19 ‘Bad’ American Foods Nobody Really Wants to Eat

America’s known for its culinary creativity, but not every dish is a winner. Some concoctions have earned a reputation for being downright bizarre or just plain unappetizing. Let’s explore 19 American foods that might leave you wondering, “Who actually eats this stuff?”

Spray Cheese

Photo Credit: melissamn/Shutterstock

It’s a bit of a long stretch to name these products ‘cheese,’ but go to any local supermarket and you’ll see rows of this rather questionable product. Health Digest maintains that “canned and sprayed cheese contain preservatives and other chemicals that are not found in naturally processed cheeses,” making us wonder why it’s even called cheese in the first place.


Photo Credit: calimedia/Shutterstock

Many find its gelatinous texture and salty, processed flavor unappetizing. It’s high in sodium, fat, and preservatives, making it a less-than-healthy choice. While it gained popularity during wartime due to its long shelf life, today it has no place on the shelves, evoking images of mystery meat ingredients and questionable culinary choices.

Sloppy Joe

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The consumption of sloppy joes is on the decline; once popular throughout school canteens, they are no longer the go-to lunchtime preference for parents. Mashed indicates that “the name itself subconsciously turns people off.” While they are not hard to throw together, it might be harder for them to make a comeback.

Snow Cones

Photo Credit: Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

It may seem like a refreshing treat on a hot summer day, but for many, it’s a disappointing dessert. The icy texture quickly melts into a sugary puddle, leaving a sticky mess and a fleeting burst of artificial flavor. The lack of nutritional value and the potential for brain freeze can further dampen the appeal, leaving soggy snow cones as a distant childhood memory.

Deep-fried Butter

Photo Credit: Nataliya Arzamasova/Shutterstock

It sounds unnecessary; it is unnecessary! Often found at state fairs and carnivals, it’s a novelty food that many find repulsive. The concept of battering and deep-frying a stick of butter is a testament to American excess, but the reality is a greasy, artery-clogging concoction. The crispy exterior gives way to a molten pool of butter, delivering a heart-stopping dose of fat and calories in one bite.

Root Beer

Photo Credit: Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

While some enjoy its overly sweet flavor with hints of wintergreen and vanilla, others find it off-putting. Its unique taste, often described as medicinal or reminiscent of cough syrup, can be an acquired taste that not everyone appreciates. Additionally, the high sugar content and artificial flavors in many commercial root beers can be a turn-off for those seeking healthier beverage options.


Photo Credit: calimedia/Shutterstock

Maybe most popular for its nostalgic appeal, but to others, the sweet, artificial, and overprocessed flavor is unappetizing. With their lengthy list of ingredients, many of which are unfamiliar and artificial, their nutritional value is more than questionable. Time Magazine attributes their popularity to people’s childhood associations, which give Twinkies an “inextricable place in American culture,” regardless of taste.

Biscuits and Gravy

Photo Credit: Charles Brutlag/Shutterstock

A southern breakfast staple combining doughy biscuits smothered in a thick gravy made from sausage drippings and flour can be too heavy and rich for some. The gravy’s often bland flavor and pasty texture can be unappetizing, and the dish’s high fat and calorie content can be a turnoff for health-conscious eaters. For some, biscuits and gravy are a nostalgic comfort food, while others find them a greasy, unappetizing mess.

Hawaiian Pizza

Photo Credit: El Nariz/Shutterstock

Add pineapple to an Italian’s pizza, and he might feel obliged to slap you in the face. It might be one of the worst contributions to the world of pizza and almost certainly the biggest insult to Italian cuisine. While America has invented some tasty pizza combos, the Huffington Post warns against ordering a Hawaiian in Italy, as “you’ll be greeted with a look of sheer horror.”

Donut Burger Buns

Photo Credit: Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

Donut burger buns might seem like a fun twist on a classic, but for many, they’re a culinary abomination. The sweetness of the glazed donut clashes with the savory burger patty and toppings, creating a confusing and often overwhelming flavor profile. For many, the sheer thought of this dish is enough to induce nausea, making it a novelty best left untried.

Midwestern Fruit Salad

Photo Credit: Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

We’re not sure who was the first person to put fruit cocktail, marshmallows, shredded coconut, and mayonnaise together, but they have some explaining to do. The texture, a mix of soft, chewy, and crunchy, can be off-putting, to say the least. While some enjoy the nostalgic aspect of this dish, others find it a gooey, sugary mess that’s better left in the past.

American Chocolate

Photo Credit: Thanida Siritan/Shutterstock

While it might seem controversial, if you have ever been to Europe, you probably realized that what you once thought was awesome… was not quite so. American chocolate seems to wither in the shadow of European chocolate standards. BuzzFeed suggests the “difference in chocolate quality might come from its use of butyric acid,” making it last longer, but potentially taste worse.

Marshmallow Sweet Potatoes

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The sweet potatoes themselves are generally well-liked and are a nutritionally complex carbohydrate. But the addition of marshmallows is unnecessary, even for a novelty Thanksgiving dinner. The gooey, sugary topping can be overly saccharine, and the texture, a mix of soft potatoes and sticky marshmallows, is just plain odd. A recipe created by a marshmallow producer—say no more.

Jell-O Salad

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

What on earth is the reason for not just eating Jell-O or a salad; why should they ever be infused together to form one dish? The jiggly, wobbly consistency and the mix of sweet and savory flavors are not America’s finest creation. It probably only still exists for its nostalgic appeal, but the artificial colors and unappetizing flavors just don’t make it worth the sacrifice.

Miracle Whip

Photo Credit: Alexander Prokopenko/Shutterstock

Miracle Whip is often mistaken for mayonnaise by people without any taste buds whatsoever. It has a tangy, sweet, and slightly spicy flavor, which can be a total turn-off for those accustomed to the more neutral taste of mayonnaise. With an artificial, overly smooth texture and high sugar content, it is a controversial condiment that divides American palates and plates.

Candy Corn

Photo Credit: 5 second Studio/Shutterstock

The tri-colored, waxy confection associated with Halloween has a sugary and vaguely corn-like flavor, making it maybe more suitable for the “trick” than the “treat” for Halloween. Some even compare its taste to sugary candle wax or hardened frosting. While a few die-hard fans defend its nostalgic charm, most agree that candy corn is not something they would ever crave.

Garbage Plates

Photo Credit: Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

Quite a well-suited name that reflects exactly what you are about to eat, although they could also be renamed “cholesterol plates.” With your choice of meat, home fries, and macaroni salad all together, it makes one heavy meal with very little nutrition inside. Do yourself a favor and don’t eat from the trash!


Photo Credit: Bjoern Wylezich/Shutterstock

This loaf of pork scraps, cornmeal, and spices can be described as a testament to resourceful cooking practices of the past, with no place in the present. While some find its savory, peppery flavor and crispy-fried texture oddly satisfying, others liken it to a meatloaf-pancake hybrid gone wrong. If you haven’t experienced the culinary adventure that is scrapple, you might just be dodging a bullet.

American Bread

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A common conundrum amongst American consumers is why the quality of bread is so bad. We are not talking about artisanal bakers but rather the mass-produced white bread found in most American supermarkets. It is generally lacking in substance and flavor, with a high sugar content and little nutritional value. Plus, the excessive use of preservatives and additives to extend shelf life is starting to put a lot of shoppers off.

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Photo Credit: Francisco G. Mendizabal/Shutterstock

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