19 Behaviors of Someone Who Really Cares About You

When someone truly cares about you, their actions and behaviors often speak volumes about their feelings. They may not always verbally express how they feel, but sometimes actions speak louder than words. In this article, we’re sharing 19 of the different ways someone who really cares about you will behave.

They Listen Attentively

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Is there someone in your life who actively engages in conversations with you without any distractions? Do they show interest by asking you follow-up questions, and do they always remember little details from previous discussions you’ve had? If you answered yes to these questions, you’ve got yourself a person who truly cares for you.

They Support Your Goals

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Someone who genuinely cares for you will also always encourage your pursuits, hopes, and dreams. This doesn’t just mean verbal support, either. They’ll likely offer help or resources so that you can achieve your objectives, and when you do, they’ll celebrate your success with genuine happiness!

They Show Empathy

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As shared by Psych Central, “​​Empathy is the capacity to understand and truly get someone’s feelings and the situations associated with those feelings.” So, if someone tries to understand and feel your emotions, provides comfort during tough times, and shares in your joy as well as your struggles—they really care about you.

They Make Time for You

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A person who prioritizes spending time with you, in spite of having a busy schedule, has real feelings for you. You’ll also be able to tell because they’ll make an effort to connect with you regularly, whether in person or digitally and won’t be at all distracted during your time together.

They Respect Your Boundaries

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Anyone who cares about you will acknowledge and honor your limits and need for personal space. They won’t pressure you to change what you’re comfortable with, but instead will check in with you about your needs and whether you feel comfortable. This type of person will be incredibly understanding about all of your boundaries.

They Communicate Openly

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When people truly care for others, they’ll feel comfortable enough to discuss their thoughts and feelings openly. They’ll be honest, even when the truth is hard, and they’ll be willing to engage in difficult conversations to resolve issues. On the flip side, someone who refuses to communicate may not be as caring as they let on.

They Are Reliable

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Reliability and trust are key to any strong relationship. According to VeryWell Mind, “Establishing trust creates a strong bond and foundation to build on.” If you have someone who keeps their promises, follows through on commitments, and also shows consistency in their words and actions, you know they genuinely care about you.

They Remember Details

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There’s really no clearer way to see that someone cares about you than when they pay attention to the small things that matter to you. This may come in the form of remembering important dates, preferences, and anecdotes you’ve shared with them. If they then use this knowledge to make you feel valued and happy—you’ve got a winner.

They Offer Help Without Being Asked

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Sometimes, it really is the little things that stand out. A person who steps in to assist you with tasks or challenges when you haven’t even asked clearly cares about you. They may also be able to anticipate your needs based on past interactions, making your life easier without wanting anything in return.

They Accept You As You Are

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A person who genuinely cares for you won’t ever try to change you. Instead, they’ll embrace all aspects of your personality, lifestyle, and appearance—liking you for exactly who you are, flaws and all. With that said, don’t ever try to change yourself to fit someone else’s ideal.

They Are Present

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“Being present in the moment and giving someone your full attention is an expression of respect, empathy, and genuine care,” as per Kent on LinkedIn. A person who stays focused on you when you’re together and engages fully in activities and conversations really does care about you.

They Apologize and Forgive

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Some people are too stubborn to apologize for their mistakes or will hold grudges against yours, but not someone who truly cares for you. This type of person will instead willingly say sorry when they’re wrong and try to make amends. They’ll forgive your mistakes and view conflicts as opportunities to improve the relationship.

They Encourage Your Independence

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Another thing that someone who really cares about you will do is encourage you to be independent, which means supporting all of your individual endeavors and cheering on your achievements. They’ll feel secure rather than threatened by you moving on up in the world alone!

They Actively Make You Feel Secure

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Providing reassurance and security in a relationship, whether it’s a friendship, professional, or romantic, is a key indicator that a person cares for you. They’ll communicate their commitment and future plans to make you feel safe and will try to build a foundation of trust through consistent actions.

They Make Sacrifices for You

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BetterHelp says, “Sacrifice can develop a sense of trust, intimacy, and respect.” It also shows how deeply a person cares about you. Anyone who puts your needs ahead of their own when necessary or adjusts their plans (and compromises) to benefit you definitely feels strongly for you.

They Share Their Own Vulnerabilities

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Does someone close to you open up about their fears and weaknesses? Do they trust you with their personal thoughts and the challenges they’re facing? And do they seem to seek comfort and advice from you, showing mutual trust? This is another somewhat surprising indicator that they care about you.

They Stand Up for You

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A pretty clear sign that someone cares is if they’re willing and outspoken about defending you against criticism or harm from others. They’ll support you in conflicts, even if it’s challenging for them, and they’ll show you loyalty and protection in social settings. This is a big honor!

They Celebrate Your Successes

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Of course, someone who celebrates your successes with you as if they’re their own also genuinely cares about you. You’ll be able to spot this because they’ll actively celebrate your achievements, both big and small, and they’ll be super proud of your progress, maybe even telling others about it.

They Notice the Little Things

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It’s easy to take notice of the big things in life, but someone who observes small changes in your mood, appearance, or behavior and responds to them definitely cares about you a lot. They’ll be able to catch subtle changes in an instant and show their thoughtfulness through small, meaningful gestures.

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Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

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