18 Behaviors That Probably Annoy Everyone Around You

We all have our habits, but we might not realize that sometimes, they annoy other people. It’s far easier to see them in other people than yourself, so if you think you’re perfect, consider the following 18 annoying behaviors, and avoid them if they’re familiar!

Biting Your Nails

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Many people bite their nails, but it isn’t a good habit. Not only is it unhygienic because your nails are twice as dirty as your fingers, but it annoys everyone around you. The sound and sight of nail chewing are often nauseating, and people who do it seem stressed.

Putting Your Phone On Speaker

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Talking on the phone in public is a normal habit, but people who take calls on speakerphone will typically get dirty looks. It’s obnoxious to involve everyone around you in your conversation, and there’s usually no reason to do it. If you absolutely must use the speakerphone, wait until you’re alone.

Smacking Your Lips

Photo Credit: Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock

You probably don’t realize you’re doing it, but smacking your lips when eating and drinking is an infuriating habit. In fact, Medical News Today claims that it can be unbearable for some people due to misophonia, a strong adverse reaction to such sounds.

Interrupting Them

Photo Credit: Pressmaster/Shutterstock

Does it frustrate you when people interrupt you? Probably, so take notice of how you communicate with others because you might be guilty of the same thing. You might not interrupt on purpose, but that doesn’t make it any less irritating. Constantly interrupting people will put them off talking to you.

Cracking Your Knuckles

Photo Credit: siam.pukkato/Shutterstock

Knuckle cracking is another common habit people don’t realize infuriates those around them. It’s usually loud and goes on for a while as you work through each knuckle, distracting others. Some people consider it rude to do in public, especially in formal settings like work meetings.


Photo Credit: Motortion Films/Shutterstock

People who talk loudly can be overwhelming but try not to do the opposite, either. When you mumble, you make it difficult for people to understand what you’re saying. If they have to ask for clarification repeatedly and still don’t know what you’re saying, they’ll question your confidence and communication skills.

Wearing Overpowering Scents

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Overpowering fragrances, even pleasant ones, are a common cause of headaches, so it’s important to avoid wearing too much perfume or cologne. You might think using scents is a sign of good hygiene, but if they’re too overpowering, it’s just as annoying as having bad body odor.

Talking or Texting Through Movies

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Movie theaters should be distraction-free zones where people go to enjoy new movies, so you’ll annoy everyone in the room if you bother them. Advanced Etiquette cites using your phone and talking through the movie as major pet peeves, and they’re easily avoided; just turn your phone off!

Singing Obnoxiously

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

There are times when it’s expected to sing in public, such as at a concert or a karaoke bar, but people who sing obnoxiously for no reason quickly annoy everybody nearby. Some people find it an attention-seeking behavior; others just find it peculiar. Always read the room before loudly bursting into song.

Constantly Clearing Your Throat

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We all need to clear our throats sometimes, but hearing somebody do it every two minutes is maddening. Don’t do it unnecessarily, and when you do, distance yourself from others to avoid being rude. Otherwise, you’ll just disrupt the atmosphere and annoy people.

Putting Your Bags On Seats

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Everyone deserves to sit down on public transport, so it’s incredibly selfish to put your bags on the seat next to you. This ignorant behavior forces others to ask you to move your things and risk confrontation or remain standing. Putting your bags by your feet erases the entire issue.

Filming in Public

Photo Credit: fornStudio/Shutterstock

One frustrating effect of social media is that it’s now common to see people filming videos in public places. Nobody should expect privacy out in public, but Mashable questions the ethics of filming strangers without their consent, which has been normalized. Don’t be surprised if your videos annoy or upset others.

Tapping On Things

Photo Credit: engagestock/Shutterstock

Tapping your fingers on a desk or your feet on the floor are everyday habits people do without realizing, but they’re very annoying. There’s nothing worse than constant noise when you’re trying to concentrate, even if it is just tapping, so try to catch yourself before you start fidgeting.

Picking At Your Teeth

Photo Credit: Caftor/Shutterstock

Picking your teeth in public is a disgusting habit, especially in restaurants, yet many people do it. Nobody wants to see somebody picking at their teeth with a toothpick or their fingers, so do it privately in the bathroom if you must. Showing a lack of basic etiquette in public will always annoy others.

Loudly Blowing Your Nose

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Loudly blowing your nose is the same as clearing your throat: sometimes, it must be done, but it’s polite to try and do it away from others. People might be wary that you’re ill otherwise, or they might just find it gross. Loud nose-blowing can also seem obnoxious and over-the-top.

Scratching Your Dry Skin

Photo Credit: Oporty786/Shutterstock

Scratching or picking at your dry skin is absolutely something you should save for when you’re at home. Nobody wants to see dead skin flakes falling onto things, and they’ll question your hygiene and social awareness. Listening to constant dry scratching is also annoying, so kick this habit ASAP.

Saying ‘Like’ In Every Sentence

Photo Credit: GaudiLab/Shutterstock

Despite how common it is, saying ‘like’ multiple times in a sentence often grates on other people. Forbes identifies that ‘like’ has become a placeholder word, used clumsily and lacking authority. Plenty of people find it annoying to hear in conversation constantly, and you might undermine yourself by saying it, too.

Blocking Paths

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Finally, don’t be that person who walks too slowly and blocks paths. Being a slow walker isn’t inherently bad, but others might become annoyed if you’re slowing them down. Thankfully, the solution is simple: just walk to the side to allow faster people to carry on. Keeping the peace with strangers is all about self-awareness.

Up Next: 17 Behaviors That Make People Think Less of You

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: Lestertair/Shutterstock

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