like saying someone who enjoys music worships guitars. Science is a tool, not an object of worship.

Atheists Are Pessimists

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A lack of belief in an afterlife can lead atheists to value this life even more. When one doesn’t believe there is anything after this life, it can prompt a focus on making the most of the here and now rather than pessimism about the future.

Atheists Hate Religious People

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Disagreeing with religious beliefs isn’t the same as hating the people who hold them. Many atheists have religious friends and family members whom they love and respect deeply.

Atheists Are Trying to Undermine Society

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Many advocate for secularism, the separation of church and state, which supports religious freedom for all rather than seeking to undermine societal values. The concept of rules in society is not solely based on religious dogma; most are created to keep order, which atheists have no issue with.

Atheists Are Devil Worshippers

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It’s hard to worship something you don’t believe in. Atheists are no more likely to worship the devil than they are to believe in any deity.

Atheists Want to Ban Religion

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Most atheists support freedom of religion and simply desire the same respect for their own beliefs, or lack thereof. It is far more likely for a religious person to have a bias against atheists being able to live as they wish than the other way around.

Atheists Think They Know Everything

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On the contrary, atheism often stems from acknowledging not knowing everything and questioning what is traditionally accepted without evidence. Religions frequently stand on the firm belief that their version of God and the world are absolute facts.

Atheists Have No Sense of Wonder

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Agnostics and atheists can and do experience feelings of transcendence, awe, and connection, which they may interpret through secular lenses rather than spiritual or religious ones. The complexity and beauty of the natural world can inspire deep emotional and aesthetic responses without attributing them to supernatural causes.

Atheists Are All Liberals

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Political and ideological beliefs vary widely among atheists, who can be found across the entire spectrum of political thought. In one such example, Charles Cooke wrote in a National Review article, “I’d venture that much of what informs my atheism informs my conservatism also,” which just goes to show religion and politics don’t always influence each other.

Atheists Are Unpatriotic

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Love for one’s country or culture is not contingent on religious belief. Atheists can be deeply patriotic, valuing their nations and contributing positively to society.

Atheists Are Less Compassionate

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Compassion is a human trait that transcends religious boundaries. Atheists often participate in humanitarian efforts based on a belief in human solidarity and ethical responsibility. Taylor & Francis Online did a study of atheists and people from different religious backgrounds and found “Groups were highly similar in their reported well-being, empathy, and other personality scales, but differed strongly on scales assessing Spirituality and Magical Ideation, where atheists rejected the concepts of spirituality and magical beliefs.”

Atheists Can’t Experience True Love

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Love is a universal human emotion experienced by people of all faiths and none. Atheists often form deep and lasting relationships based on mutual respect and affection.

Atheists Are Always Rational

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Like anyone else, atheists can be irrational about some things; no one is completely logical all the time. Atheism simply reflects a specific stance on belief in gods, not a broader judgment of an individual’s reasoning capabilities.

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Photo Credit: Digital Storm/Shutterstock

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