17 Cat Breeds That Are Universally Loved

As one of the two most popular pets in the world, it’s no secret that humans are big fans of our feline friends. However, certain breeds garner a little more love than others. If you’re ready to find out which, keep reading to discover these 17 cat breeds that are universally loved.


Photo Credit: Daniel Krason/Shutterstock

Ragdolls are famous for their beautiful blue eyes, long, luxurious fur, and their tendency to go completely limp when you pick them up. But it’s not just their looks that make them so popular. In terms of personality, Ragdolls are very affectionate and gentle, making them wonderful family pets.

Maine Coon

Photo Credit: nikkytok/Shutterstock

Maine Coons are a bit like the Great Danes of the cat world, with many people describing them as “gentle giants.” Indeed, Purina says they’re one of the largest cat breeds you can get and one of the friendliest. People also love their long, colorful coats, sociability, and intelligence.


Photo Credit: ANURAK PONGPATIMET/Shutterstock

Persians are beautifully unique, with a flat face and long, silky fur. While their coat requires plenty of grooming and maintenance, their owners will agree that they’re worth the effort. They’re famous for being calm, affectionate, and gentle in demeanor.

British Shorthair

Photo Credit: FotoMirta/Shutterstock

British Shorthairs are friendly, calm, and relatively low maintenance, so it’s no wonder why they’re so universally loved. They come in many different colors, including the British Blue, which is probably the most famous variety. British Shorthairs typically get along great with children and other pets, making them great family companions.


Photo Credit: Alexander_Evgenyevich/Shutterstock

If you’re looking for a wild-looking cat with plenty of personality, a Bengal might be the cat for you. These guys are famous for their distinctive spotted appearance, which makes them look like little leopards. Just like their wild ancestors, they’re also very active, intelligent, and playful, requiring a significant amount of mental and physical stimulation.


Photo Credit: Alexander Piragis/Shutterstock

One of the most notable things about Sphynx cats is their absence of fur and fuzzy skin, which many people find to be uniquely charming. While they do need a good amount of grooming to avoid oil build-up, they’ll reward you with a whole lot of love and affection.

Scottish Fold

Photo Credit: Mert Akkas/Shutterstock

The Scottish Fold is named after their distinctive folded ears, which make them look a little bit like feline owls. They’re known to be intelligent, playful, and social cats who love to spend time with their owners. The only catch is that their soft, thick coats need plenty of brushing to keep them free of dander.


Photo Credit: evrymmnt/Shutterstock

According to the PDSA, despite being active cats who love to play, Abyssinians are actually quite easy to care for and only need minimal grooming to keep them happy and healthy. People love their wild appearance and nature, as well as their tendency to form close bonds with their owners.

Exotic Shorthair

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Exotic Shorthairs are very similar to Persians in appearance, with a flat face, big eyes, and a short nose. The key difference is that their coats are much shorter in comparison, making them lower maintenance when it comes to brushing and grooming. They’re also quite similar in nature, meaning they’re friendly, gentle, and get along great with families.

Devon Rex

Photo Credit: Veera/Shutterstock

The Devon Rex is a small cat breed famous for its large eyes, tall ears, and short yet wavy coat. Many people love them for their affectionate nature, high energy, and enthusiasm for play and jumping up to high places. Their short coats require minimal maintenance, and they rarely shed, making them compatible with allergy sufferers.

American Shorthair

Photo Credit: Freer/Shutterstock

American Shorthairs are one of America’s most popular breeds, and for good reason. They’re famously calm, friendly, and healthy, often living long lives without encountering many health problems. They also come in several different colors and patterns, such as calico, tortoiseshell, and tabby.


Photo Credit: Xseon/Shutterstock

The Birman is a stunningly beautiful cat with vibrant blue eyes, a silky coat, and distinctive markings. While their coat is on the long side, it doesn’t mat easily, so grooming isn’t too much of a hassle. In terms of personality, Birmans are typically very affectionate and gentle and form close bonds with their owners.

Russian Blue

Photo Credit: kot1k87/Shutterstock

As their name suggests, Russian Blues are famous for their short, dense, blue-gray coats, which come in a range of shades. Most Blues are intelligent, gentle, and eager to form close bonds with their owners. Despite being quite quiet and calm, they have a charming, playful side that comes out when they’re feeling energetic.

Oriental Shorthair

Photo Credit: Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH/Shutterstock

As noted by TICA, the Oriental Shorthair is a close relative of the Siamese cat. However, they’re quite different in appearance, with a longer face, large ears, and a variety of colors and patterns. They’re very active, vocal, and hungry for attention, so they do best with owners who have plenty of time to spend interacting with them.


Photo Credit: evrymmnt/Shutterstock

The Siberian is an ancient Russian breed that is seen as a national treasure in its home country. Unlike most other cat breeds, Siberians are actually rather dog-like in nature, being very playful, affectionate, and loyal to their owners. While they do have extremely long and thick coats, they’re hypoallergenic, meaning they may be suitable for allergy sufferers.


Photo Credit: namaki/Shutterstock

Burmese cats are famously affectionate, social, and playful, making them wonderful family pets who can get along great with kids and other pets. In terms of appearance, they closely resemble Siamese cats and are fairly muscular with shiny, sleek coats.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Photo Credit: Elisa Putti/Shutterstock

According to Britannica, Norwegian Forest Cats originated in Norway, where their ancestors adapted to cold outdoor conditions with a thick wooly coat and large, athletic build. As well as their beautiful, regal appearance, people love these felines for their friendliness, independence, and love for adventure.

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