18 Behaviors That Are Universally Irritating

We all have unique pet peeves that really get on our nerves, but some are particularly common–you may ever do them yourself! These 18 universally irritating behaviors are guaranteed to grind people’s gears and are things you definitely want to be aware of.

Interrupting people

Photo Credit: Pressmaster/Shutterstock

Interrupting someone mid-conversation is just not cool. It’s incredibly rude to cut someone off in the middle of a sentence, and it’s one of the most common pet peeves. If it happens to you, there is no doubt that you’ll find it disrespectful, so make sure you’re not doing it to others.

Using your phone while talking to someone

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These days, our phones are an extension of us, and we get so engrossed in them that we forget about genuine human connection. It’s hard to have a conversation with someone who is paying more attention to their phone than you, and it comes across as though they just aren’t interested.

Avoiding eye contact

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Eye contact is a huge element of communication, and avoiding it comes across as insincere. Michigan State University says that reciprocal eye contact shows you are engaged in the dialogue; when someone is looking elsewhere during a chat, it feels like they’re not paying attention.


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We should all share our achievements, but there is a fine line between celebrating and bragging. When you brag, you typically come across as attention-seeking and trying to impress people by bigging yourself up. Highlight your victories, but always remain humble. People roll their eyes when you brag.

Walking slow

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Everyone has been irritated when trying to get somewhere in a rush, and the person in front is walking extremely slowly. This is particularly prevalent in fast-paced cities, but slow walkers are all around us. You’ll annoy fewer people if you keep out of the way.

Not standing to one side of an escalator

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Just like walking, escalators are like traffic, and there is a side you should keep to. Most escalators have a standing side and a side for people to walk up to, but so many people stand on the wrong side! This holds up the people trying to get past and is extremely irritating.

Not holding the door

Photo Credit: SeventyFour/Shutterstock

It’s so frustrating when the people in front don’t hold the door for you; holding the door is a basic manner of showing respect! Too many people have forgotten this classic rule of etiquette, although it’s also irritating having to rush when someone is holding the door open. You just can’t win!

Constant tapping

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When someone keeps tapping their foot or tapping a pen on a table, the atmosphere quickly becomes infuriating. Tapping is a type of fidgeting that Healthline claims displays discomfort or restlessness; people commonly tap when they are anxious, even though it’s extremely irritating to others.

Putting empty packaging back

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It’s universally acknowledged that once you have finished something, you should put the empty packaging in the trash. However, it’s surprisingly common to encounter empty packaging that’s been put back in the pantry or refrigerator. It’s so minor but so infuriating; just why?!

Talking at the movies

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People go to the movies to watch the latest blockbuster, not to hear the commentary and conversations of other moviegoers. It’s unbelievably selfish and super annoying to be fully invested in a plotline only for the people around you to be chattering away. Just turn it off!

Not replacing the toilet paper

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Can’t we all agree that it’s common courtesy to replace the toilet paper if you’re the one who has used the last roll!? It’s so frustrating when people don’t do this, realizing you’re out when you need it most. It’s one of those two-second jobs that is so quick, but people are too lazy.

Treating the gym as a social event

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Sure, it’s comforting to have someone with you at the gym, but the gym is a space for working out, not for social occasions. One of the biggest irritants in the gym is people hogging machines while they’re just chatting with friends and not actually exercising.

Playing music out loud

Photo Credit: Light-Studio/Shutterstock

Headphones were invented for a reason, but some people seem to forget they exist. As banging as your playlist may be, not everyone wants to hear it. Playing your music out loud, or so loud through your headphones that everyone can hear it, is a huge social faux pas.

Chewing with your mouth open

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Etiquette while eating is taught to us as children, so it’s pretty annoying when adults chew with their mouths open. No one wants to see it, and it really gets on people’s nerves; in fact, Harvard Health shares that some people have a phobia known as misophonia, which can trigger a fight-or-flight response.

Making everything about you

Photo Credit: Nicoleta Ionescu/Shutterstock

Not everything needs to be about you, but some self-centered people seem to think it is. Those people who can always turn the focus of a conversation back to themselves are extremely irritating. Relationships are give-and-take, so it’s super annoying to people when the relationships are one-sided.

Skipping the line

Photo Credit: bbernard/Shutterstock

Waiting in line is basic social etiquette, so there is nothing more infuriating than someone trying to cut the line. Queuing is a common courtesy so that we know who is next, but some people forget these basic manners and try to skip ahead. It’s so audacious!

Constant lateness

Photo Credit: ESB Professional/Shutterstock

Poor timekeeping is universally irritating to the other parties you leave waiting. It tells them that you lack organizational skills and don’t really respect their time, which is the most precious resource we have in life! Try to be on time more often; the people around you will thank you!

Vague social media statuses

Photo Credit: SFIO CRACHO/Shutterstock

Finally, we all roll our eyes at the people who post a cryptic post on social media, and when someone comments, the response is, ‘Message me, bae.’ Happiful Magazine calls this ‘vaguebooking’ and says that it’s essentially an attempt to get attention. It’s super annoying!

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