18 Behaviors We’re Told to Quit in Our 60s Because It’s Time to ‘Act Our Age’

It’s tough to be in your 60s sometimes with people constantly telling you to stop doing things because you need to ‘act your age’… Sure, some of them actually make sense, but we’re not sure if we agree with all of them. Here’s a look at the 18 most common ones.

Smoking Cigarettes

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Back in the day, everybody used to smoke, so it’s no wonder that there are still a fair amount of people in their 60s still doing it. Statista reports that the number of people smoking decreases all the time, so older adults are being told to get with the times and give up cigarettes too.

Drinking Too Much

Photo Credit: Tirachard Kumtanom/Shutterstock

Excessive alcohol consumption is dangerous to people of any age, but particularly older adults. It has a likelihood of exacerbating health issues like high blood pressure and liver problems, so it’s common for people to tell those aged 60+ to cut down for their health.

Excessive Caffeine Intake

Photo Credit: Leszek Glasner/Shutterstock

Another substance that needs to be cut down on for those aged 60+ is caffeine. At this age, there’s a higher risk that it can make things like insomnia and anxiety worse. And it can even lead to heart problems as a result of increased blood pressure.

Eating Too Much Sugar

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Sugar is far more likely to cause weight gain and even type 2 diabetes in older adults. It can also affect dental health, which is very important to maintain as people get older. That’s why those in their 60s are advised to eat more fruit, nuts, and whole grains.

Adding Salt to All Food

Photo Credit: Geber86/Shutterstock

The NHS tells us that excessive salt is particularly bad for older adults as it can cause high blood pressure, which, in turn, can lead to strokes and heart attacks. Of course, these things are more dangerous for older adults too, so it’s no wonder they get told to cut down on the salt.

Risky Physical Activities

Photo Credit: Vaillery/Shutterstock

As the body ages, the risk of injury from high-impact sports increases. Therefore, it’s not a surprise that people will tell people in their 60s to slow down a little if they’re working too hard with risky physical activities. Heavy lifting and extreme sports are probably off the cards.

Using Tanning Beds

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Exposure to too much UV increases the risk of skin cancer, which is particularly risky for those in their 60s. It also accelerates aging of the skin, which isn’t going to be ideal for older people either. Instead of tanning beds, older people should probably focus on sunscreen!

Late Nights

Photo Credit: Lysenko Andrii/Shutterstock

Too many late nights aren’t going to be as easy to handle for people as they age. It’s more and more important to get regular and restorative sleep when you get into your 60s, so getting an early night from time to time is probably for the best.


Photo Credit: Busra Ispir/Shutterstock

The U.S. isn’t great for people when it comes to dishing out a lot of pills, so it’s all the more important for people 60+ in the country to be in control of how much medicine they take. Polypharmacy is highly dangerous when managing health issues.

Risky Investments

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

As people grow older, they’ll naturally be thinking of ways that they can retire healthily and leave behind some funds for their children, etc. One common means for doing this is to invest in risky ways, but it’s best to avoid doing this as you may lose it all.

Neglecting Driving Skills

Photo Credit: Ruslan Huzau/Shutterstock

Statistics from Bankrate show that senior citizens are more likely to be involved in car accidents than younger drivers as their reaction speeds slow down. They’re also more likely to be severely hurt at older ages, not to mention to put other drivers at risk.

Ignoring Dietary Needs

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Nutritional needs change with age, as people will typically start requiring more focus on vitamins and minerals. It’s dangerous to ignore this, as it is to ignore how much hydration is required. It’s not as easy to get away with an unhealthy diet or a lack of water as you age.

Overusing Screens

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Earlier on, we mentioned how a lack of sleep can cause health problems for people as they age, and another thing that can lead to this is too much screen time. As well as sleep disruption, excessive screen time can cause strain on the eyes.

Neglecting Our Hearing

Photo Credit: Motortion Films/Shutterstock

People in their 60s are encouraged to be wary about going to too many loud concerts without earplugs and to get regular hearing tests to ensure that their ears are performing as they should. If things get bad, hearing aids are available and can improve quality of life.

Staying on Our Own

Photo Credit: adriaticfoto/Shutterstock

Apparently, one in three older people feels lonely, and the World Health Organization says that this can have serious impacts on their mental and physical health. Of course, it’s easier said than done to not be lonely, but people aged 60 and older are encouraged to get out and socialize.

Ignoring the Concept of Mindfulness

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Mindfulness can improve mental health and overall well-being so it’s a great idea for people in their 60s to get involved with it and not ignore their mental health. A few great techniques are meditation, guided imagery, and breathing exercises, each of which can enhance emotional resilience and reduce anxiety.

Neglecting Our Health Checks

Photo Credit: Halfpoint/Shutterstock

As we know, the older you get, the more at risk of poor health you are. So, in your 60s, it’s very important not to neglect the idea of getting a health check, as this is something that should be carried out pretty regularly.

Disregarding Legal and Financial Documents

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It can be hard to keep on top of all the paperwork that seems to appear as you age, but it’s very important not to neglect it. Legal and financial documents will be important later in life, especially when it comes to death, as there are a ton of things to consider with regard to wills, etc.

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Photo Credit: Bonsales/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Francisco G. Mendizabal/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock

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